Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 367 The powerful pseudo-true god of ice?

For a moment, the gods of the god planet all shouted loudly.

Each one of them looked extremely excited.

Although the true God of Glacier in front of them is only one person,

But the five people from the Eastern Alliance had just been promoted.

There is absolutely no way to compare with you.

Enough to kill them!


The False God of Glacier gently raised his palm.

For an instant, the gods in the god planet were silent, and their eyes were full of endless excitement and expectation.

With the Pseudo-True God of Glacier, they now have a backbone.

Finally, I no longer have to kneel down and beg for mercy.

I'm curious how the five of you fell out of the team with Lin Hua's power.

The False True God of Glacier did not immediately take action against the deputy leader and others, and asked quietly.

But no!

He was really curious about this. He wanted to know when Lin Hua attacked their Ice Domain before.

Those pseudo-true gods are in the formation.

I simply don’t have the time to rise up.

In other words, they don't even have the most basic fighting qualifications.

After all, they had witnessed Lin Hua's power before.

Didn't their Ice Domain lose to the hands of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West?

It’s not like he lost at the hands of the pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld.

But they really lost at the hands of Lin Hua's Zerg army.

The False God of Glacier also couldn't figure out why these people had such a powerful Zerg army in their hands.

This can be said to be beyond their imagination.

Those pseudo-true gods did not use their own formations.

The False God of Glacier is also a bit like Yang Ou. How did these five talents break away from the team?

Hmph! If you want to kill, just do it. Why do you care so much!

The deputy leader said coldly.

At the same time, the others also had solemn expressions on their faces, not daring to be careless in the face of the False God of Glacier.

That kind of psychic pressure was something they didn't expect.

Hoo ho ho!

A breeze blows from the planet. fell on everyone's face,

It adds a bit of desolation for no reason.

It seems that the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance are completely desperate.

Okay! It seems you still have a lot of backbone!

I originally planned to let you live a little longer!

If you don't want to, then forget it!

Just for those who died in the battle in the Ice Realm...

The False True God of Glacier, upon hearing this, a flash of cold light suddenly erupted in his eyes, and he said coldly.

The next moment, a dazzling light bloomed from his hand, shining on the entire planet of gods.


For a time, the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance felt the pressure on their bodies increase greatly.

The spiritual power around him was completely like being stuck in a quagmire.

They knew they had to fight hard at this time.

The five people looked at each other.

You must know that these five people have been together for many years and are already extremely familiar with each other.

In addition, they were promoted at the same time, so they already had a heart-to-heart connection.


Seeing the auras of the five people linked together, the God of Glacier Pseudo-True looked at them in surprise.

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

To be honest, he has met many like-minded people on the planet.

But after reaching the cultivation level of the False True God, I have basically never seen him.

Because when we grow up to this point, we are basically the same planet.

It is rare for a planet to have several strong men.

There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, so they must have gone through endless fighting.

So I wasn’t shocked to see that these five people actually had the same mind.

I never thought you were from the same planet!

Glacier said faintly for the True God.

A look of envy appeared in his eyes.

There is no doubt that there is a true god in such a planet.

If there is no true God, how come there are so many false gods.

He doesn’t know when he will be promoted to the pseudo-true god!



The deputy leader shouted, and the next moment, a bright beam of light burst out from the hands of the five people.

As the False God of Glacier roared towards him, streaks of cold light bloomed, and the whole world seemed to be unable to withstand such pressure.

Boom! Boom!

In an instant, the entire planet was shaken, and it seemed that the next moment, it was directly shattered.

Originally, the battle between the false and true gods was not allowed on the planet.

But the current False God of Glacier did not dare to let the five people leave.

Once they wait until they meet with Lin Hua, they will definitely expose themselves.

I don’t know how I will die by then.

This is absolutely not okay.

Must be killed!

Do you want to stop me with this little power?

There was a hint of ridicule in the eyes of the glacier pseudo-true god.

Said calmly.

But no, even if the five people are powerful, they have the power to communicate with each other.

So what?

The gap in strength is like the Tianhe River, firmly lying in front of them. If you want to cross them, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Can't everyone have a Zerg army as powerful as Lin Hua?

At first, Glacier Micro Blessing did not directly come out to kill five people, just for fear that the audience of these five people would also have the same Zerg army as Lin Hua.

Even if he wasn't as powerful as Lin Hua, it would be easy to kill him if he had some strength.

Now that he thought about the dense Zerg in Lin Hua's hand, he was still frightened.

It is unimaginable how a pseudo-true god could cultivate such a powerful Zerg race.

Now that I see these five people taking action, I feel relieved.

This is enough to prove that these people have no protection from the Zerg at all.

So what are you afraid of?


For a moment, two mighty light beams collided heavily.

In an instant, monstrous weather waves rolled across the entire planet.

Let everyone retreat continuously, especially the gods in the planet,

One by one, they staggered around, and many people were affected by the aftermath.

He was seriously injured and critically injured in an instant.

The False True God of Glacier couldn't help but retreat a certain distance. Similarly, the five true gods of the Eastern Alliance also retreated simultaneously.

However, it is much farther than the retreat distance of the False God of Glacier.



How can this be?

Glacier Pseudo God looked at this scene, and for a moment he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

But no!

My own power is so powerful.

He was evenly matched with five powerful men.

This is simply a joke!

Well! This is...

At the same time, the gods in the planet were also at a loss, and they couldn't imagine it at all.

The False True God of Glacier actually had a draw with these people.

And it's still with the blessing of a big formation.

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