Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 359: One person achieves enlightenment, a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven

Uh! This...

What and what!

We are just standing here without saying a word.

This can still be related to us.

Listening to the mocking words of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West,

The pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld twitched the corners of their mouths.

A look of grievance.

Even if they stand still, they will be shot!

Okay trigger!

Following Lin Hua's order.

I saw the mysterious rays of light radiating from each of the powerful men.


The void was trembling slightly, as if it was shattering in the next moment.

After all, with so many people acting at the same time, the movement caused is huge.

And the other side.

Among the gods’ planets in the Sea Domain.

Countless subjects all heard it clearly.

Oh my god, these people are finally gone!

Haha! They let us go! I hope they never come again in the future.

Some people can be said to be grateful to heaven and earth, and to the gods for their blessings.

But otherwise, each of them felt that they had fallen into an endless whirlpool. ·

That must be death.

Now I have been directly redeemed,

This life was saved for no reason, not to mention how lucky I felt in my heart.

Hey! Don't be too happy! These people may regard us as pigs.

Just take care of us slowly! I'm afraid our life will be difficult in the future.

Now that all the true gods have been killed, even if these people look down on us in the future, what will we do if we encounter another enemy invasion?

Some people worry about gains and losses.

Almost at this moment, the entire sea area fell into a carnival,

and a sad atmosphere.

Some people are grateful that they survived, and some people just feel despair about their future life.

But in their eyes, it is different.

They are all full of curiosity about the outside world.

And in the Nether Realm!

At this moment, earth-shaking changes have taken place!

Because of their true gods, Lin Hua's strength has undergone transformation.

As Lin Hua's followers, all of them felt that their bottlenecks were loosened.

Especially all the old high-level gods, this time they actually felt the opportunity to break through the false gods.



Along with the roar of heaven and earth, several veteran high-ranking gods,

Finally, we have reached the realm of false gods.

Congratulations, ancestor, for becoming a god!

Congratulations to the ancestor for becoming a god!

Suddenly, compliments came from all directions and compliments continued.

It's not just them.

There are even many lower gods and middle gods who feel that their bottlenecks have loosened.

All these years of endless loneliness have finally come to an end.

Haha! I have been promoted to a mid-level god!

A middle god shouted loudly.

The sound echoed throughout the entire world like a loud bell.

It's not just one person, it's two people!

Due to the improvement in Lin Hua's strength.

The power fed back to the god's planet is also considerable.

What followed was a huge change in the world's environment.

Resources gradually increased.

Many barren mineral veins have once again produced resources.

And some new mineral veins have been discovered in various parts of the planet.

The existence of these mineral veins was something that even the powerful men on the planet of gods could not expect.

After all, this place was extremely barren before, but suddenly there were so many resources to improve one's cultivation.

After all, they didn't have the cultivation level of the pseudo-true god, so they couldn't think of classifying their own power.

It's just a practice of swallowing up the jujubes. After all, resources are scarce.

And now in the planet of gods, the gods also have a purpose.

Anyway, with so many resources, everyone will choose some powerful forces to practice.

It wasn’t that I didn’t want it before, it was just that I didn’t have the conditions.

Now that we have it, we must make good use of it.

Thank you, Lord True God!

Thank you to God Lin Hua!

And the miraculous thing about the planet of gods shocked everyone.

I saw only the worship point set up by the Eastern Alliance.

Countless people come every day and kneel respectfully in front of Lin Hua's statue.

After all, this planet can have such a scene now.

and Lin Hua are inseparable.

Everyone who comes here is extremely pious.

The power of faith slowly rose from their bodies.

Gradually it condensed in the air and gradually took shape,

Gradually it becomes milky white.

This phenomenon is already familiar to them.

There is nothing to say.

It's all taken for granted.

On the other side, I saw the strong men who had just been promoted to pseudo-true gods.

But he realized how powerful this power of faith is.

They also set up faith points one by one.

It's just that no one bought it at all.

Everyone worships Lin Hua, and no one cares about these new fake gods.

Regarding this phenomenon, the pseudo-true god is also quite helpless.

I can only quietly revoke the faith points I have established.

They looked at the void curiously.

In the void, some false gods also slowly walked out from the god planet.

They looked at the void curiously.

Let's go! Let's follow in your footsteps.

Lord Lin Hua, you are running around outside for our god's planet.

Now we have also been promoted to pseudo-true gods! Of course we have to help you!


Shocking waves appeared in the sky, and the newly promoted pseudo-true gods rose into the sky and left towards the outside of the planet.

They moved forward in the direction Lin Hua had left.

And the power of these beliefs can also be seen.

They are Lin Hua's followers, and they can still feel Lin Hua's direction in the dark.

Even in a distant place, Lin Hua can still feel the movement on the god's planet.

Although it's not clear, I just have a vague idea.

But this was enough, and everyone moved in Lin Hua's direction.

Just after coming out, the false gods saw that the void was devastated.

Almost all the surroundings are death stars.

And it looks like these stars have been dead for countless years.

They all looked at it curiously.

As a result, wait until they look back.

Hmm? Where are you going to the planet of gods?

We came out just now?

Where have you been?

The false and true gods all have their faces covered,

They clearly felt the divine planet in front of them,

Their indifferent connection with the planet is still intact.

Huh? This may be the True God Lin Hua, covering up the planet!

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