Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 297 Why do you stand with the false god?

But now you come here and give me eye drops?

Who can bear this?

After all, I am a Western God!

It was once considered the dominant party.

Now that Lin Hua's face has been trampled on at will, which true god would suffer this!

No matter what the reason is, the God of the West just wants to come and talk to Lin Hua.

He seemed to be yelling loudly before.

But for some reason, Lin Hua disappeared directly into the planet of gods.

Moreover, he was imprisoned by the Eastern God for endless years.

The most important thing is that his strength has not yet returned to its peak level.

The biggest enemy is actually time.

There is no doubt that no one went to see the True God of Darkness at that time.

He also had no place to vent.

I can only spend this period of time bored.

But the current Western gods are different.

One is the disciple of the Eastern God,

One is the hatred of the god planet!

It can be said that for a moment, entering the venue was like a gathering of old and new hatreds.

Naturally, this Western god would not have a good look on his face.


Lin Hua's lips twitched when he heard this. Would someone who didn't know this think that Lin Hua had directly imprisoned this Western god in this place?

Can this guy be so rampant now?

Originally, Lin Hua was not particularly talkative.

In Lin Hua's current style of doing things, things that can be solved with one slap are

The second method will never be used.

Now as soon as he came in, before he said anything, the Western God's eyes looked as if he wanted to kill him.

That mouth was not idle at all.

It made Lin Hua feel a little embarrassed for a while. It's not that what he did to the Western God made his conscience aware.

But now the Western God is asking questions like a barrage, directly saying that Lin Hua doesn't know how to answer the question.

Because this Western God seems to have been silent for endless years.

After finally unleashing his keyboard warrior nature, he continued one sentence after another without giving Lin Hua any chance.

Lin Hua naturally couldn't answer a word.

Now facing this situation, he was a little helpless.


The True God of Darkness sneered when he saw this scene.

The way he is restrained now, as long as he can make Lin Hua deflate, everything will be worth it.

In terms of strength, we still don’t know which side will take the initiative.

After all, his skills were inferior to others, and they had soul-eating insects, so what else could he say!

The current True God of Darkness is telling himself in his heart that he was not defeated by Lin Hua.

He was defeated by the soul-eating insect raised by his former friend.

As a soul-eating insect, it once grew up with the Pure World White Lotus.

It's understandable that he can't beat him.

The True God of Darkness can also give him comfort in his heart.

That means it's not that depressing.

But what about in the end?

The True God of Darkness found that he was no match for Lin Hua even with his words.

He could only wait silently for an opportunity for Lin Hua to ridicule.

Now, by coincidence, we have arrived in front of this Western God,

And what a coincidence is that the original Western God was the most scolding God in all the worlds.

It’s not that this Western god’s words are so profound.

It’s because this Western god speaks too quickly,

It's like renting it, and I'm in a hurry to return it.

Seeing this scene, the True God of Darkness felt a lot relieved, finally seeing Lin Hua deflated and speechless.

Now he still felt a little grateful to this Western God in his heart.

Although their relationship was not very good.

But after all, in the endless years, just seeing such an old friend, naturally I feel more cordial in my heart!

What's more, the current Western God has severely avenged himself a small revenge.

Haha, Lin Hua, you are so good!

For a moment, the True God of Darkness couldn't bear it anymore and started to taunt him directly.


Lin Hua felt quite helpless when he heard the mocking words of the Dark God.

This dark god doesn’t care about his contract,

He obviously came to help, but ended up taking the other person's side verbally. ,

The whole person felt as if he had eaten a dead fly, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

But that was why Lin Hua was ridiculed by the Dark God. After all, Lin Hua was not qualified. He also had his emotions.

It is impossible not to care about everything.


Regardless of whether others can do this or not, Lin Hua knows that he cannot do it.

Therefore, Lin Hua looked at the True God of Darkness angrily and gave him a lesson.

Let him know that today's ridicule will be paid back sooner or later.

Huh? Huh? Who!

The Western God was shouting excitedly when he suddenly heard the words of dark blessing, and a look of doubt appeared on his face.

Why does this person's voice sound so familiar?

But no, when the Eastern God was imprisoned here, the memory of the Western God would always stay at that moment.

The scenes seemed to be in a movie, with the eyes of the Western God flashing one after another.

After all, here he is, in the endless years, indeed a little lonely, with no entertainment at all.

There was no one to fuck him and chat with.

There was once a corpse of an Eastern God that talked to the Western God.

Then the Western God still had nothing to do, so he mocked the Eastern God.

But since Lin Hua came here, he directly took away the bones of the Eastern God.

The result is undoubtedly that no one is playing with the Western gods at all.

Now the Western gods are wondering whether they will die alone.

To be honest, the Western gods have a sigh these days,

If Lin Hua comes out tens of thousands of years later.

Then the Western God really couldn't bear the terrifying loneliness.

Just leave this damn place.

Of course, there is still a very important problem in this, that is, he does not know what Lin Hua will do to him if he inherits the mantle of the Eastern God in the future.

Although the Western God has lived for a long time, there is an old saying that the longer a person lives, the more he fears death.

This is still quite normal.

After the Western God saw Lin Hua killing the Western Alliance on the planet of gods, he knew that Lin Hua was a decisive person.

If Lin Hua waits until he truly grows up, he will really be dead by then.

There is no other West.

But now after meeting the True God of Darkness, I am a little blinded.

At first I didn't notice that a third person would come into this place.

You...? Dark God, how could you or?

A look of astonishment appeared in the eyes of the Western God,

I couldn't believe my eyes at all.

Is this really true?

Are there still people from that era in this world?

Aren't you dead? That's not right! Are you the True God of Darkness?

For a moment, the Western God was at a loss.

After all, he has been sealed by the Eastern God for countless years, whether it is his own perception or other powers.

The current Western gods simply cannot cover everything, and their perception is also very weak in the seal.

Therefore, there is no way to determine the cultivation level of this true god of darkness.

In his opinion, it is impossible for the True God of Darkness to stand with Lin Hua.

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