Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 374 Happy? How can it be?

Everyone was a little suspicious.

These five people seemed to be the newly promoted pseudo-true gods.

How could they come from the endless void?

Although the strong men from the five major domains are no longer here.

But, logically speaking, the endless turbulent flow of void in the void,

There is also the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, these things are not something ordinary people can pass through.

How can we be sure that these people passed away safely?

If they had come here completely relying on their own strength.

Then they have to consider how powerful these people are.

Hoo ho ho!

All the powerful men were breathing extremely solemnly.

Some people dare not imagine how many powerful people there are in Lin Hua's planet.

Is everyone like this?

For a moment, everyone had the idea of ​​going to Lin Hua Planet.

Let's see what kind of star can cultivate so many strong men.

Come on, let me introduce to you, this is the God of the West!

Lin Hua said loudly.

What? He...

He is the God of the West!


For a time, the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance were a little confused.

But no, they were thinking about telling Lin Hua about the past of this dark god.

After all, they knew in their hearts that although Lin Hua was powerful,

But the past of these people may really be unclear.

After all, the True God of Darkness is like a time bomb,

Standing here makes them feel very uneasy.

As a result, good guy, now Lian, the Western God,

They all looked like they were directly recovered by Lin Hua.

You look at me one by one, and I look at the surprised look on your face.

It's a bit unimaginable,

How far has Lin Hua's power reached now?

If the Western God is killed, they can still accept it.

But now they have directly recovered these two people.

That means that Lin Hua is completely superior to these two people.

You must know that these two people are as powerful as the Eastern God!

That was life before endless years!

They couldn't figure out what Lin Hua had gone through.

Since you can have such powerful power.

I'm really confused.

But they also understand that since Lin Hua has been able to reach this point,

It just shows that Lin Hua has experienced too many hardships during this period.

For a moment, the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance felt a little guilty!

Strictly speaking, they are still Lin Hua's elders.

As a result, a junior is now shielding them from the wind and rain,

Instead, they need the care of a junior.

This has to be said to be a mockery.

Haha, it turns out you are the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance.

The Western God said quietly.

There was a hint of deep meaning in his eyes.

But no! These people are the same people who have been at odds with the Western Alliance that they accepted for countless years!

If it weren't for them, maybe the strong men of the Western Alliance would have rescued themselves from the seal long ago.

It can be said that he has fallen into this situation now,

It is inseparable from the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance.

Uh! What do you want to do?

The five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance looked at the Western God with alert expressions.

Although they now know that this Western God is Lin Hua's subordinate, countless years of fear and worry have all shown up this time.

They subconsciously stood in front of Lin Hua and blocked Lin Hua with their bodies, preventing the Western God from taking advantage of him.

That way shows their attitude.

Just told the Western God that he wanted to harm Lin Hua,

That means you have to step over your own body.

The Western God looked at the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance,

The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch, and he felt helpless.

How come these people are still like this?

This made them couldn't help but shake their heads.

Sir, look at the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance looking at me like a mouse looking at a cat!

I feel like crying without tears in my heart!

The Western God said with a bitter look on his face.

But no, there were so many people on the march,

He has been coldly wary of himself, which is more or less too much.

What's more, these people are just minions.

The key is that he still can't do anything to the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance.

This is the most disgusting thing.

Haha! Okay, five false gods of the Eastern Alliance, don't worry. Now the Western Gods are our protectors.

We are all on a united front, so stop having such thoughts.

Lin Hua smiled slightly and said loudly.

Yes, sir!

The five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance looked at each other and nodded slowly.

Lin Hua said that, do you have anything else to say?

No, anyway, the torque is stable and stable.

There is no need to dwell on these identity issues.

But no, the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance actually have enmity with the Western gods.

This is simply appalling.

In other words, Western God and Lin Hua have enmity.

Moreover, they could see that the five pseudo-true gods and the true god of darkness of the Eastern Alliance also had grudges.

Doesn’t this mean,

Can Lin Hua suppress the True God of Darkness and the God of the West?

Otherwise, how to regain the Dark God and the Western God that they have enmity with.

Master Lin Hua's power is really terrifying.

At this time, they were also extremely curious in their hearts, where was the limit of Lord Lin Hua's power.

Originally, they didn't have much confidence in going to the sixteen major regions.

But at this moment, each of them was full of confidence.

I saw the true god of darkness and the god of the west,

At this moment, they admired Lin Hua even more!

With adults like this, what else do they have to worry about?

Just like when they knew that the Nether Realm was coming to attack the five major regions,

The results of it.

Everyone is full of expectations for going to the sixteen major regions.

Hoo ho ho!

The next moment the army set sail, marching in the void without scruples.

Along the way, it was a bit boring.

After all, apart from the endless turbulent flow of void, there is the Nine Heavenly Gangfeng.

Endless profound fire, nothing else.

Along the way, Lin Hua listened to the introductions of the five people from the Eastern Alliance.

It’s okay!

Now Lin Hua knows that as his strength improves, such earth-shaking changes can occur.

I feel extremely happy.

The march lasted for nearly a year.

This is a bit faster.

On the way, the True God of Darkness and the God of the West cleaned up the Gangfeng Xuanhuo.

Otherwise, these false gods would be a little unable to bear it.

Finally arrived at the sixteen major domains.

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