Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 338 Is victory just around the corner?

For a moment, only the strong men from the Dragon and Wolf Domains were seen. Seeing such a situation, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

A bitter look on his face.

But no, look around at this situation. In this situation, all the troops in the sea area are there.

The eighteen true gods have also arrived in the void.

This is obviously a little trick to lure the enemy deeper, and now they are in a difficult position.

Like a turtle in a urn,

Haha! I didn't expect that you strong men from the Sea Territory would be so shameless!

He actually pretended to be alone, but to no avail, he just pretended to be here and set up a dragnet.

You are really shameless.

The number one true god of the Wolf Domain, a bitter meaning appeared in his eyes, and he said faintly.

This situation is very dangerous now, and they basically have to explain.

If no one came to rescue them, they would want to fight opponents with similar strength to themselves on the home field of the sea.

This is completely impossible.

At this moment, they felt extremely regretful. If they had known better, they would not have coveted this.

Just stand at the door of the Sea Realm and wait.

As a result, what is directly shown now is the embarrassing scene of going deep alone, with no way forward and no way back.

Not to mention how frustrated I felt.

Unfortunately, I woke up too late.

But if it had been a little earlier, they wouldn't have fallen into such an unbearable situation.

‘Haha, don’t you know that a soldier never tires of deceit? Ridiculous. ’

Hearing this, the number one true god in the Sea Territory burst out laughing, and asked with a scrutinizing look in his eyes.

It would be too ridiculous to accuse them of being shameless at this time.

Give you a chance. If you are willing to surrender to our sea domain, then if we go to conquer the world in the future, you will have your share! Otherwise, we will kill you without mercy!

A fierce light flashed in the eyes of the first true god of the sea domain, and he looked at the first true god of the dragon and wolf domain coldly and said quietly.


The gods of the Dragon and Wolf Domains all sneered.

Do you want to conquer them so easily?

Are you thinking a little too wildly?

Is this possible?

Isn't this funny?

After all, they are also strong men in a large area.

Sea Territory, if you want to come, come! Don't sit here and chirp!

We, the gods of the Dragon and Wolf Domain, would rather die standing than surrender!

Come on horseback!

I saw a look of determination emerge in the eyes of the First True God, and he spoke loudly.


The gods of the Dragon and Wolf Domains shouted loudly together, with endless determination emerging from their eyes.

At this moment, they will never surrender.

They are so arrogant as demons that they will not surrender to the ordinary gods!

Haha! Since you are so shameless, then just die!


I saw a bright star appear in the eyes of the first true god in the sea area.

It is like a vast endless abyss exuding endless divine power.

Said coldly.

A gentle wave of the palm.



I saw the colorful light curtains blooming from the bodies of all the true gods in the sea area.

Originally, most of the gods in the sea domain devoured water-attribute resources, so their power was revealed.

Everyone is directly transformed into a vast ocean.

It's just that the color of the ocean is slightly different.

The applicants of the Dragon and Wolf Second Domain seemed to be trapped in the boundless sea, trapped in endless legends.

The whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

The colorful waters turned into a beast that destroyed the world and attacked brazenly.

However, the gods of the Sea Realm all know very well that it is absolutely impossible to fight normally at this time.

In their home court, they naturally have to abide by the rules of their home court.

They will not give any face to the gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realm.


My people, put my strength first, contribute the power of faith, and destroy the invading enemies!

I saw the gods of the sea domain, all of them exuding incomparable piety in their eyes.

A square brand appeared in his hand.

He kept chanting this in his mouth, as if the overwhelming sound was rippling out instantly.

Mysterious rays of light and mysterious words emanated from their bodies.

A series of bright inscriptions slowly rippled up.

Then it turned into streams of light and flew towards the god's planet.

Are the gods of the Sea Realm beginning to summon the people of the planet where they live?

A trick that contributes the power of faith.

The streams of light seemed to penetrate the sky of all things and cross the endless void at that moment.

After crossing the long river of eternity, the next moment, they all submerged into the planet of gods.


The next moment, I saw mysterious rays of light emerging from the divine planet in the sea area.

Waves of invisible and colorless power of faith spread from the bodies of all people.

At this moment, all the people in the planet of gods were kneeling on the ground, one by one.

The faces of each person exuded incomparable piety, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into endless sinking.

It seemed that at this moment, they had completely forgotten who they were.

At this moment, there is only one thought in everyone's mind, and that is to think of being able to contribute all their beliefs, just like the people of the Ice Domain.

They had felt the attitude of foreign invasion before, and when they came, the gods of the Dragon and Wolf Domains wiped out the god planet one by one.

Therefore, the gods of the god planet also know the power of external enemies.

They have no choice, for them, if the true god or pseudo-true god guarding the god's planet dies.

Then their end is to become a lifelong endeavor, although for them, this endeavor has a status.

Even if you treat them as one person, it is very cruel.

If it is completely reduced to a colony, then all the people will be reduced to a general existence like minions.

There are no human rights at all.

And they will also become the ultimate source of the power of faith,

Or later, it became dust in the endless void.

They don't know that this is the strategy of the Sea Territory. They all want to protect their gods' planet and home.

I saw streaks of blood emerging from the bodies of all the people. It was because they were fighting for this victory.

It directly burned the power of his blood, and the power of faith spread more and more.

Ripples of the power of faith emerged in the air, and then rushed out of the endless sky and into the void.

The vast power of faith exudes endless mysterious power.

Slowly submerged into the body of the spirit of the sea domain.

The speed that is visible to the naked eye is given back to the strong men in the sea area.

Rapidly improve their strength.


Rays of light rippled out, exuding supreme divine radiance, filling the entire void, and the scope of the sea area became larger and larger.

The gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realms looked at this scene.

Hoo ho ho!

The breathing sounds of the gods of the Dragon and Wolf Realms were also extremely focused.

This situation was something they had anticipated.

But they did not expect that all the strong men from the Sea Territory would stay in the Great Territory.

Each one of them spoke righteously and solemnly, as if they didn't care about anything.

But there is something different in their hearts. Each one of them has some regrets.

But there was nothing they could do. They looked a little depressed. After all, when everyone faced their own death,

They are all more or less afraid.

Because they also know very well that it is simply impossible to defeat the strong men in the sea area by going against the will of heaven.

Hoo ho ho!

Each breath was extremely rapid, and the power in his hand made ripples.

It showed the uneasiness in their hearts.

Don't worry, everyone, as long as we persist, it will be our victory. We can withstand their attacks.

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