Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 328 You are really stupid

But if you want to hide it, you must not let the soul-eating insects starve, so you must go through a big battlefield every day.

If there was a Pure World White Lotus, it would be able to suppress it more or less.

But without Jingshi Bailian, it means that it is absolutely impossible for Ten Minutes to treat the divine space you mentioned as his home.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Soul-eating Insects, the divine space is just a place where they live temporarily and cannot represent their home at all.

Of course, the Western God didn't know how Lin Hua controlled the Soul-Eating Insect. If he knew, he wouldn't be so worried when he saw the scene in the Phosphate God Realm space.

Now in the eyes of Western gods, Lin Hua is a bomb that can explode at any time. If he is not careful, he will devour everyone.

Why didn't you tell me before?

The Western God said in a deep voice with fear on his face.

I tell you that you are useful. Do you think you can escape from Lin Hua's hands? Do you think your own speed can surpass Lin Hua?

The Dark God said angrily.


The Western God was speechless for a moment and could not speak.

Okay, don't worry about it. Judging from my recent experience with Lin Hua, he is not someone who burns bridges by crossing rivers. You don't need to be afraid.

The God of Darkness explained it for Lin Hua.

That's not it. Do you know how Lin Hua controls the Soul-Eating Insect?

The God of the West stared at the God of Darkness, with an interrogating look in his eyes.

Goose, do you think I know?

If I knew, would I still be standing here? I just can't steal, so I quietly steal one or two of them from Lin Hua, and finally train them myself.

The Dark God rolled his eyes at the Western God and said angrily.


I saw the Western God said in a deep voice with a helpless look in his eyes, and he was also extremely fearful in his heart. He still had to treat the future Lotus well, otherwise he would not know when the Soul Eater would come.

Oh, I wish you hadn't told me.

The Western God muttered.

In fact, it is impossible to follow the character of the Soul-Eating Insect. How could he listen to Lin Hua's orders? Don't forget that he has the milky white power of faith. It is not difficult for ordinary people to control the Soul-Eating Insect, right? ?!”

Chen Sheng said as he saw a light of worship exuding from the eyes of the Dark God.

Not to mention, this is really such a situation. Everything they once dreamed of is now being built here in Lin Hua, which is completely beyond their imagination.

If they can learn one and a half moves, it will not be impossible to dominate the entire world.

Think about how they were fighting for life and death one by one, trying to rise up in all the worlds, and what kind of situation they are in now.

Not all of them made the decision, and there was no winner in the end.

Although they are not the protagonists, the veteran-level heroes around their protagonists are also their glory.

You can use these resources as you wish.

Lin Hua said loudly.

He waved his hand and signaled everyone to hurry up and collect resources. When the Zerg devoured it before, all the resources on the pseudo-true god were retained.

After all, these people are with Lin Hua and need to practice.

Thank you sir, thank you sir

All of a sudden, all the pseudo-true gods in the Netherworld were so excited that they rushed forward without any time to express their emotions.

One by one, they put all the resources from their withered bodies into their own divine space.

Originally, all the resources of the false and true gods were gathered in one place.

It's just that when the Zerg devoured it, they just completely ate up this divine space, and a lot of resources were lost.

One is that Lin Hua devouring these resources does nothing to improve his own strength.

The most precious resource, the massive resource, is the power of the pseudo-true gods, which has been completely devoured by them.

The rest is just drizzle, but it will be different for the army in the Netherworld.

After all, Lin Hua still plans to lead them to conquer the world in the future. This is his team, and he will naturally train them without sparing any effort.

Looking at the God of the West and the God of Darkness who were still stunned.

Aren't you two going to pick out some resources? Then don't ask for them from me.

Lin Hua twitched the corner of his mouth and said in a deep voice.

Well, let's not compete with them. Just leave the real resources to us.

A smile appeared on the corner of the Dark God's mouth and he said leisurely.

After all, it would be hard to let these two dignified true gods compete with a group of fake true gods for resources.

Don’t you want to lose face?

Well, you guys have made a good plan, so you guys are waiting for me here.

Ling Hua twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at the two people angrily. To be honest, he didn't think that all the twenty-four true gods would be killed.

These people still need to have some powerful people around them if they want to conquer the world.

You can't just rely on the God of Darkness and the God of the West.

