The next moment, the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance rippled in the void, and soon they came to a god planet.

The five of them dived in without saying a word.

Now they have experience!

I know that the pseudo-true gods and true gods here are basically dead.

Therefore, I have no worries at all, and I am not afraid of attacks from the gods on the planet of gods.


Along with the void ripples rising on the planet.

The five false gods of the Eastern Alliance appeared above the planet.

I saw that all the gods on the entire planet were kneeling on the ground.

Keep praying.

Tragic sounds rippled out and echoed throughout the entire planet!

Hmm! Who is this? False God?

At the same time, deep in the planet, a pseudo-true god looked startled.

He originally escaped during the war.

Hiding in the corner of the planet, afraid of being discovered by others,

He doesn't know what is going on outside now!

Are you here to catch me?

Hoo ho!

This pseudo-true god was so frightened that he held his breath and concentrated, not daring to make any move at all.

For fear of being discovered by the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance.

He looked at the five people carefully, not daring to look any further.

at the same time! among the planets.

The gods all noticed the visitors from outside.

In an instant, everyone was in a panic!

Everyone was so frightened that they shrank into a ball instantly.

But no, at this time the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance came in front of them, what did they want to do?

It's obvious, it's self-evident.

There is no doubt that he is here to kill them!

Don't kill us!

Please don't kill us!

For a while, the gods kept wailing.

All of them were extremely desperate.

There is no strong person to protect her now. At this moment, it’s all fish on the chopping board. Let others slaughter you.

What to do!

Everyone could only cry out for mercy.

Uh! Good guy! What kind of cruel name does this sir have in this great domain!

Everyone has left and they are so scared.

That's it! Your Excellency is worthy of being an adult.


When the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance heard this, they looked at me one by one, and I looked at you, and a look of excitement appeared in their eyes.

But no.

This is the adult they want to follow.

This is simply great.

Each and every chest also swelled, extremely excited.

The more scared these people are, the stronger Lin Hua is.

You all shut up.


I have something to ask you.

The deputy leader said loudly.

The voice contained a divine power, which rippled through the planet of gods.

It rumbled like thunder from the sky.

In an instant, all the voices of the gods on the planet were suppressed.

And at the same time!

The pseudo-true god hiding in the planet restrained his aura and completely controlled the aura on his body.

He could tell that the five people in front of him were the newly promoted pseudo-true gods.

The strength is okay, but it's obviously not enough in front of them.

But he didn't dare to take action rashly, just in case Lin Hua and the others hadn't left yet.

That's not like throwing yourself into a trap.


The gods on the planet of gods all took heavy breaths.

At the same time, their throats were extremely dry.

But no!

Now for them, they have become existences that are at the mercy of others.

And it is possible to be directly swallowed by the huge Zerg.

The scene of Lin Hua devouring him before was deeply imprinted in their hearts.

Uh! Sir! Please tell me, we must know everything and tell you everything!

I hope you will let us go, sir. We are just a small god on a planet.

The god of the planet said in a deep voice.

Shut up!

It's a pity that the god of the planet was interrupted by the deputy leader before he finished speaking.


The gods of the divine planet all closed their mouths in an instant.

I don’t dare to talk nonsense anymore.

If this person were to kill him directly, there would be no room for reasoning.

They still don't know that there is still a false god on their planet.

Naturally, I don’t dare to make mistakes.

Tell me, Mr. Lin Hua, where did they go!

The deputy leader asked carelessly.

In his opinion, these people were just like lost dogs.

He is not afraid of anything at all!

The gods of the divine planet did not dare to deceive them.

And with previous experience, I know that all these people are weak.

There is no need to worry, even if the gods of the god planet know that they are lagging behind,

That's not what we're afraid of.

The worst case scenario is to snipe and kill all the gods of these gods and planets.

Huh? Huh? This???

For a moment, the gods of the divine planet looked at me and I looked at you, and a look of astonishment appeared in their eyes.

Obviously, they did not expect that these people would be left behind at this time.

But they didn't have any ideas.

My lord 1

We really don't know this!

The adults just now have been fighting, and we didn't dare to go out at all!

How do you know where those adults have gone?

In fact, they don't know the layout of the five major domains.

After all, we are just the gods of a god planet, how can we know this!


Perhaps, sir, it is very likely that he went to the Sea Realm and the Extreme Realm.

No, it's very likely that he went to the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain!

Yes, it may be the Dragon and Wolf Domain. After all, the state of our Ice Domain and the Dragon and Wolf Domain!

Of course, it is also possible that if they go to the Sea Realm and the Extreme Realm, they may unite with the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Realms.

For a time, the gods of the god planet had divergent opinions.

It can be said that I have talked about the other four major areas.

It can be said that everyone has his own ideas.


Listening to the analysis of the gods of the god planet, the five people from the Eastern Alliance felt a little bit wise for a while.

I didn't expect this to be the case.

But I did know that the Sea Realm and the Extreme Realm are an alliance, and the Ice Realm and the Dragon and Wolf Realm are also an alliance.

After all, I got some news.

Just when no one in the Eastern Alliance was listening to the analysis of the gods of the god planet,

The pseudo-true god hiding in the dark suddenly shines in front of his eyes.

In an instant, he thought of a way to kill five people from the Eastern Alliance.

But no, but!

These people are lost.

If they were killed, it would be regarded as revenge for their Ice Domain.

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