Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 304 The power of materialized faith


The Western God took a deep breath and didn't want to talk any more nonsense. He didn't want to talk more than a few words. It was a waste of time and energy to say anything. It would be better to have a fight.

It just so happened that I had been suppressed by the Eastern God all these years, and I felt a little bit useless. I didn't want to talk nonsense with the True God of Darkness here.


In an instant, he saw the God of the West, with divine lights rippling around his body, exuding the supreme power of the sky.

This breath, which is completely out of this era, burst out instantly.

Including the Nine Heavens Mysterious Fire, the Endless Edge, and the Overlord of the Void, the Endless Void Turbulence also retreated.

It was as if they had sensed the powerful power of this man and did not dare to compete with him. They could only quietly avoid and protect this Western God and involved them in this catastrophe.


Looking at the aura of the Western God, Lin Hua's eyes showed a solemn meaning, although the Western God's current condition is not very good.

But Lin Hua knew in his heart that if he didn't use the soul-eating insect, it would still be impossible to completely crush this Western god. Even if he had been sealed for endless years, he wouldn't have much power.

But compared to the three true gods in the Nether Realm, their potential is less, and those who are much stronger are not on the same level at all.


At the same time, the True God of Darkness was not to be outdone, and dark edges appeared in his eyes.

A strange and eerie aura instantly spread all over his body. At this moment, the True God of Darkness,

Like a messenger of darkness coming out of endless purgatory,

It seems that at this moment, the world here has directly fallen into the territory of the True God of Darkness!

Different from the dazzling light of the Western God, there is no radiance on his body, everything is pitch black.

It was completely covered by the thick black fog.


At the same time, strange powers rippled in Lin Hua's hands. He knew that it was impossible for one person to suppress the Western God with only the True God of Darkness.

After all, the strength of both of them is between Bo Zhong. Although the power of the Western God has been weakened, it does not allow the true form of darkness to easily defeat him.

When the battle between the two was about to break out, he suddenly saw streams of milky white liquid floating out from the dark god's planet, exuding supreme mysterious power.


Wherever the power of faith goes, the void is filled with ripples, as if there is no way to carry this powerful spiritual power.

This is how the same thing?

All of a sudden, I saw the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, and there was no Kung Fu battle.

Both of them were stunned on the spot, with the corners of their mouths moving continuously.

As the true god who once ruled the entire world, he naturally understood what was contained in these powers.

Is this..., is this the power of faith? My innocence is fake, the power of faith is actually condensed into shape, this...

Directly facing the True God of Darkness, the two of them had throats surging, and their throats were extremely dry for a while. They did not expect that the power of faith could now be condensed and formed.

You must know that when they were wandering around in the world, they understood the power of faith and cultivated it to the extreme.

It can be directly condensed and formed. It can be said that they were the strong men in the entire world.

Everyone is looking forward to being able to achieve this step. If his god planet can enhance the power of Shenyang to this level,

In the future era, they will definitely be able to directly improve their power to a higher level.

It's a pity that they couldn't do it at all at the beginning. This was just a theoretical study. They all thought that the power of faith could not be condensed and formed. After all, so many strong men could not do it.

Now that it suddenly appeared in front of them, one can imagine how horribly shocked they were.



I saw the True God of Darkness and the God of the West looking at each other and asking subconsciously. In their impression, maybe only the other party can do this. After all, they have studied these things before. After all these years, they may not be sure. No one knows what kind of methods are used.

Huh? Not yours?

The next moment, the two people looked at each other sadly, and instantly understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

Uh! Whose is that?

Both of them had a certain identity in their eyes, and the God of Darkness and the God of the West said with a little trembling.

Now this operation has completely subverted their cognition. Fortunately, the strong men in the world are basically dead. If they see this scene, they will definitely want to die in the future. Yes.

Thinking about what they had been struggling with and chasing for countless years, now they have fallen to the bottom of such a person. It is simply, what does it mean to make people more irritating than others?

Now it can be said that each of them can deeply understand the helplessness involved.

For a moment, even when they saw the God of Darkness and the God of the West, their breathing became extremely serious.

To be honest, both of them are now looking forward to Lin Hua admitting it. After all, this is something that transcends the times.

It definitely cannot be ignored, but they don't want Lin Hua to do this. Otherwise, it not only means that they are a waste.

For a moment, the two of them were in a state of turmoil, hoping and not hoping. They were extremely conflicted. Under the dumbfounded gazes of the True God of Darkness and the God of the West, the milky white power of faith entered Lin Hua's body in an instant. Body.

This...oh my god is this real?

The True God of Darkness and the God of the West instantly felt that their throats were a little hoarse.

No, they would rather this milky white power of faith belong to someone else. If the other party is a veteran strong man, that would make them happiest, but now it is obvious that this is completely impossible.


The True God of Darkness and the Western God were extremely solemn. They stared at Lin's words in astonishment, but Lin Hua did not notice the expressions of the two people at all. At this moment, Lin Hua was also a little confused.

Although he could feel that the entire divine planet was filled with fear the moment the Western God came out, he never expected that such a power of faith could be born in this divine planet.

To be honest, if the power of so many beliefs had entered Lin Hua's body immediately.

That Nianhua would not choose to leave there and stay directly on the planet of gods.

This does not mean that you can increase your strength just by sitting.

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