Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 340 There is no such thing as separation between life and death

They are not in a hurry now and are waiting here quietly.

They didn't take action immediately, each one was as if they were watching a show.

The number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf Domain was extremely angry when he heard these words.

It can be said to be extremely depressing. As a demon clan, there are indeed some shortcomings in speech and such.

Now the true god of the sea realm is saying that he can't even take the words.

The two of them could be said to have extremely red faces at this moment.

You fart, you shameless guy, are you farting?

The number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf Domain cursed angrily.

Oh, look at your true god. You are yelling at me now. I told you that you have hit a new card. Are you going crazy now?

If you are smart enough, you can also provide some evidence to prove that we are wrong. We are just like a shrew scolding the streets here.

What's wrong? Are you still angry? The gods of the second encounter between dragon and wolf will give you one last chance to ask if you are still willing to die with them here, then we won't be polite.

If you surrender, I guarantee that your treatment will not be worse than that of our Haizhiyu gods. From now on, we will all be one family, regardless of each other. I think you will settle this account.

Haha! The gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realms give you one last chance. If you are still willing to follow them, then we will not be polite if you are here in Songming.

If you surrender, I guarantee that your treatment will not be much worse than that of our sea gods.

I think you can still settle this account!

I saw a gleam of light emerging from the eyes of the first true god in the sea area, as if for an instant,

It was like seeing through the number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf realms.

Simply, he immediately offered the best treatment conditions to interrupt the scruples of the gods.


The number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf Domain was dumbfounded when he heard this. He originally wanted to use some advice to persuade the gods.

But someone got there first.

This is a bit much.

Hoo ho!

The two of them were very angry.

But the key point is that they have no resistance at all now.

No matter how much they say now, they are still so pale and powerless in front of the gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realms.

Hurry up, I'm giving you ten seconds, otherwise, prepare to die!

I saw a brilliant light blooming in the eyes of the first true god in the sea area, and colorful and multi-colored lights blooming in each hand.

Rays of divine light spit out the light of destruction, exuding awe-inspiring killing intent.

The great formation in the Sea Territory was as if it was rushing straight into the Nine Heavens Palace, with endless divine thrones rippling around.

Nineteen eight seven six...

The gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realm were all startled when they heard this, and they all looked at the number one true god of the Dragon and Wolf Realm with extremely complex expressions.

Let's go! We must not surrender! We represent the backbone of the Dragon and Wolf Realm.

There is no need for you to take on this responsibility!

The number one true god of the Dragon Realm looked at the intentions of the few true gods next to him, with infinite loneliness lingering in his eyes.

He has already seen what these true gods mean, and there is no need to force anything.

The general trend has passed and cannot be resisted, which is the current situation.

Surrendering is actually a way out for the gods under his command, and they are alive at least.

No need to lose your life,

But if it's true, it's just stubborn resistance, and it's just a few more scapegoats.

I was so high-spirited when I came here, but now I am so depressed.

The whole person looked depressed.

It seemed as if all the strength in his body had been drained away by others.

It is completely impossible to see that he is the number one true god who once dominated the world.

grown ups!


The true gods of the Dragon Realm looked at each other one by one, with a sense of reluctance exuding in their eyes.

The corners of his mouth squirmed and he said in a choked voice.

The whole person was also extremely confused. To be honest, they wanted to resist but also wanted to surrender.

hard to decide.

Okay, you all go ahead, we don't have much time.

I won't blame you, this is an order. Just go ahead!

A stern look appeared in the eyes of the first true god of the Dragon Realm, and he ordered.

Today, he made a mistake in his decision-making, and he absolutely cannot allow the entire Dragon Realm to be destroyed.

If they fall into the embrace of the Sea Realm, they may be able to rectify the name of their Dragon Realm in the future.

If there is no life, then there will be nothing left.

grown ups……

All the true gods and false gods looked at the first true god and couldn't help but shed tears.

The tears in the corners of his eyes couldn't be concealed and they couldn't help but flow down.

Five Fires 1

The number one true god of the Sea Territory shouted loudly.

Looking at this scene, looking at the extremely sad gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realms,

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which had an indescribable charm.

He had been waiting for so many years, and finally this day came.

To be honest, she is still willing to subdue the gods of the dragon and wolf realms.

After all, if this happens, it means that their sea domain will be the first of the five domains from now on.

When the time comes, we will unite with the Extreme Realm and destroy the Ice Realm in one fell swoop. The confrontation will last for endless years.

It finally ended in his hands.

When the time comes, everyone is extremely excited.

This cannot be explained in a simple sentence.

For this day, any of the five major regions are working tirelessly.

I want to one day be able to unify the five realms and integrate the power of the five realms, and then I can truly enter the heavens and the worlds.

No need to stay in this small place anymore.

This day came to me before my eyes.

The gods of the Sea Realm had a smile in their eyes, which could be described as extremely excited.

Although they were covered by a large formation, their appearance could not be seen at all.

However, one can feel that the killing intent on the formation is obviously not as strong as before.

There are no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent interests. .

Although everyone once fought for immortality, at that time each had his own master.

Although there is a lot of hatred,

Many relatives died in the hands of the other party.

But they all have a unified dream and work hard for it.

Hoo ho ho!

On the other side, the gods of the Wolf Domain all breathed extremely solemnly, and their eyes looking at the formation of the Sea Domain were filled with the power of yearning.

Sir, the situation is over now, why don't we surrender?

A true god said in a deep voice, his eyes full of sincerity, and he spoke earnestly.

He knew that the First True God was definitely unwilling to surrender.

After all, the First True God is the First True God in the Wolf Domain, but if he goes to the Sea Domain, he is a prisoner.

Although I don’t know how the strong men in the Sea Realm treat him.

But the arrogance in his heart would never allow him to surrender.

There are only wolves that die in battle, not wolves that surrender.

You go ahead! We have different identities. If you join Sister Zhumei one day, you can count me as one.

The number one true god of the Wolf Domain had a pale smile on his lips and said faintly.

There was a look of determination in his eyes.

He has already decided that he will live or die with the Wolf Domain.

He can die but there is absolutely no way the Wolf Domain will surrender.

If you don't surrender, we will fight with you until the last moment.

I saw the gods of the Wolf Realm, a look of determination appeared in their eyes, and they spoke categorically.

No need, why do you still resist when you know you're going to die? This is just hitting an egg against a stone.

You and the gods of the Dragon Realm, please surrender together. From now on, you have to decide your own path. I can't help you.

The number one true god of the Wolf Domain said sadly with endless loneliness in his eyes.

Huh! Sir...

The gods of the Wolf Domain all had a hint of crying in their voices.

If you want to persuade the First True God, stop resisting.

However, they know his character very well and know that if he disagrees with something,

That is someone who would rather die than agree to it.

Oh my! It's disgusting or not, why don't you come to our sea area together?

What are you doing in such a life-and-death situation?

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