Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 33 The cooperation method is actually a free gift?

to be honest.

This is Lin Hua's first time riding such a high-end floating car.

Full carbon steel structure, divine engine and engine using divine points as fuel.

A divine power point can last for decades.

This made Lin Hua lament the evil nature of capitalism. Other people's cars burn gasoline, but your car burns money!

Moreover, the cost of this floating car is really expensive.

But to tell the truth, Lin Hua feels comfortable.

Sitting inside, you don't feel any bumps at all.

It only takes a few minutes.

The floating car came to the floating island and parked in its special port.

Got off the float vehicle.

A huge green garden appears in front of you.

Behind the garden stands a magnificent palace.

Colorful divine lights circulated over the palace, emitting dazzling light.

Is this the happiness of rich people? It's really happiness that ordinary people can't imagine!

This was Lin Hua's first time to land on this floating island.

I had only heard about it on Earth before, and at most I just watched it from a distance.

Lower gods cannot fly in the sky on the god's planet.

This way.

Li Yingying led Lin Hua through the park and came to the gate in front of the palace.

After confirming the identity, the smart computer opened the door's access authority.

Passing through the palace hall, we came to a side hall.

On a large table, countless jade plates of delicacies were placed, which was extremely rich.

At the end of the table, a middle-aged man with a handsome face sat on the main seat.

Your name is Lin Hua, right? I heard Yingying mention you often. It seems that she thinks highly of you.

When the middle-aged man saw Lin Hua, he showed a kind smile and stood up to greet him personally.

This is a middle god!

The moment Lin Hua saw this man, he had already used his aura to identify what kind of god he was.

However, Lin Hua has not yet determined whether he is a junior mid-level god or an intermediate-level mid-level god.

Let me introduce, this is my father, Li Tianyi, the president of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

Li Yingying said, her tone full of respect.

Hello, President Li.

Lin Hua said in a polite tone.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person.

The other party did not show any malice, and Lin Hua was naturally not a thorn.

You still have to be polite.

It's actually my intention to have you as my guest. Please take a seat!

Li Tianyi sat on his seat again and used gestures to invite Lin Hua to take a seat.

Lin Hua sat opposite Li Tianyi.

I heard Yingying tell you about you in school, your test scores, and the results of the competition between you and that boy from the Cui family just now. I didn't expect you to be so young and promising!

Li Tianyi first praised Lin Hua and then continued.

I don't know, are you interested in cooperating with our Li family?

Li Tianyi was also straightforward and stated his intentions directly.

This is of course today’s topic.

Sorry, President Li, so far I have no intention of joining any force. I'm afraid I will disappoint you.

Even when facing the mid-level god, Lin Hua remained calm and composed.

This made Li Yingying on the side a little surprised. In the past, when his father talked to other lower gods, they always looked frightened.

This Lin Hua is indeed a bit special.

No, you misunderstood me.

Li Tianyi smiled and summoned a very beautiful palace maid to pour a glass of red wine for Lin Hua.

I can understand you. Geniuses don't want to be restrained by others and are willing to be inferior to others. I understand this too.

So when I invite you to come here this time, I don't want you to be directly attached to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, but to cooperate. I am also a person who pursues win-win situations.

As expected of the president of the Chamber of Commerce,

Both the tone and attitude as well as the hospitality are very thoughtful and make people feel good.

It would be great if we can achieve win-win cooperation. So how do you want to cooperate?

If an ordinary person were to face such hospitality, they would probably shed tears of gratitude for cooperating with Li Tianyi.

But Lin Hua is naturally a more cautious person. Who knows what these evil capitalists will do.

It's better to be careful. Lin Hua won't do such a thankless job.

Our Li Family Chamber of Commerce can provide you with the resources you need to develop the divine domain.

It can also help you deal with families and companies that want to cause trouble for you.

All I need is that when you become a mid-level god or even a high-level god or even a higher achievement in the future, don't regard our Li family as your enemy.

Lin Hua: ????

Is that really it?

Lin Hua thought the other party would make some excessive demands.

The result was completely beyond Lin Hua's expectation.

Is it enough to just not regard them as enemies?

This god with good conditions made Lin Hua feel that the president of the largest chamber of commerce in the ancient capital was a philanthropist.

Li Tianyi saw Lin Hua hesitated, and then waved.

A more beautiful maid respectfully placed the golden card in front of Lin Hua.

This is the internal membership card of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce. It has a faith quota of 10 million gods. If it is not enough, you can ask me for more.

This membership card can be used for consumption at any Divine Domain shopping mall of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, but it cannot be withdrawn.

Li Tianyi said.


Seeing the sincerity of the other party, Lin Hua hesitated slightly.

As the saying goes, it would be a fool not to take advantage of an advantage, and don’t give away free money!

Then thank you, President Li, for your kindness!

Lin Hua put away the golden card and said politely.

It's okay, if you need anything, you can come to me at any time, or you can also find Yingying, she will tell me.

President Li saw Lin Hua taking the membership card, with a secretive smile on his face.

By the way, it's a rare occasion, let's have dinner together!

Li Tianyi waved his hand and motioned for all the maids around him to get down.

Faced with such delicacies on a jade plate, Lin Hua was not polite and started feasting directly.

Lin Hua was tired of eating takeout every day.

At the dinner, Lin Hua learned something else from Li Tian.

For example, the distribution of these aristocratic families in ancient cities, including various industries, is worthy of attention.

He also asked about some cultivation matters, such as how to be promoted to the middle god.

I learned from Li Tianyi that if you want to be promoted to a mid-level god, you not only need to gather enough divine power points. Some other resources are also needed.

However, the mid-level god is still a little early for the current Lin Hua.

I didn’t ask any more questions.

As for anything that can help the Zerg evolve, Li Yingying has never mentioned this matter from beginning to end.

It seems that this little girl just found a reason to deceive herself into coming here.

But Lin Hua had to admit that Li Yingying's approach was correct.

If he had said and done it from the beginning, Lin Hua would probably not come to Floating Island.

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