Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 5 Shocked the whole class! Killing species

Liu Tian's escape did not attract Lin Hua too much attention.

He was now focused entirely on the prize.

By devouring the cheetah, the Zerg army actually gained 3,000 evolution points and a whirlwind speed mutation gene.

Lin Hua planned to use these three thousand evolutionary points to cultivate a batch of cockroaches.

It only takes one evolution point to raise a springtail, while ten evolution points are needed to raise a cockroach.

Now that springtails are so powerful, it stands to reason that cockroaches will only become more powerful.

This is something Lin Hua is looking forward to very much.

Lin Hua didn't say much and directly transmitted the hatching command to Lilia through his mind.

Then Lin Hua started to inquire about the system.

System, what is a genetic mutation?

Ding: Genetic mutations can change the genes of the Zerg army, allowing them to evolve and become stronger.

After the systematic introduction, Lin Hua roughly understood the meaning of genetic mutation.

In other words, defeating your opponent can add equipment to your Zerg army, thereby becoming stronger.

As a highly mobile unit, the Cheetah must be extremely fast.


Lin Hua sighed and suddenly remembered something.

yes! I still have the priesthood card given by Teacher Li Ru here.

It's just that the species drawn by this priesthood card are cuter.

How could I forget this?

Since the Zerg army can devour other species to obtain their genes.

Then this corgi can also come in handy.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua used Corgi's priesthood card.

Once the priest card was used, the surrounding environment was filled with golden light, and at the same time, three to four thousand corgis appeared on the ground.

Zerg army! Devour them.

In fact, Lin Hua still feels a little distressed. After all, everyone has a little sympathy for cute creatures.

But for the sake of his own strength, Lin Hua could only absorb them first.

Ding! Congratulations to the owner for swallowing the corgi and acquiring a new genetic mutation - strong hind legs.

[Strong hind legs]: It can increase the jumping ability of the species, allowing it to easily climb over cliffs, and at the same time, it can increase the speed of movement.

Bouncing ability!

Lin Hua was ecstatic.

Both of these genes are very suitable for the fighting style of their own Zerg.

Transfer two genes to springtails!

Lin Hua said without hesitation.

Two white lights flashed, and Lin Hua saw that ten thousand springtails had turned into cocoons again in the God's Domain.

At the same time, Queen Lilia's spawning operation was also completed.

Three hundred cockroaches will be hatched in no time.

Next, just wait and see.

Early the next morning, Lin Hua got up very early.

It was still the familiar breakfast, a sandwich, and a glass of milk. Lin Hua just took a few bites and then returned to the divine space through the divine realm transmitter.

In Lin Hua's territory.

Ten thousand springtails have already evolved, and after fusing two mutated genes, the springtails have actually been upgraded to a second-level species.

This surprised Lin Hua.

He thought he was just adding some skills, but he didn't expect that he could be upgraded to a second-level species.


[Stage]: First level

[Loyalty]: 100

[Skills]: Traveling through the fog, digging forward, wearing hard armor

[Evolution]: Cyclone speed, strong hind legs.

Of course, in addition to springtails, new species of cockroaches have also multiplied.

These cockroaches are huge, four to five times larger than springtails.

The whole body is also covered with spikes.

Their mouths can secrete acid that can corrode steel plates, and their bodies are also covered with steel spines.

[Cockroach]: Level 2

[Skills]: Strong acid attack, underground diving, self-healing

【Evolution】:None yet

[Loyalty]: 100 points

Shall I choke you? Is this still a shooter?

Lin Hua was slightly shocked. The cockroach in front of him was a long-range attack unit just like the mother insect.

These three hundred cockroaches also have 100 points of loyalty, but they can provide more faith in God than other springtails.

In the future, as the Zerg army continues to devour and evolve, the harvesting speed of God's Faith will become extremely fast.

After Lin Hua checked the changes in the divine realm, he set off to school.

Walk into a familiar classroom and wait for class.

As usual, class teacher Li Ru explained to the students how to develop their own territory, how to improve their own species strength, and finally how to improve their own level.

However, halfway through the class, a man with a big belly and a somewhat Mediterranean face vigorously pushed open the classroom door.

Clang! a sound.

The man said without giving Li Ru any face.

Li Ru! Get out of here!

This middle-aged man is Cui Xining, the dean of the first-year management school.

On weekdays, he has been sitting around bullying others.

It's just that there are people behind him, and no one dares to speak out against him.

All in all, not a good person.

Sure enough, class teacher Li Ru did not dare to raise his head to look at Cui Xining after being called out.

Cui Xining kept talking like lotus flowers.

Soon the head teacher Li Ru returned to the classroom and looked at Lin Hua with a very sad expression.

Lin Hua, did you massacre all of Liu Tian's species?

For a moment, the whole classroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

What? Mr. Liu's cheetah group was massacred by Lin Hua?

That's wrong! Isn't Lin Hua's species an insect? How could he possibly kill Mr. Liu's cheetah?

The next moment the whole classroom exploded.

Everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Faced with Li Ru's inquiry, Lin Hua acted very calmly.

He had long known that Liu Tian would not give up. He was the same person as Cui Xining.

However, when Lin Hua faced the shock of others, he still had to explain.

To be honest, your Master Liu's race was not massacred but exterminated!

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