Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 79 Plane Hunting War! Top feast!

Old Chen, I can help you cut off the beards of the people that old guy Sun Yu likes in advance. You should at least treat me to a meal after you go back.

Principal Li laughed.

No problem, I'll be the host when we get back. We'll eat all the best restaurants in the ancient city.

Chen Chenchen completed the task and patted Principal Li Bowen on the shoulder very grandly and said happily.

You really did me a big favor this time.

Seeing these two cunning and cunning people working together, Lin Hua always felt that he had been cheated.

This is your identity card. You can use this to freely enter the military area. We only recognize the card here, not the person.

Chen Chenchen recruited a soldier and handed Lin Hua a military region card representing his identity.

Not only does the military region have this identity card, it also represents Lin Hua's identity from the military region.

No matter where you are, you will be treated well.

Not long after, with the cooperation of a group of big guys from the top of the Eastern Alliance.

The upper plane that broke into the void defense line of the Eastern Alliance.

They were pushed back into the void together.

But it just forced it back into the void.

There are ninth-level species in large planes.

That is close to the power of God.

Just trying to wipe out the species in the divine territory.

That is not easy!

Even if you kill these ninth-level species, you will gain from it.

That would definitely be worth the loss.

But for Lin Hua, it is indeed very good news.

If that is a higher plane.

If it is destroyed rather than removed by the combined efforts of the Eastern Alliance.

Then what will the Zerg Queen he put in do?

It was really about farming.

After it was confirmed that Lin Hua would join the military region.

Principal Li personally escorted Andy Lau back to the ancient capital city.

Chen Chenchen turned around and went to the conference room for the meeting.

Invasions of this large plane are actually very rare.

The top leaders of the Eastern Alliance must attach great importance to this, under the flight of the aerospace vehicle.

Lin Hua and Principal Li returned to the ancient capital city.

The float vehicle stopped in front of Lin Hua's villa.

There's something I need to tell you, this classmate Lin Hua! I signed up for you for next year's Plane Hunting Competition.

Work hard, I believe you will not embarrass us by being alone.

After leaving, Principal Li patted Lin Hua on the shoulder and said.


Why did Principal Li sign up for such a weird competition behind his back?

But Lin Hua naturally did not refuse.

This face-hunting battle?

This was not the first time that Lin Hua had heard of this competition and the joint examination of the ten schools in the ancient city.

In fact, there are some differences.

The plane hunting war takes place in a super giant special plane.

If the divine species participating in the hunting battle dies during the battle.

That is true death!

Therefore, the Plane Hunting War is only open to senior middle school students across the country.

That is, students in the second and third grades of high school.

By then, almost all the talented young people in the entire Eastern Alliance will join this hunting battle.

Even Liu Yangyi, the number one genius in the ancient city back then, only achieved ninth place in the plane hunting battle.

It is enough to see the gold content in this, if the joint examination of ten schools brings together the strongest generation of young people in the ancient city.

Then the plane hunting war is equivalent to gathering the talented young people from the entire Eastern Alliance.

Some special powerful species will also appear in plane hunting battles.

According to Principal Li, it looks like a phoenix or a blue bird.

The species at the top of these pyramids will also be assigned to the field.

That is what brings together the top resources and power of the entire Eastern Alliance.

Compared with the plane hunting war, after all, the joint examination of the ten schools in the ancient city is only a municipal unit, which is still relatively small.

If you can get a good ranking in the plane hunting battle.

He could even be directly spotted by the top brass of the Eastern League.

That is, the group of high-level gods who came to repel the giant plane in the void today.

Back then, Liu Yangyi only finished ninth in the Plane Hunting Battle.

He was immediately noticed by a higher god.

Saw hope for the future.

Naturally, it has received key training from the highest level of the Eastern League.

After decades of hard work, he has become a high-level intermediate god, and the benefits are naturally self-evident.

After Principal Li left, Lin Hua returned to the villa, sat on the sofa and opened the system's properties panel.

Ding: Zerg evolution points +12.

Ding: The Zerg have mutated a new springtail.

Ding: Zerg evolution points +48.

Although the constant scroll bar slides the column of evolution points and the number of Zerg on the attribute panel.

The number is constantly changing, and the Zerg Queen released on the giant plane has begun to take effect.

Although he cannot directly command the Zerg army and Zerg Queen outside his own divine territory.

However, Lin Hua can still detect their movements through the data changes on the system attribute table.

The next thing to do is wait.

As time goes by, two months pass by in a blink of an eye.

After the college entrance examination, Lin Hua naturally changed with the passage of time.

Unlike ordinary classes, elite classes do not need to be reassigned from high school freshman to high school sophomores.

Therefore, teachers and students were still the same, but Lin Hua did not feel much change.

On this day, Lin Hua opened the system, and a brand new property panel appeared in front of him.

[Plane 1]: Devouring progress 1%

[Number of Zerg]: three second-level Zerg queens, two third-order Zerg queens, three thousand springtails, and five hundred explosive bugs.

[Faith of God]: About 1.8 million.

[Plane 2]: Devouring progress 1%

[Number of Zerg]: five second-order Zerg queens, one third-order Zerg queen, two thousand springtails, and fifty cockroaches.

[Faith of God]: About 200,000.

These two panels are actually new and existing panels that appeared some time ago.

It can well monitor the Zerg Queen's invasion of other planes.

The progress of the invasion is equivalent to the progress of the Zerg army devouring the entire world.

At present, it is only 1%. When it reaches 100%, it is equivalent to the Zerg completely occupying this space.

Of course, the Zerg army is not invincible and is likely to be annihilated by local native species.

Although this possibility is not high, the name Plane One and Plane Two was given by Lin Hua.

Naturally, it is for convenience of management and memory.

Plane No. 1 was the original invasion of the Eastern Alliance.

The superior plane of the void defense line.

The second plane is the mysterious man who invaded Lin Hua's divine territory last time.

Although Plane One is a large plane, there are many high-level creatures.

However, there is currently no deity controlling it;

Those protist organisms are actually not very targeted. As long as they don’t step into their territory,

Zerg armies are generally not targeted.

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