Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 252 Divine Soul Attack, the Counterattack of the True God of Fire

In other words, this seems to be a trap set by the True God of Fire.

Because Lin Hua watched the whole process from here,

He knew how cautious the former True God of Fire Demon was.

I just sent those little bugs here to see the situation.

It was discovered immediately,

You must know that ordinary true gods do not care about such small creatures.

Just like people don't care about the ants passing by their eyes.

But the True God of Flame Demon found these little bugs and actually kept them.

I want to take a long shot and catch the big fish.

The vigilance of the Flame Demon True God was indeed something Lin Hua did not expect.

Therefore, he felt that with the ability of the Flame Demon True God, these True Gods may not be their opponents.

Of course, this is something that cannot be said for sure.

Just watch everything here quietly, nothing else matters.


Seeing that the space arranged by the three True Gods of Ten Thousand Insects was about to collapse and cover the body of the True God of Flame Demon.

I saw that the breathing of the three true gods of ten thousand insects stopped for an instant.

Is this... going to be successful?

The eyes of these three true gods showed great anticipation.

Now is the time to change the past.

As long as the endless turbulence of the void swallows up the true God of Fire,

Then directly close the void barrier,

When the time comes, the True God of Fire Demon will be able to survive.

Or two things to say.

In the endless turbulence of the void, the slightest loss can lead to thousands of miles.

Don't even think about coming back if you take a wrong step.

The empty and turbulent space is not the real world.

There is no direction to speak of,

Unless you really reach the level of a true god,

Otherwise it is impossible to come out of it.

What’s even more terrifying is that there is no spiritual power at all in the turbulent void.

This is simply desperate.

So what about the mighty strength of the Flame Demon God at that time?

It is completely useless.

Just when the three true gods thought they were going to succeed.

Suddenly I heard the cold words in the Balrog's cage.

Hey! Why are you still like this after all these years?

Since I dare to let you come here, it means that I have already made preparations.

Look at you, here you are, you're still used to sneaking around!

Can't we just have an honest fight?

“When you sneak attacked me, I was seriously injured.

Do you still think that I can be so good at remembering you just once?

Do you look down on me too much?

The True God of Flame Demon suddenly appeared in front of the three True Gods of Ten Thousand Insects.

Instantly freed from the shackles of the endless void turbulence!



I saw the three True Gods of Ten Thousand Insects looking at the True God of Fire Demon one by one.

I was immediately dumbfounded.

They didn't expect that the Flame Demon God would actually discover them.

The smiles on everyone's faces froze instantly.



Boom 1

After a brief moment of astonishment,

It was when they saw that the power of the three true gods of ten thousand insects instantly became unstable.

Waves of powerful power rippled out,

Exuding immortal power,

Rays of divine light emanated from them,


Chains of order fell from the void one after another.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into runes,


It was directly imprinted on the bodies of these people!


Nine heavenly winds and endless mysterious fire suddenly appeared in the void.

Directly swallowed up these false gods who tried to sneak attack the true God of Balrog,

However, they also felt the powerful power of the three true gods of ten thousand insects.

Just stay away.

I simply didn't dare to compete with him.



you are not!

The corners of the mouths of the three True Gods of All Insects were twitching.

He said in astonishment.


Isn't it a surprise? Still a surprise?

Did you think that I relaxed after using the Fire Demon's Cage?

A look of disdain appeared on the corner of the True God of Flame Demon's mouth,

Said loudly.

He directly interrupted the words of the three True Gods of Ten Thousand Insects.

I don't even bother to listen to their nonsense.

It doesn't make any sense.

Let me tell you, this is the prison I prepared for you.

For a moment, the laughter of the Flame Demon True God floated in the void.

The laughter was like a magic sound, instantly reverberating in the minds of the three true gods of ten thousand insects.

For a moment, the soul power of the three True Gods of Ten Thousand Insects seemed to have suffered a powerful blow.

It was miserable.

Hmph! I don't know what I can do!

Since you want to exile me in the endless void turbulence.

I'm sorry, I'll treat them the same way I treat them!

A sarcastic look appeared on the true god of Balrog, Balrog.

Said loudly.

Immediately afterwards, ripples appeared in the void.

The power of the flame demon seemed to penetrate the endless space of time.

Emerged directly from the void corner.

In the blink of an eye, a cage covering the sky was formed

All the gods who were unable to move were trapped.


There's something about this.,

Lin Hua saw this scene,

Also extremely shocked,

This true god of flames is really a ruthless person.

Faced with the attacks of so many true gods, there was actually no change at all.

Instead, they were slowly buried.

It doesn’t appear until the final layout is successful,

It seems that these true gods are going to die here.

What kind of attack is this?

what happened?

Lin Hua was slightly startled, a little confused,

Not because of anything else,

The attack of the Flame Demon True God is too weird.

Not only Lin Hua, but also the other three true gods were somewhat deceived.

What Lin Hua didn't expect was that

The Soul-Eating Insects in the God's Domain space also became restless at this moment.

Lin Hua didn't know how to suppress it.

Only a ghost knows how much strength Lin Hua used to suppress it.

You must know that this is still the second generation of larvae, and it has not yet come time to look for food.

Lin Hua would not let them come out by force.

What exactly is this attack?

To be able to make little bugs like myself so excited.

Lin Hua was a little confused.

But the attack just now made the larvae of the soul-eating insect extremely excited.

I can't wait to fly out right away.

Ding: Danger detected.

Ding: The True God of Flame Demon uses the power of the divine soul. The attack of the divine soul power comes from the soul, and the attack is also the soul.

The system prompt sounds.

Damn, soul attack?

Lin Hua's eyes narrowed slightly,

Although they are all gods, the power of the soul has never been developed as an offensive ability.

Under normal circumstances, the power of the divine soul is used to nourish the species in one's own divine domain.

I didn't expect such a situation to arise.

Because once something like the soul is damaged, it basically cannot be healed.

And the whole healing process is very difficult!

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