Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 295 The seal of the Eastern God?

The will-o'-the-wisp god is still a little curious.


The two false and true gods of the Wu clan looked at each other, how could they say this.

It was hard to get these people together.

If we tell them, these people will probably run away immediately.

In this case, I naturally don't want to tell them.

You will know when the time comes.

Lord Soul Eater, I will definitely tell you. Don't be anxious.

Frost False God said with an autistic expression.


The Ghost Fire Pseudo God was also confused when he heard this, and he felt a little speechless.

Even his power is much stronger than that of the Frost Pseudo God.

But he still didn't dare to take action, after all, Lin Hua was standing behind these two pseudo-true gods.

Facing the words of the frosty false god. Also a little helpless.

It's been a month! Fortunately, sir, something happened and he hasn't come back yet. Otherwise, we would be doomed and we don't know how we died.

Seeing that Lin Hua did not come back, the False God of the Wu Clan sighed.

In fact, according to normal thinking, that month is indeed a bit long.

You must know that when the news of the birth of the Jiuyao Divine Fire was announced, a large number of people gathered in just three days.

This month has been enough to prove how procrastinating it is.

The only thing that made the three Frost False Gods happy was that Lin Hua didn't show up at all.

Otherwise, in the current situation, the other true gods will definitely vent their anger on the two of them.

By then, it will be over.

So the three people now didn't say anything. They just stood in front of the false gods as if they were looking at prisoners.

Just waiting so quietly.


I saw that the entire void was also quiet. Everyone was here at this moment and no one was talking nonsense.

After all, when they came, they kept asking about the three Frost False Gods.

But these three people just gritted their teeth and refused to speak out.

The strong men were also helpless and could only do this.

There are not many ways!

Therefore, in the current situation, they are too lazy to talk nonsense.

It's useless to talk too much, so let's make peace with it!

On the other side, Lin Hua and Dark God finally arrived at the planet of gods after more than a month of long journey.


The moment the dark god saw the god's planet, he instantly became excited.

Dark power spread all over his body.

Because I saw that substantial action, because I was too excited to see the god planet.

For a moment, I forgot to suppress my breath.

The huge power of darkness instantly filled the air, but it did not harm the god's planet.

Lin Hua ignored this dark god. After all, the dark god was also a person from this god's planet.

The Dark God's breathing gradually became heavier.

I am preparing to go to the planet of gods and feel this feeling of longing.

Huh? By the way, what are you doing back?

The Dark God said curiously.

According to normal people's thinking, basically very few people would actually return to the planet of gods for no reason.

After all, as long as you can successfully achieve enlightenment on the god's planet and become a false true god, you will be able to feel the safety issues of the god's planet.

So there is no need to worry.

The resources of the god's planet can no longer satisfy the pseudo-true god.

That is to say, we must go to the outside world to find the resources naturally generated by that world.

It must be a strange thing like the Nine-Yao Divine Fire.

Previously, the God of Darkness was happy to see the planet of gods, but this time he suddenly understood.

There seems to be something wrong with this Lin Hua!

Don't you know the God of the West? Now let me introduce you to the God of the West!

A fierce light appeared in Lin Hua's eyes and he said loudly.

Huh? What?

The Dark God's eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't believe his ears.

Is what Lin Hua said true?

In fact, her original relationship with the Western God was considered average.

But now in this situation, the former friend and the enemy are dead.

It would be nice to meet a contemporary.

But now Lin Hua says that the Western God is still there?

Is this true or false?

Don't be so excited. Feel what the power here is like.

A smile appeared in Lin Hua's eyes and he said loudly.


The Dark God General glanced at Lin Hua doubtfully, and then looked at the planet of gods.

Is there anything wrong?

Isn't this exactly the same?

However, in the eyes of the Dark God, Lin Hua should not argue with him about these things at this time.

Hoo, ho ho!

The Dark God rippled with power, exuding mysterious power all over his body, and began to carefully explore the surroundings of the god's planet.

At this moment, the gods on that god planet, because their strength was so poor, had no idea that someone was already exploring them outside.

Lin Hua, are you lying to me?

The Dark God carefully explored the planet of gods, but still found nothing.

Turning around and looking at Lin Hua, he asked quietly.

Um? Are you an idiot? Do I come here to deceive you? Is this necessary?

Lin Hua said angrily.

How long has it been, and I still don’t believe in myself?

Don’t you think about the benefits of deceiving him? ’

Anyway, Lin Hua couldn't think of it himself.

Before Lin Hua arrived at the planet of gods, he was really anxious.

After all, he didn't know when the Western God would wake up, and if he came back too late, with the character of the Western God, he would directly massacre the entire planet of gods.

Now we have come here,

Then Lin Hua is not worried anymore.

The seal left by the Eastern God is still extremely powerful, and there is no way for the Western God to break it open directly.

It was only at this time that I had this leisurely relationship with the God of Darkness.

Of course, he was also curious about how the people of the Eastern God became extinct in the end.

Maybe the Western Gods will know some answers.

Uh? What's going on with you? You might as well tell me directly!

A look of helplessness appeared in the eyes of the Dark God, and he was annoyed.

While he was cursing, he continued to explore carefully.

This time, the core of the god's planet was directly searched.


Suddenly, the Dark God was startled, and his whole body suddenly became excited.

The seal of the Eastern God? What do I think it is? It's just this old guy's seal. Is it any good?

The Dark God said loudly.

With some eyes, what's the matter? In his eyes, the current sealing power of the Eastern God is to seal this god's planet so that outsiders cannot see it.

It seems that after endless years of baptism, the breath of the divine planet slowly leaked out.

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