Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 318 Prepare for war, prepare for war quickly!

A gleam appeared in Lin Hua's eyes, and Lao Sheng said, his voice almost in the void.

Five million miles is already the scope of True God's exploration. No matter how they hide, they will eventually be discovered.

Although five million miles is far away, for the true god, it can be reached in almost a few breaths.


Following Lin Hua's order, the nervous pseudo-true gods opened the formation with extremely miserable expressions.

It's not a bitter look. After all, they came here to die, so there is nothing to be happy about.

Waves of mysterious power rippled out.

People in the Nether Realm were instantly enveloped by a vast formation.

Rays of divine light rise vertically and horizontally, and thick haze rises, exuding supreme divine power.

At that moment, it seemed as if I had penetrated into the endless sky, scattered in the endless river of time, illuminating all things.

At the moment when powerful power instantly filled the surroundings, the endless Gangfeng in the void, the Nine Heavens Black Fox and the endless void chaos, each one seemed to have seen their nemesis.

He ran for his life in a hurry.

The Nether Rain here is so powerful that it ripples in the blink of an eye.

The realm of ice.

The true gods suddenly opened their eyes, and streaks of thunder rippled out of their eyes.

The enemy is coming and prepare for war.

A strong voice, which seemed to contain endless divine power, instantly echoed from the mouth throughout the entire ice domain.

What's going on? Could it be that the strong men from the Sea Territory have come to our side? Please notify the Extreme Territory immediately for their support. Who is this blind person who dares to challenge us from the Ice Territory?

One true god, thousands of false true gods, instantly stood in the void, looking at the great formation in the Netherworld from a distance.

Let me go, when did you come here? Are there only less than five million miles left? Damn, are the scouts working? The fast speed array

Each of them was a true god, and their faces first showed a look of astonishment, and then they exuded a look of extreme fear, and they all shouted in unison.

Their expressions were also a little panicked, but you should know that tens of thousands of miles away is the range of their true gods. They are usually only tens of millions of miles away. Basically, when they reach tens of millions of miles, they belong to each big domain. The restricted area will never allow any enemy to come within thousands of miles.

Generally speaking, they basically fight within twenty million miles. Fighting in the void for ten thousand miles is equivalent to being beaten at the doorstep.

This is definitely a great shame and humiliation, but now he is born as a human being and has come to within five million without making a move. What does this portend?

Their true gods were able to kill all the pseudo-true gods in their ice domain without even knowing it, but they were like fools and had no idea what was going on.

How can this be done while we are still in an environment of singing and dancing?

Fortunately, they still have five million formations that need to be activated in time, otherwise they might face a massacre by the time they wait.

Because of the large formation, they couldn't tell how many people were coming from the other side.

But even if you think about it, you can still think that the United Legion should attack the Ice Domain.

But the Ji Realm is just a stone's throw away from them, and they will never cross the river and tear down the bridge to do such a thing.

It is conceivable that there are several major regions that would do such a thing.

The entire Ice Domain also hurriedly opened formations, and the waiter defended himself against the intruders.

But how could they activate this formation in a hurry?

After all, it is impossible for all the false and true gods to gather together.

Joining forces also takes time.

And the true gods are scattered in every corner of Ice Jade.

Normally, they stay in the Planet of Gods and only gather together when warriors arrive or when they want to attack.

The rest of the time is basically spent cultivating them, and they can't gather together when nothing happens. They can't just stare at them.

Regardless of their appearance, their red monkeys are all densely packed in the void 30 million miles away.

It can be said that he is always watching the movements around him, paying attention to the dynamics of the Sea Domain, Dragon Domain, and Wolf Reputation.

The main reason is that the Ice Domain will know immediately if there is any change there, but they didn't expect that they would be careless this time.

They have come five million miles away.

Hurry up... prepare for battle quickly!

A true god of Wei Wei shouted loudly in his own god planet.

Since someone came to such a close distance, it shows that they were fully prepared in advance.

At this time, regardless of whether it is the true god, the gods are still the gods in the ordinary clergy planet.

There is no way to avoid it. We must respond quickly. Who knows how many people are coming from the other side.

The most annoying thing is, where did all the detective reports go?

Now all the pseudo-true gods want to catch the scouts and beat him up.

Have you all gone to bed? Why do I still get no information after calling someone at my door?

It makes no sense. It's a pity that they don't have the leisure to deal with this matter.

Tissue development that can only be cursed.

And after each true god dropped a word, they all gathered in one place.

Lin Hua didn't care about what was going on in the Ice Domain on the other side. In his eyes, it was just food for the Soul-eating Insects. He was looking forward to whether he could be promoted to a true god after this battle.

Although the soul-eating insects devoured power, it was not bad before he could be promoted.

But after coming into contact with the true god, I realized that something was wrong with me.

My body is surprisingly large, so to speak, it is normal and understandable for me to say that I have not seen this kind of breasts.

But the three-flavor true god of the Nether Realm, and the God of the West, the God of Darkness.

Haven't the five of them seen the world? They were all extremely surprised by their size.

So now Lin Hua is a little scared, not knowing whether he can be promoted.

Although there are twenty-five true gods in the Ice Domain, when it comes to their size, I am afraid they are not enough.

He could only hope that with the resources of the entire Ice Domain, the pseudo-true gods would be able to be promoted to true gods.

As soon as I thought about the improvement of my kindness from zero energy, it immediately showed an exponential increase.

Although it was nice for him to improve his strength, he also wanted to become a true god.

Although in the eyes of others he is a true god, perhaps even stronger than the true god.

But he knew that there was still some gap in his identity.

The main divine fire that has been swallowed up is now just a mere seventy-level pseudo-true god.

It’s too difficult, it’s too difficult to get promoted.

If Lianhua's mentality at this moment were heard by other real or pseudo-real gods, they would probably have a look of disdain in their eyes.

! So infuriating.

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