Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 53 Li Yingying? Just my driver

Soon, more than a month passed.

In this more than a month.

Lin Hua went to the Plane War Museum in the school to plunder...

No! It is to improve yourself.

The Zerg army has destroyed countless lower planes.

Devoured more than 13 million evolutionary points.

But it's a pity that no mutated genes were swallowed up.

After the overall strength of the Zerg army reaches the third level, it seems that the lower-level species will no longer provide any valuable mutant genes.

As for the middle plane, Lin Hua has no plans to go there for the time being.

With my current strength, it would be too uncontrollable to challenge the middle plane.

As for the last time, Lin Hua was completely lucky until then.

Lin Hua will not regard one victory as eternity.

Doing this would only destroy yourself, if not for the fact that the last time you encountered a battlefield was a relic that could be picked up.

Then Lin Hua may face a sixth-level frost dragon.

During this period, the Zerg Queen was also very powerful and once again laid 80,000 eggs.

Lin Hua spent eight million evolution points to turn them all into springtails.

By the way, another million evolution points were spent to promote the third-level insect mother to a fourth-level species.

In the current God's Domain, the number of springtails has reached 100,000.

But this is not enough. Lin Hua knows that the advantage of the Zerg army is entirely in numbers.

Lin Hua thought that the future Zerg army would have to be at least 100 million to be worthy of the title of Zerg army.

But these are of course things for the future.

This morning, Lin Hua got up early.

The familiar sandwich with milk.

In fact, now Lin Hua no longer needs to eat and lives entirely by absorbing energy from the outside world.

But as someone who had eaten for more than ten years in his previous life, this has become a habit and is difficult to change.

Notice from the Villa Butler: You have a new visitor waiting outside the door.

The villa's beep sounded slowly.

Lin Hua opened the door of the villa.

Li Yingying was wearing a white dress, waiting for Lin Hua with a smile.

Her long black hair was draped casually in front of her shoulders, and her delicate face looked particularly beautiful under the sunlight.

Behind her, there was a black floating car parked.

Since the last time Li Tianyi came to visit Lin Hua, he was surprised that Lin Hua's strength had grown faster than he expected.

By the way, he gave Lin Hua 10 million God's Faith.

Then Li Yingying left another letter, but Lin Hua didn't see it.

Li Yingying was so embarrassed that she waited for a whole day in the high-end restaurant.

From that day on, Li Yingying used a floating car to pick Lin Hua up from school every day.

at first.

Lin Hua was still a little resistant in his heart.

Anyway, after becoming an intermediate lower god, it only takes ten minutes to walk to school.

There was no need for a car at all, and on the first day Li Yingying looked like she was going to kill herself.

Lin Hua is still a little scared when he recalls it now.

Those who didn’t know better thought they would die with him.

However, after a few attempts.

Beautiful women are given away in luxury cars.

This fucking smells so good!

Life should be so colorful,

Although the people living on the planet of gods are basically a clan of gods.

But this does not mean that they do not have emotions and desires.

On the contrary, as a god, the seven emotions and six desires are richer than that of ordinary people.

Higher sensitivity.

After all, the structure and desires of gods are actually similar to humans.

It's just that the existence of gods is in a higher dimension than humans.

The ten-school joint entrance examination will be held in a few days. How are you preparing?

Li Yingying asked with a little joy on her face when she saw Lin Hua coming out of the villa.

It's not bad, I'm sure I won't work as hard as a rich woman like you!

Lin Hua nodded, and Li Yingying said jokingly.

This time, Principal Li Bowen had completely prepared himself for the ten-school joint entrance examination.

That is where all the first to third grade students from the top ten middle schools in Ancient City will participate.

As a freshman in high school, Lin Hua still has the confidence to sweep everything.

But Lin Hua didn't know much about the combat effectiveness of those high school seniors.

I heard that there are already middle-level students in the elite class of the senior year of high school.

A mid-level god is something that can use theocratic functions in the divine realm.

And in the battle, you can control the elemental power in the divine domain.

It is naturally not easy to deal with.


Lin Hua is also very confident.

As the saying goes, when soldiers come, the water will be blocked and the earth will cover it.

No matter how powerful you are, Lin Hua will choose to touch you first.

At least now Lin Hua is sure that even those mid-level gods can win against him.

You also have to shed a layer of skin first.

Lin Hua and Li Yingying were already on the floating car.

The divine engine started and the car slowly lifted into the air.

The floating car is driverless and can navigate to it by itself just by setting the destination.

It can be said to be very advanced and convenient.

The aerial vehicle shuttles rapidly through the air at a height of 100 meters.

High-rise buildings passed quickly before our eyes.

At this speed, we can reach the school in a minute or two.

Just when Lin Hua was immersed in his own thoughts.

A violent shaking brought him back to his senses immediately.

Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the floating car to shake violently.

How is this going?

Lin Hua asked.

It's an extraterrestrial demon!

Li Yingying's pretty face turned pale, and she hurriedly lowered the flying height of the aerial vehicle.

Extraterrestrial demons.

Lin Hua had seen this word in school textbooks.

This is the greatest enemy of the gods.

Parading the endless void, occasionally breaking the mighty outer barriers of the god's planet.

The extraterrestrial demons are so powerful that they can kill even gods.

Moreover, extraterrestrial demons do not have a fixed form and often gain their appearance and power by devouring their enemies.

Therefore, extraterrestrial demons are generally very twisted and ugly.

The float vehicle quickly descends to the landmark.

Lin Hua saw through the skylight.

In the sky, a huge hole was torn open by a terrifying force.

Endless void turbulence rages outside the crack.

A huge whale thousands of meters long... to be precise, it was an extraterrestrial demon with the appearance of a whale that broke into the god's planet through the cracks.


A huge sense of oppression filled the sky over the entire ancient city.

On the floating island, the colorful divine light shook violently.

The next second, dozens of streams of light rose into the sky, and the mighty divine power sealed off the whale-shaped extraterrestrial demon group.

The demon from outside the territory invaded, and all the middle gods in the ancient city were dispatched.

Li Yingying looked at the sky uneasily.

Because his father is among them.

Lin Hua also looked into the sky at this time. Unlike Li Yingying, this was the first time he had witnessed the invasion of demons.

This scene is really spectacular.

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