Hey! Why are these people so stupid!

They will definitely die if they leave!

A god said in a deep voice.

There was a sense of helplessness in his eyes.

The five false gods of the Eastern Alliance moved too fast.

Before they could react, they disappeared without a trace.

never mind!

You are looking for your fucking death, then let them do it!

We have already told them!

If they don't believe it, forget it!

If you regret it later, it will have nothing to do with us.

Our responsibilities are already in place,

It's better to get ready quickly!

: Maybe the false god who comes next time will be our enemy!

Another god from the planet said in a deep voice.

Although Lin Hua took away all the false and true gods before.

But only ghosts know whether Lin Hua took everyone away.

What if a fish slips through the net?

Or what if the strong men from the five realms come to their Nether Realm and want to enslave their Nether Realm?

It is better to defend yourself well.

It can be said that they do not want to become slaves of others.

They also saw the days when the planet of gods was ruled.

In fact, they also enslave many planets of gods in their hands!

After all, the total number of pseudo-true gods and true gods in the Nether Realm is just a few dozen.

In other words, they come from dozens of god planets.

There are currently more than two thousand living stars known in the Nether Realm.

Everyone is keen to rule other gods' planets and enslave them.

Let them contribute resources.

Meet their promotion requirements.

It is precisely because they enslave others that they realize it at this time.

Someone might come to enslave them,

That's why he's so scared.

Hoo ho ho!

Bursts of heavy sounds also echoed in the planet of gods.

Everyone sighed a little.

The difference is that!

On Lin Hua's side of the divine planet.

Countless gods have learned that the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance have left.

I know they went to Lin Hua Zhenshen.

The remaining strong men were undoubtedly extremely confused.

They all wanted to go outside and follow True God Lin Hua.

It's just a pity that their power is simply not on the table.

All that is left for them is to practice hard.

And they didn't worry at all that something bad would happen.

Instead, they are persistent followers of the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance and the true god Lin Hua.

He truly went to all the heavens and realms.

They don't know how scary the outside world is.

But it’s already a lesson learned from the past.

They followed him one after another.

No one wants to retreat, and they don't want to stay in this place for the rest of their lives.

Thinking about improving your strength as soon as possible.

The other side!




Circles of ripples appeared in the void.

There were waves of dazzling lights, exuding supreme power.

It is the five false gods of the Eastern Alliance!

At this moment, they learned that there is no true god or false god in the Nether Realm.

They no longer had any worries. They were cautious before because they had just left the planet of gods.

I am unfamiliar with everything outside!

I don’t know that my power is in the void, but it is in the level!

Therefore, this is the question to be careful about.

But now, under the introduction of the planet's strong men, they understand their status.

Although it does not imply the entire universe, it is still rampant in the Nether Realm!

No need to be afraid or anything!

Hoo ho!

The True God of the Eastern Alliance travels through the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire and within the endless Gangfeng.

They have no doubts about the words of the planet’s gods.

There is absolutely no need for those people to deceive them about this kind of thing.

They were the only ones left, rushing forward one by one.

They also want to contribute their own strength to Lin Hua.

I don't know, sir, how the battle in the five regions is going.

The deputy leader asked quietly.

Although I was on the planet before, it felt like it didn’t matter.

I feel that Lin Hua will not fight an unprepared battle.

But after all, he is a true god!

They still don't know whether Lin Hua has been promoted to true god.

I scolded them before but I specifically asked the gods of this planet.

What benefits will this pseudo-true god bring to the planet after being promoted to true god?

And the explanation of the gods made the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance really curious!

According to the gods, when such a situation occurs on their god's planet, it must be Lin Hua who has been promoted to true god.

But counting the time, it seems that it was after their planet changed.

Lin Hua's is still a fake god.

This is somewhat contradictory to what the gods said.

The five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance were confused about their status for a while.

We can only temporarily believe that Lin Hua is a false god!

Although it cannot be explained why it is God!

But they don't have any good ideas.

After all, among their people, it would take endless years to advance to the level of true god.

If you are lucky, it will take tens of millions of years.

But now that Lin Hua has left the clerical planet, only a few lifetimes have passed.

At best, less than half a year.

How could the five pseudo-true gods of the Eastern Alliance not be worried!

Forget it! I don't want to anymore!

Anyway, I will follow you to the death!

If you are afraid, then please go back!

The deputy leader said quietly.

Uh! What do you mean by the deputy leader? You seem to be making us very scared. Is True God Lin Hua your master, our nine-life benefactor?

Funny! Are we afraid? Ridiculous? You are probably the one who is afraid! Instead, you are asking us to go back, right?

For a moment, the four pseudo-true gods gave up and said angrily.

Uh! You misunderstood! I'm just a little worried. Have you forgotten about those people before?

We, the strong ones in the Netherworld, are the most powerful ones. How can we resist so many true gods from the five major domains?

Of course I'm not afraid.

The material that meets the standard means that God Lin Hua will die together at all.

There's nothing to be afraid of!

It's just that I was thinking that if some of you could get to the planet!

In this way, in the future era, there will be someone on our planet of gods who can protect everyone.

Otherwise, what will happen to our god's planet in the future just like the way we went to that god's planet today?

The deputy leader asked quietly.

Uh? I said deputy leader? Did you do that on purpose?

Didn't you see it when you came out?

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