Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 347: Go vote, you are already surrounded

See my lord!

The gods of the Dragon and Wolf Domains saw the First True God surrendering, so there was no point in them not surrendering.

They all chose to follow the First True God and surrender!

Haha! Haha!

For a time, the laughter of the gods in the Sea Realm was even more full of ridicule.

However, the gods of the dragon and wolf realms were indifferent.

It was as if he didn’t hear the laughter of the strong men in the Sea Realm.

At this time, it is completely unnecessary.

Anyway, they chose to surrender, and this situation was understandable to them.

This is a normal situation.

Hoo ho!

For a time, the strong men in the Ji Realm also breathed a sigh of relief, and they could understand.

To be honest, I was very happy to see the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Domains surrendering.

Although they were once hostile, they surrendered after all.

Coursework does not want to be just a big field for them.

If there are more dragons and wolves in the second domain at this time, then they will also be able to have a little partner in the future.

The only thing that saves them is that only one of the strong men from the big region surrendered, and their own faces don't look good.

Now that there are two more big areas, if Lin Hua has anything to do, he can share the burden for them.

Anyway, they just wanted to make it difficult for me, and others originally wanted to share the burden with me.

Okay, get up!

Lin Hua nodded gently and said nothing more.

Thank you, sir!

The strong men from the Dragon and Wolf regions all said gratefully.

For a moment, he felt like he was receiving amnesty. He stood up and stood respectfully behind Lin Hua.

The unruly attitude before seemed to disappear without a trace in an instant.

The strong men in the Nether Realm, the Extreme Realm, and the Sea Realm saw the gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realms in this state.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In my impression, the strong men of these two great domains have always been unruly and unruly.

When did he become so respectful and docile?

It was as if he had suddenly transformed from a wild beast into a tamed one.

For a while, everyone felt a little uncomfortable.

Especially the strong men in the Sea Domain were even more disdainful.

Sir! What to do with these people?

The True God of Extreme Fire walked forward directly and said flatteringly.

It seemed that he wanted to take this opportunity to perform in front of Lin Hua.

Catch them all! Capture them alive!

Lin Hua said loudly.


The strong men from the Extreme Realm, the Sea Realm, the Wolf Realm, and the Netherworld Realm all nodded heavily.

The next moment, everyone moved out together, and rays of divine light rippled out, shining on the entire sea area.

In an instant, it was as if the huge waves swept across the entire sea area.


At the same time, the True God of Darkness and Lin Hua also moved.

The True God of Darkness specializes in capturing True Gods.

Lin Hua was just playing around. Everywhere he went, a false god was devoured.

Avenge the First True God! Kill!

The strong men in the Sea Realm are also strong. At this moment, they have no extra thoughts.

They just wanted to be able to kill everyone, but soon, they saw Lin Hua's powerful man,

Already desperate,

But they would rather die than give in. They know that even if they die, they will be stepmothers.

Not getting any care.

What's more, the Sea Territory is different from other large areas. Everyone has signed a soul contract with the number one true god of the Sea Territory.

If they cannot take revenge, then they will never be able to regain their freedom.

Once they surrender, death awaits them.

Although the strong men of the Extreme Realm know that the first true god of the Sea Realm has really tight control over the gods of the Sea Realm.

But they just didn’t say it on purpose,

Just to claim credit in front of Lin Hua.

The Dragon and Wolf Second Domain was originally not in the same camp as the Sea Domain.

At this time, they naturally didn't know that they had just joined here and had to establish meritorious deeds.

One by one, they are also struggling to capture the gods of the sea area.

Sir! So powerful!

Sir! What kind of power is this!

When did the power of the Zerg become so powerful!

The strong men looked at Lin Hua's fighting style and were amazed.

It didn't last long, and without much effort, all the gods in the Sea Domain were captured and sealed one by one.

Quick! Get them here one by one!

I saw a look of excitement in Lin Hua's eyes, and he didn't know how much spiritual power he could improve this time.

However, it doesn't look like much.

yes! After the previous battle, everyone suddenly understood what Lin Hua was going to do, and it was the number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf Domain who understood why Lin Hua came here before.

Why do you say it's okay?



The next moment, the gods of the sea domain were sent to Lin Hua one by one.

Lin Hua's powerful devouring power spread upwards and swallowed their lives instantly.

The entire sea domain was filled with endless roars, extremely miserable.

That voice echoed in the planet of gods.

I saw that all the people in the god's planet were extremely decadent.

Each of them collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

But otherwise, I originally thought that the gods could solve the current crisis.

But I never expected that it would be such a situation, and I felt really desperate.

They had no idea what fate awaited them.

Now they want to resist, but they don't have the ability. They can only sit on the planet and wait quietly.

In the void, one by one the gods disappeared, and Lin Hua's power gradually increased.

Along with half of the gods in the sea realm being swallowed,

Others were not interested in practicing or doing other things at this time. They all stared at Lin Hua.

The God of the West and the True God of the Ice Domain finally came over slowly.


As soon as these people appeared, the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Domains were instantly shocked.

Looking at the true gods of the Ice Realm, their eyes exuded extremely vigilant looks, and cold light emerged from their hands, ready to fight.

Oh, don't be nervous, don't be nervous! We are all our own people!

The Western God just took a glance and knew that the strong men of the Dragon and Wolf Domains had been recaptured.

He waved his hand to signal the strong men in the Dragon and Wolf Domains not to be so nervous.


The strong men of the Dragon and Wolf Domain were embarrassed and glanced at the True God of Darkness before gathering their strength.

At this moment, they all stared at the True God of the Ice Realm, and their hearts instantly turned into turbulent waves.

But no, when did the Ice Domain surrender?

As allies of the Ice Realm, they don't know?

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