Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 241 Goodbye Li Yingying,

So just fan the flames gently.

It can make the gods of the entire planet of gods go crazy.

Sitting at home,

Lin Hua could clearly feel the increase in strength within his body.

This power comes from the power of faith in the gods, and is more powerful than ordinary divine species.

Believers are divided into three levels: pan believers, deep believers and fanatic believers.

Corresponding to the loyalty of 60, 80 and 100 respectively.

And this is just the beginning,

After the God-making Project was launched, many people came to visit Lin Hua to establish relationships.

However, they were all rejected by Lin Hua.

After being promoted to true god, Lin Hua has long been superior to all living beings.

There is no need to pay attention to these people at all.

There are some people who can help.

Lin Hua's mind moved and his body teleported to the floating island of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce.

Here, Li Tianyi is meditating,

Judging from his state, his spiritual thoughts should be in the divine realm.

Although Li Tianyi spends a lot of time cultivating God's Domain every day.

However, his qualifications are really dull and he has been unable to integrate the original godhead.

If we proceed step by step,

No matter what, it will take hundreds of years to practice.

Lin Hua was not in a hurry and waited quietly beside him.

After a while, Li Tianyi recovered from meditation.

When he saw Lin Hua standing in front of him, he was really shocked.

You must know the reason why Floating Island is the choice of many wealthy people.

In addition to its perfect facilities,

Security measures are also extremely good.

Even for those high-level gods, it is very difficult to force their way in.

Even if he broke in, he wouldn't be as silent as Lin Hua.

Reminiscent of the news that Mr. Zhao informed the entire Eastern Alliance about Lin Hua's promotion to True God a few days ago.

Li Tianyi's eyes became more respectful.

The god in front of me is the only true god in millions of years!

Compared with gods, they are no longer on the same level.

Long time no see, Chairman Li!

Although he has become a true god, Lin Hua did not put on any airs and spoke calmly.

Um...Long time no see...

Li Tian was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say.

I went to visit you before, but I saw that you rejected many other gods, so I didn't bother you.

It doesn't matter...

Lin Hua shook his head indifferently.

They are who they are, and President Lee is President Lee.

Hearing this, Li Tian looked happy.

Lin Hua's words did not mean that he was an outsider.

Yingying is still at school, how about I go?

Li Tianyi spoke slowly, but Lin Hua immediately stopped him.

No, I will go find him later. These true god fragments are enough to help you advance to the upper level of god.

This is my reward for your help over the years.

After saying that, Lin Hua raised his hand, and a fragment of the True God exuding huge divine brilliance jumped out of his hand.

Is this... from the Tower of Ascension?

Li Tianyi looked surprised.

Although he is not a high-ranking god, his connections as a businessman are very strong.

He had also heard about the Tower of Ascension.

Therefore, Li Tianyi is no stranger to this kind of thing.

However, Li Tianyi had never heard that this thing could be brought out from the Tower of Ascension.

However, Lin Huadu is already a true god, and he must have these unexpected abilities of gods.

Thank you very much!

Li Tianyi took the fragment of the true god with ardent eyes.

Integrated into the body,

As long as it is completely refined, Li Tianyi's divine level can be directly upgraded to a high-level god.

'Well...it's okay.

Lin Hua didn't care very much. There are a lot of fragments of the true god's divine power stored in the system space, and they can be divided into at least one hundred percent.

Moreover, Lin Hua can also condense this thing himself.

Just like the rules for condensing divine power,

One million divine power points can condense a fragment of the true god.

However, condensing the true god fragments requires a large number of worlds.

It doesn't matter to the true God who has endless lifespan.

But for Lin Hua now, there is no need to waste time.

The threat of the true gods of the west is right in front of us, and we must immediately conquer the other false true gods in the void to enhance the power of the Zerg itself.

After another brief conversation with Li Tianyi.

Lin Hua moved his mind and immediately determined Li Yingying's location.

Then, he flashed and appeared in the exchange room in the school.

Here, Li Yingying is standing in front of a counter, looking at the products in the exchange hall,

“It’s just a thousand points away!

Li Yingying looked at the numbers on her ID tag, and then looked at the prices of the goods behind the counter.

During the time when Lin Hua was participating in the Tower of Ascension, Li Yingying often went to the task hall in the school to receive tasks and earn credits.

The purpose is for the precious resources in the exchange hall that can increase the speed of condensing the original godhead.

At this moment, she was just shy of a thousand credits.

Let's go to the school's mission hall to pick up a few more missions.

Li Yingying shook her head helplessly and collected all her ID cards.

However, she just turned around and saw Lin Hua standing quietly behind her.

Lin Hua!

Li Yingying was stunned at first, and then her eyes were filled with joy.

The sensitivity of gods is stronger than that of ordinary people, especially high-level gods such as middle gods and upper gods.

However, when Lin Hua appeared behind her, Li Yingying was not aware of it.

it is true!

It turns out to be true!

Li Yingying was extremely happy.

After hearing about Lin Hua's glorious achievements, she said she didn't believe it at the time.

But no, back then, I was still that classmate,

In a blink of an eye, he became a true god.

But when Lin Hua stood in front of her, she realized that all of this was true.

See the true God!

Immediately, a trace of piety flashed in Li Yingying's eyes, and she hurriedly changed her words.

Today is different from the past, and her former partners are beyond her reach.

Thinking back to the time when we formed a team to sweep the plane, it seems like yesterday.

For a moment, my heart was full of emotions.

You and I don't need so many etiquettes.

Just think of me as your... partner or boyfriend.

Naturally, Lin Hua would not let Li Yingying salute him and cause him to be promoted to the pseudo-true god, but he still did not have that level of arrogance.

Of course, this is only for those who have helped him unconditionally.

A gentle force came out from the palm, gently dragging Li Yingying's body.

Hey, I knew you wouldn't turn your back on me.

Li Yingying raised her beautiful eyes, revealing her familiar dimples.

I have to say that Li Yingying's smile is so beautiful that once you look at it, you will never forget it.

Although, Lin Hua didn't have any airs.

But she knew very well that this time might be the last time the two people met.

Perhaps it was also the last time I would talk to Lin Hua in this capacity.

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