Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 272 Do you also have the power of space? ? ?

Everyone felt their throats became hoarse.

What does this mean? Doesn't it mean that a true god has similar abilities to a true god?

How can you let everyone believe in you? What you have experienced for so many years of cultivation has ended like this.

There is no one who is fake and awesome.

The problem is that this person is still a pseudo-true god who has just been born.

Although everyone knows that the true god of space does not use all his strength at all, he is still a true god after all.

This Lin Hua is too disrespectful to others.

At this moment, everyone felt an extremely cold chill running down their spines.

Fortunately, they did not see the True God of Space come out to taunt Lin Hua again.

Otherwise, none of them would be able to get out by then.

This means that even the true god cannot control Lin Hua.

What are you doing, people from Impossible Space? What is going on?

True God Lihuo looked at this scene and was extremely curious as to what happened.

He hurriedly came over to question the True God of Space. In his opinion, the True God of Space is a true God who cherishes his talents.

That’s why I asked Zhong Linghua here, otherwise it would be a dignified space.

If the true god turns away during the attack of the soul,

If it is easily erased, then how can we become gods in the future?

Is this because the true God of Space is letting things go, or is Lin Hua's power so powerful?

, to be honest, these three true gods couldn’t believe that the true gods of space could not suppress Lin Hua.

What's even more terrifying is that the two of them are even stronger than the True God of Space.


The True God of Space twitched the corner of his mouth and looked extremely ugly.

But no, do you think she is willing?

He doesn't want this either,

This is not just a slap in the face in front of everyone,

For a while, the true God in space was suffering and could not express his pain.

Facing the question from True God Lihuo, he didn't know what to do for a while.

Soul Eater, you are indeed very powerful, but what you did is wrong. I think you are powerful, so I won't argue with you. As long as you promise not to embarrass these false gods anymore, today's matter will be wiped out.

The True God of Space saw that the matter had come to this, and said in a deep voice with a very gentle tone.

If it weren't for this, then he would have started a war with Lin Hua. After the war started, if he had bowed down, let alone the issue of face, he would not even think about going to the core area.

However, the True God of Space is a true God after all, and he cannot compromise on his own. If no one is watching, then for the True God of Space, compromise is just a compromise.

After all, a person has no face or face, but in the current situation, these people are here. If the True God of Space directly compromises today, no one in the future who is strong in the Nether Realm will give him any face.

Therefore, the current True God of Space is also riding a tiger.

As long as Lin Hua answers the call, it is equivalent to giving the True God of Space a step down.

Pseudo-True God's expression did not change.

The True God of Space already has the intention of reconciliation.

But you, the true gods, are still not satisfied.

What they were thinking was that they wanted the True God of Space to suppress Lin Hua.

If you continue like this, when you, the True God of Space, leave, then they won't be able to eat enough and will be walking around.

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected. If I am not strong, will I die? So why should I admit it?

Lin Hua was a little funny, looking at the True God of Space without giving him any face.


Aren’t you the ones who have fallen down the stairs for the essence? I didn't expect that this Lin Hua would not give face, but he still gave him a casual word, even if it was an irreconcilable word, the Space God immediately followed suit.

You won't talk nonsense like this. This sentence is completely because the Space God doesn't know what to do.

His face was completely unbearable.

The corners of the pseudo-true god's mouth twitched, as he wanted to directly force the true god of space to take action.

Although the previous confrontation between the two was evenly matched, Dan Shi Pseudo True God could tell that the Space True God was not using all his strength at all.

. If Lin Hua resisted with all his strength, he could still be crushed no matter what.

After all, it was just a low-pressure confrontation, not a terrifying scene like a power confrontation.

It is normal to have such a reaction.

Why is the True God of Space like this?

The two true gods Lihuo Wuying twitched their mouths in the void.

I'm afraid he's not a fool, since he doesn't know how powerful the true god of space is.

Give you a reason. Let you go down comfortably, but you don't want to go down like this anymore.

In fact, they just wanted to teach Lin Hua a lesson and did not want to kill him.

Although the pressure before was almost the same as that of the True God of Space.

But they still felt that Lin Hua could not have the strength to resist the full power of the True God of Space.


In their eyes, Lin Hua is at most a very talented newcomer.

But now the situation is simple. A battle is inevitable. The true god of space will either not take action or once he does, he will most likely kill Lin Hua.

Then the travel plan of the three true gods will be delayed. No matter what, it feels a bit helpless. .

After all, Qian Lao's core domain is a relatively important thing.

There is nothing to say, I just hope that the true god of space can be merciful.

As long as it doesn't affect your core areas of career, it's fine.

And Lin Hua also hopes to take action.

After all, the pseudo-true god devouring the scorpion now has no use.

Instead, the true god of this space is here.

If it can be swallowed directly,

Maybe he will be directly promoted to a high-level pseudo-true god.

In this way, you can also know the bottom line of your strength. When you return to the god star bear, you can kill it with the true god Xifang.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to handle.

The current situation is exactly when this group of teachers returns to the court.

He had already lost his patience and prepared to fight with the True God of Space, but Lin Hua knew clearly in his heart.

It would be somewhat impossible for God to defeat this true god of space with his strength alone.

After all, the True God of Space is also a top True God who has been practicing for such a long time.

So there is only one way, and that is to sneak attack on the True God of Space.

Seeing that the God of Space was defenseless, just let Juchai Nakamura do it.

Otherwise, it would be too late when the two true gods of the Void Realm discovered that they had soul-eating insects.

Now Lin Hua is also deliberately irritating the True God of Space. He can only make the True God of Space completely angry and take action.

Only then is it possible to use the Soul-Eating Insect quietly. Otherwise, if it is discovered, one's Soul-Eating Insect will be destroyed.

As for being submissive, it is even more impossible that this word is not in the dictionary.

The True God of Space could no longer hold back, and the powerful power of space spread out from all around.

It hit Lin Hua directly at Lin Hua's side. At this time, the space around him shattered into pieces like glass shards.

Haha, then just go and die. No one can stop you anymore.

The True God of Space looked at the ungrateful young man in front of him and said with a slight smile.

The next second. Something unexpected happened

Lin Hua was not directly shattered by the space debris.

Instead, the surrounding space is constantly being repaired.

Repaired and restored to its original appearance.

You actually understand the power of space.

The True God of Space was shocked as he watched Lin Hua's whole body return to its original space.

In the brief fighting space just now, Zhen Shen actually felt a familiar smell from Lin Hua.

This familiar smell is naturally the power of space.

Originally the power of space was there. It is a relatively niche cultivation method among the original gods.

In the current situation of the accident, they have no idea what happened.

Everyone else felt that the true god of space should be directly angry.

, including the two true gods Li Huo and Wu Ying, all felt that the true god of space must kill Lin Hua in front of him.

But since the power of space was exerted,

Even the True God of Space is not sure.

Lin Hua was killed directly with the power of the true God of Space's test just now.

It contains powerful space power, which is simply not comparable to the true god.

However, even the attack from the True God of Space cannot be ended so easily.

At this time, it has completely exceeded the space, and the true god's imagination of the combat power of the pseudo-true god.

Everyone else didn't know what the True God of Space was thinking.

Just when everyone thought that the True God of Space was going to get angry, he was actually calmer, but his expression was extremely dull.

You want a true god who has been cultivating for so long to believe that he, a false true god, can compete with the true god. This is not in line with common sense.

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