Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 292 The Dark God was tricked!

Then let's sign a soul contract!

Lin Hua said loudly.

Saying this, he took out a piece of silk from his arms,

It also exudes mysterious power.


The Dark God couldn't help but tremble in his eyes, did he have any other choice?

It’s frustrating!

What a shame!


What on earth are you doing!


A mysterious mysterious power lingered from the fingertips of the Dark God, and slowly landed on the cotton.

Exuding supreme coercion, if the former Eastern God saw this scene,

I guess those people are just like Wuhu.

They have never seen such a dark god.

The Dark God thought that it could be said that it was the all-powerful enemy at the beginning.

The whole world will be a little scared when they see it.

It is precisely because the power of this dark god is indeed too powerful.

The Eastern God and others will join forces to seal this dark god.

Otherwise, their dominant position in the Nether Realm must have become the evil god and the god of darkness.

And it seemed that the Dark God might be a greater threat than the Evil God at first.

If the evil god hadn't raised the soul-eating worm in the later period, the situation would have changed.

In fact, if the current world knew that Lin Hua had raised this soul-eating worm, they would definitely do everything possible to prevent the soul-eating worm from continuing to exist.

After all, these people have never really seen this soul-eating insect.

It is understandable to behave like this.

But the God of Darkness is different. He grew up with the Evil God.

It is also equivalent to being half the master of the Soul-Eating Insect.

It was precisely because he knew the terrifying power of this soul-eating insect that he knew how great a threat Lin Hua posed to him at this time.


Just after the Dark God signed the contract, he felt an invisible force appearing in his soul.

Although this power is impossible to appear in normal times,

But the Dark God knew very well that if he failed to protect this secret, he would most likely go crazy in the future.

In the mild case, the nerves are scattered, and in the severe case, the person dies directly.


Lin Hua looked at the unwilling look on the Dark God's face, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealed a smile, and said loudly.


The Dark God rolled his eyes angrily and was too lazy to talk nonsense. For the Dark God, a thousand years is still a short time.

But for Lin Hua, it was enough.

After all, the soul-eating worm cannot be taken out easily. If it is discovered, it will be eaten and carried away.

On the other hand, Lin Hua knew that he could surpass the God of Darkness in a thousand years. After all, it took him less than a hundred years from the beginning of his cultivation to the present.

As long as the resources are in place, it is enough.

By the way, let me tell you one thing. I only want to protect you, but you don't want me to take action. And if you want to die on your own, you'd better not drag me down!

The Dark God said angrily.

He was just afraid that this Lin Hua would cause trouble wherever he went. Although the former God of Darkness also caused trouble,

But now he really doesn't want to simply become Lin Hua's thug.

There is no face in speaking out.

Although there is no face left in becoming a fake bodyguard of the True God.

Well! Don't worry! As long as I can fight you, I won't let you take action.

Lin Hua nodded and said loudly with a firm look in his eyes.

He actually brought the Dark God with him to give him another trump card when he conquered other regions.

After all, Lin Hua may not be absolutely safe if he is accompanied by the Soul-Eating Insect.

Only a ghost knows how powerful the other powerful men from the great domain are.

Although the three true gods of the Nether Realm all feel that their power is very powerful.

Moreover, they also feel that others cannot surpass themselves in the same realm.

But Lin Hua doesn't think so. After all, the number of people in other large domains is many times better than that in the Netherworld.

This is the best! Humph!

Boy, after a thousand years, you can no longer threaten me with this soul-eating insect. If you threaten me, it will be like a thunderbolt from heaven!

The Dark God said angrily.

Hoo ho!

I saw a smile appearing in Lin Hua's eyes, and he couldn't help laughing for a moment.

Okay! I will!

Lin Hua said loudly.

Let's go! Follow me to a place!

The next moment, before Lin Hua could finish his words, his figure disappeared directly from the spot.


The God of Darkness couldn't help but roll his eyes at Lin Hua. Looking at Lin Hua's power, he felt disgusted no matter how he looked at it.

It always felt like my head had been kicked by a donkey, and I felt very unhappy.

But there was no choice but to chase Lin Hua.


In the void, among the endless death stars, only two streams of light were seen, one after another, passing through them, as if he had transformed into the sky like two shooting stars.

Lin Hua, where are you going?

The God of Darkness watched Lin Hua go straight to the original center of the Netherworld with great curiosity in his heart.

The real names of both parties can be known from the soul contract.

The Nether Realm has become like this, so what is Lin Hua going to do there now?

And it seems that Lin Hua is completely familiar with this place, as if he has returned to his own home. ,

Is it possible that there are still living planets in this Nether Realm?

Are you talking about the people from the past who are still here?

For a moment, the Dark God felt a surge of excitement in his heart.

But not? If he was suddenly alone in a place like this, that didn't mean he was alone.

Now if you meet someone you once knew, even if it's an enemy, that's fine!

At least now I'm alone, that's a lot better!


Lin Hua didn't answer the Dark God's question at all.

He rushed directly towards the depths of the endless void, but the Dark God looked around curiously, although Lin Hua's speed was quite good in the eyes of the three true gods.

But in the eyes of the God of Darkness, he still doesn't have much to show for himself.


A vibrating sound rippled in the void.

Echoed in the endless death stars.

The two of them walked for a full month.

I don’t know if I got lost or what.

Anyway, Lin Hua just walked two days longer than when he came out before.

For this specific reason, Lin Hua himself was a bit uneasy.

If he hadn't felt the familiar power of faith.

He began to doubt his direction.


I saw that the dark god felt the power of the god's planet and instantly seemed to be a different person, and his whole person became excited.

What I never expected was that in the sea of ​​death, there was actually a planet of gods still alive.

Suddenly, the Dark God felt like he was in tears.

But no, that means I am no longer alone!

At least he still has his former main star.

He felt the familiar yet unfamiliar atmosphere in the god's planet, and for a moment he couldn't help but have a shallow smile on his face.

I just know that this Lin Hua definitely has a special relationship with guys like Dongfang Shen.


The God of Darkness also took a deep breath, but it still made her a little sad, because he did not have the powerful aura of those people in the past.

It's just some vague aura, it's just some garbage that can't be put on the table.

The Dark God understood instantly.

Maybe the main star still exists, but what that person said is that the thing is completely man-made.

Not worth mentioning.

It turns out you are from the main star, okay! It won't be a loss if my Dark God falls into your hands!

The Dark God said quietly.

Huh? What main star?

Lin Hua looked at the Dark God with a confused look on his face, completely confused as to what he was talking about.

What main star? Why is he from this main star?

Why don't you lose money?

When the Dark God heard this, his eyes narrowed and his mouth twitched, as if he was seeing Lin Hua for the first time.

Don't you even know the main star?

The Dark God asked doubtfully.

Huh? I don't know!

Lin Hua looked even more confused. He had only just left the planet of gods not long ago.

How is it possible to know these things?

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