Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 31 The flame dragon has fallen, do you still dare to be crazy?

Lin Hua didn't know what was happening in the simulated battle hall at this time.

At this time, he has commanded two Zerg queens to come to the battlefield. The Zerg swarm is a race with distinct classes.

As the Zerg Queen came back, the other Zergs around her all opened a path for her.

In the realm of the gods.

Feeling the presence of the same third-order lord-level creature,

The flame dragon in the sky also became restless.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Lilia, Queen of the Zerg, aimed at the flame dragon flying in the sky and shot a series of bone needles from its back.

Although the structure of the bone needle is simple, it is a weapon that can penetrate steel plates!

When the flame dragon saw the bone needle flying towards him, a trace of disdain flashed in its eyes.

How could the giant flame dragon see the tiny needles? Obviously, in its eyes, these bone needles couldn't even penetrate its dragon scales and hurt its skin.

However, the flame dragon soon regretted his actions of underestimating the enemy.

Yes, there is indeed no way for these bone needles to penetrate the giant dragon's hard scales.

But the wings of the flame dragon are not protected by dragon scales.

Sure enough, the bone needle completely penetrated its wing.


The flame dragon felt the pain and roared loudly.

I saw those barbed bone needles stabbing the flame dragon's wings fiercely, poking several large holes in it.

Such injuries would not matter on the ground, but this was during flight.

Its wings began to leak a little, and gradually the flying height of the flame dragon began to become a little unstable.

Below, there are countless swarms of insects watching eagerly.

Quick! Quick! Avoid the attack!

Seeing that the Zerg Queen Lilia's attack could actually penetrate the dragon's wings.

Cui Bowei's voice finally became panicked.

If the giant dragon is captured, it will face a dense swarm of insects.

Cui Bowei couldn't even imagine that scene!

However, are there any attacks from the Zerg Queen that you can dodge if you want to?

What's more, this is the simultaneous shooting of two insect queens.

That range is enough to block all the flame dragon's flight routes.

Soon, the wings of the flame dragon's cub became tattered and leaked in all directions.


The flame dragon was completely angered again.

It opened its mouth, and rich magma flames gathered in its mouth.

A big mouthful of flames spit out like sticky phlegm.

No, this time it was magma, and the entire sky was actually illuminated by that light.

The target is the two Zerg queens on the ground.

After all, the Zerg Queen is a auxiliary creature, and its defense is indeed not optimistic.

Just before the magma flames were about to hit the Zerg Queen's head, dozens of cockroaches suddenly appeared.

Violent flames exploded, and the cockroaches did not flinch at all because of the temperature of the flames.

Instead, they continued to maintain their formation. At this time, each cockroach transformed into a warrior who was not afraid of death and used their bodies to block the Zerg Queen.

At this moment they are knights.

Ding: The cockroach made a cup of fire and suffered minor injuries.

The system beep sounded again.

It is indeed a cockroach with abnormal defense power!

It was only a minor injury, and the insect swarm could recover in an instant.

After shooting this attack, the wings of the third-order flame dragon in the sky could no longer maintain its huge body.

At this time, the flame dragon was like a leaf falling with the wind in the sky and half of it fell to the ground.

It's just that the leaves are indeed a little heavy.

I saw that the Zerg army had already opened its bloody mouth that had been waiting for a long time, and swooped forward and submerged the flame dragon in the vast sea of ​​​​worms.

Lin Hua! Quick! Stop! I give up! Isn't it okay if I give up?

Cui Bowei's furious voice came from the opponent's divine territory.

The death of the half-dragon doesn't matter to a rich second generation like Cui Bowei. At most, it just means spending more pocket money.

But if the third-order lord-level flame dragon dies, the blow to Cui Bowei will be devastating.

After all, this flame dragon is an investment given to you by your aristocratic family. If the investment fails, this person will not be able to appear on the list that the aristocratic family vigorously cultivates in the future.

However, Lin Hua is no saint.

The old saying about being merciful and merciful does not apply to Lin Hua at all.

What Lin Hua wants is to beat Cui Bowei in pain and fear.

In fact, Lin Hua's battle this time was more of a warning to the monkeys.

However, Lin Hua still has the good habit of cutting grass and roots.

Ding: The insect swarm swallowed the third-level lord-level creature Flame Dragon and gained 10,000 evolution points.

Ding: The insect swarm devoured the third-order lord-level creature, the giant flame dragon, and obtained the mutated gene - the flame gallbladder.

The system beep sounded again.

A third-level lord-level creature can bring Lin Hua 10,000 evolution points, and it also comes with a new gene sequence for evolution.

This business has made a lot of money. Now Lin Hua can't afford to have more ignorant guys like Cui Bowei to duel with him.

In this way, I will be one step closer to being promoted to a new level.

But I'm afraid no one else in this class will challenge Lin Hua from now on.

Wait until the giant flame dragon is completely eaten by the swarm of insects.

Lin Hua ordered the insect swarm to retreat to the insect's divine territory and cut off the connection between the divine territory.

Cui Bowei was silent for a while and then cut off the connection with the Realm of God.

The battle cabin system prompts: Both sides have cut off the link to the divine domain, and the battle is over.

Students, please leave the combat cabin as soon as possible.

After the battle cabin prompt sounded, Lin Hua walked out of the battle cabin.

On the other side, Cui Bowei also climbed out of the fighting compartment.

His face looked very ugly, as if he had eaten something indescribable.

Okay! You're so kind! Just wait for me.

Cui Bowei walked up to Lin Hua, his whole body trembling uncontrollably.

I didn't expect you to be so strong!

He originally planned to teach this person who had blocked his limelight and let the school know who was the number one genius.

Unexpectedly, the final result would be that he would lose face in front of everyone.

The problem is that not only did he lose his face, but his species was not even saved. Even the dragon cub that he was so proud of died at the hands of the man in front of him.

I'm the clown myself?

Now, Cui Bowei understood why Lin Hua was able to wipe out Liu Tian's race.

No one who encounters such a terrifying insect swarm army will be able to escape being destroyed by the group in the end.

This is what you requested for actual combat!

Lin Hua spread his hands and said innocently.

you you!

Cui Bowei's face was livid. Now he dares to be angry but dare not speak.

But I can't do it here.

In the end, he could only leave here in despair.

There was dead silence in the entire simulated battle hall.

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