Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 287 I have a kick that can attract everything!

Oh, Frost False God, what do you want me to say about you?

If you have any concerns, go talk to an adult! What are you talking about here? I don't have time to defend you or anything like that.

When the time comes, we'll have to wait and see who the unlucky guy will be!

Besides, maybe your lord has already discussed it with the three true gods. The battle situation that your lord had before didn't look like a big fight! It seemed like they were communicating, and you couldn't see any fighting on your body. meaning!

Perhaps the emergence of an adult this time will give our Netherworld a hope of rising!

A look of yearning appeared in the eyes of the False God of the Witch Clan,

Said in a deep voice.


Hearing this, the Frost Pseudo God couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Everyone was hesitant.

I don’t know what to say!

Maybe this witch tribe’s pseudo-true god’s idea is right!

Well! Let's do what you want. At that time, we will be the pseudo-true gods of the Nether Realm at the same time. Tell them, sir, that we have summoned them for something!

Let the adults do the rest!

The Frost Pseudo God heard this, nodded gently, and said in a deep voice.

Well! This is what it looks like!

Let's go! Let's do this thing as soon as possible! I guess that thing is still a bit difficult. Those people before were all afraid of the adults. I guess they didn't dare to return to their own god's planet. Now we don’t know who is hiding in that nook and corner? Whether we can gather these people together before the adults come back is a question in our eyes.

There is still time to think about the war. Let's seize the time and think about the situation we may have to face!

I saw a look of helplessness in the eyes of the Frost False God,

Said in a deep voice.

Uh! Stop educating me here. Why don't you tell me how to gather these fake gods?

The Frost Pseudo God broke his guard, and said in a deep voice with an impatient look in his eyes.

Who doesn’t know how to speak great principles? Who doesn’t know this?

The key is whether they can possess that absolute strength.

Convince everyone.

The two of them were silent for a long time.

It was indeed said by this frost pseudo-true god.

Even though they accepted it so easily in front of Lin Hua,

They were all scared by Lin Hua.

It is simply impossible for them to return to their god's planet.

Maybe these people will surrender directly and go elsewhere.

After all, Lin Hua killed the pseudo-true God of Wuji Fire before.

That is deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone,

It's exactly like their shadow.

Just like the current Frost False God,

Not only afraid of being swallowed by Lin Hua,

And I'm afraid of dedicating myself to the struggle for the five major domains!

If you say this as a fake god working for others,

It's definitely not beneficial.

When the three true gods were in the past, if they wanted to organize something,

They are also hiding in some unknown places,

Anyway, even if you know, you still pretend you don’t know.

The three true gods could only be so angry that they had nothing to say.

Now it's just the two of them who have to take the initiative to ask others to participate in this battle.

How is it possible?

This task seems very simple, but it is actually extremely difficult!

And only a ghost from the Netherworld in Nuo Da knows where this person will go?

Although the three true gods previously ruled the entire Nether Realm,

But it is also for the sake of the three true gods that these pseudo-true gods will be respectful.

If it were kept behind the scenes, these false gods wouldn't care about this at all.

That is to say, only when the crisis in the Netherworld comes, will there be such a strong cohesion.

In normal times, we really want them to come out and do something.

That's even harder than killing them!

What the Frost and False Gods don’t know is that,

The reason why those three pseudo-true gods want to go to the place where Jiuyao Divine Fire was born,

That is to say, I want to see the Netherworld in recent years.

How many outstanding pseudo-true gods have come out!

Isn't this just meeting Lin Hua?

In Lin Hua's eyes, everything in the Nether Realm is an existence in name only.

And what worries the three Frost False Gods the most is that if these people hide directly,

It can be said that it is really difficult to find them.

After all, this Netherworld realm is extremely huge, not just an ordinary large realm.

Why can't the five major realms eat up the Netherworld realm?

One of the important reasons is that the Netherworld is a bit too outrageous.

It is completely like an expanded version of the Dead Sea.


If ordinary people enter here, they will directly fall into endless darkness.

Those who do not know the way simply cannot find their way back.

Don't call me a foreigner.

That is, the strong men of the Netherworld will never enter the depths of the Netherworld.

The place where Lin Hua's god planet was before was a death restricted area.

Although Lin Hua didn't feel anything when he came out.

But the fact that the soul-eating worm has not been discovered by the people in the Nether Realm for endless years shows a big problem.

And it seems that none of the Unicom Soul-Eating Insects have come out of the Sea of ​​Death.

The Sea of ​​Wish is just an ordinary place,

It can be seen how huge this Nether Realm is.

It’s because this Nether Realm is less populated,

This resulted in a poor ranking.

But people who grow up in this environment,

Each one has two brushes.

Compared to people from other large areas,

Naturally, it is much stronger.

It's just that they have too few people to go directly to the battle.

When the time comes, if these pseudo-true gods hide directly and do not want to see Lin Hua,

That means trying to find it is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

And there is another most important reason,

The Frost False Gods and others don’t know where these false gods are, how can they inform them?

You can't just go one by one.

There is no problem at all in calling more than a dozen false gods.

But if we let them go and find each other one by one, it will take until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Don't look at it. When we were fighting for the Nine-Yao Divine Fire, all the pseudo-true gods arrived in time.

But now that Frost Pseudo God and the others want to find it, it will be even more difficult.

It is very likely that after Lin Hua handles his own affairs,

The two of them didn't even call out ten people.

Hoo ho ho!

The sound of the heavy breathing of the three false and true gods of the Ten Thousand Insects came out from the void.

One by one, you look at me and I look at you, with a deep look of helplessness in my eyes.

I originally wanted to tell Lin Hua these things.

But at that time, Lin Hua had a cannibalistic look in his eyes.

The three of them, Frost and False God, simply didn’t dare to fart.

I can only be forced to accept it helplessly.

What should we do! Or let's just run away!

I saw the Frost Pseudo God secretly looking around,

A light appeared in his eyes,

Said in a deep voice.

Uh! You don't want to die?

Don't you know that my lord is a decisive and decisive person? How dare you do this?

You run away. Anyway, I have to carry out your orders in a disciplined manner. As for the final result, I don't care at all!

The False True God of All Insects said quietly.

But no, he didn't say a word. If Lin Hua wanted them to die,

Can they run away?


Frost's pseudo-true god also had a look of loneliness on his face.

It was like seeing them being punished by Lin Hua.

Okay, I thought of a plan. We might as well spread the news that your new official has taken office. This time, we will distribute rewards to everyone! Let's pretend to spread it through the grapevine.

At that time, those people will definitely want the resources distributed by adults. We might...

I saw the Frost Pseudo God, suddenly thought of something, and said loudly.

No! It doesn't make any sense! In their eyes now, your Excellency is just like a murderous demon, not to mention a resource!

I'm afraid that if I tell them that they can be promoted to the true god directly with the help of adults, they won't be willing to come out!

If they really want to hide in Nuoda's Nether Realm, then the gain will outweigh the loss!

And we can't force them too hard. If they surrender directly to the five regions by then, then we will be sinners!

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