The reason why we set our target in the Ice Domain is because there are the most Ice Gods.

You can eat enough at once, and you don’t have to look for some powerful helpers.

As for when to eat, that's not up to you.

Just take advantage of this moment to recruit all the other big fish.

Lin Hua felt that after devouring the five realms, he should be able to advance to the level of a true god.

But now that the thousands of pseudo-true gods I have seen are all gone, I am only a mage of about seventy-sixth level.

He estimated that the five major domains were not qualified enough. It seemed that he still had to go out. Since he wanted to go out, his strength was naturally not enough.

This time, the true gods of the Ice Realm were almost allowed to escape, which was not a good thing.

Lin Hua has never lacked the good habit of preparing for a rainy day.

Lin Hua, we work hard and never complain, so we can't lower ourselves.

The Western God said loudly with a shy face.

No, you have to pretend this when it's time to pretend.

Okay, let's wake them up later and ask them to hand over half of the resources.

Lin Hua waved his hand gently and said loudly without saying much.

Ah! Lin Hua, do you mean not to kill them?

The God of the West and the God of Darkness said in unison.

There was a look of surprise in their eyes, they didn't expect it.

What's wrong?

Lin Hua looked at the Western God and Darkness' curious questions with a puzzled look on his face.

Uh...this, this!

We have completely disabled them...

The God of the West and Dark Mountain looked at each other and whispered.

The two of them pushed each other and finally decided to talk together. After all, this matter was discussed by them. They originally thought that Lin Hua was going to devour all the true gods of the Ice Domain.

But he didn't expect that it would happen like this, and the whole person was extremely embarrassed.

What the hell? Didn't I tell you to live? Didn't I not let you kill them?

When Lin Hua heard this, he stared at the Western God and the Darkness with a speechless expression. The God said angrily, how could he have imagined that such a situation would happen?

I originally thought that I could strengthen my team, but I never thought that these people would never wake up again.

This is Lin Hua. Our power has completely destroyed their minds, but it has not harmed their oracle space.

Even if they are woken up, they are still idiots and will be of no use. Besides, just telling us that you wanted to devour them didn't make me...

The God of the West and the God of Darkness, you and I whispered each other. The sound was so low that they couldn't hear it clearly.

You guys have surrendered, okay, I'll count on you to be cruel.

Lin Hua looked helpless and sighed leisurely.

This was something he didn't expect.

Hey, we must pay attention next time, the God of the West and the God of Darkness said in unison.

All I have to do is pat my chest to assure myself.

Okay, wake them up and drag them away. Let's go to conquer the sea area.

Lin Hua said loudly.

Ah, Lin Hua, why don't you just devour them now? Although they can't think and have become idiots, their foundation is still there. The marching speed with them will naturally be much slower. It's better to devour them directly. Come on, come on.

The God of the West and the God of Darkness asked curiously.

Goose, are you two really stupid, or are you just complete idiots?

Lin Hua couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the two of them and said in a deep voice.

It's not that Lin Hua can't swallow it by himself, but now, no matter whether it's reorganization or ten minutes, everyone has fallen into a deep sleep. After all, he has swallowed more than a thousand true gods with his own strength. Although this is It is huge in size, but not so big that it can be swallowed without limit.

Uh, okay! Yes

The God of the West and the God of Darkness smiled bitterly upon hearing this, and looked at the true gods of the Ice Domain, feeling extremely helpless.

What is this thing called?

You must know that the size of the true god is extremely huge, and it is impossible to put it into the divine space.

And if you want to carry their bodies forward, it is undoubtedly like carrying the gods' planet forward.

After all, after reaching the level of True God, a divine space may be much larger than other divine planets.

It is not difficult for them to carry a god planet, but only the devil knows how many divine realm spaces there are in these true gods, and there are still twenty-four of them.

At that time, they couldn't carry it at all, and even if they reluctantly carried it, they couldn't move forward quickly. In short, they were much slower than the true gods who controlled the ice domain.


Mysterious principles emanated from the hands of the God of the West and the God of Darkness, and rippled out.


After a short time, the true gods of the Ice Jade came to life, but they were all smiling like idiots.

Hey hey hey...hahaha...

who are you?

For a moment, the pale cry of the True God of Ice Whispers rippled in the void.

It seems that each of them is as innocent as a walking zombie, completely losing the ability to take care of themselves.

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