Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 237 Open the seal yourself! Afraid of you

System, what is my current psychic level?

Lin Hua thought of something and asked the system.

Ding: The host's current divine level is - False True God.

Ding: The host's current psychic level is - level 40.

The system's beep replied.

Level 40?

Lin Hua nodded, already very satisfied with the result.

After all, the Eastern True God has been dead for millions of years, and the essence of divine power in his body has almost evaporated.

The remaining essence can raise Lin Hua to the forty psychic level.

Already very good

Lin Hua can clearly feel that the pressure on him in this plane has become very weak.

At least it's much lighter than before.

One word - cool.

Abathur, come and see, can these essences be used by the Zerg?

With a thought, Lin Hua passed the spiritual sharing to Abathur.

The Zerg follow a strict hierarchy.

High-level units can spy on the minds of low-level units, including their vision.

The reverse is not possible.

In other words, Lin Hua can observe any unit of the Zerg at will.

Peep into his thoughts.

Unless Lin Hua takes the initiative to lift such restrictions.

The powerful essence is beyond comprehension and is difficult to integrate with the current Zerg race.

Abathur observed the body of the True God of the West and made a decisive decision

Sure enough, the power of the true god cannot yet be integrated into the Zerg.

Lin Hua frowned and thought.

The main reason is that the gap is really too big. The Zerg have not even reached the level of god-level creatures yet.

If you swallow the essence of the true god,

He will inevitably be unable to withstand its power and die suddenly.

Okay Abathur, go down!

Lin Hua ordered.

Then, he looked at the place where the True God of the West was sealed.

How should I deal with this thing?

Even if it has been sealed for millions of years,

The spiritual power level of the Western True God is still at level sixty.

And it is expected that he will recover soon after he is out of trouble.

Forget it, let’s talk about it later.

In the end, Lin Hua could only sigh helplessly.

Anyway, it will take at least ten years for the true gods of the West to get out of here.

When converted into the time of a god’s planet, it’s probably about a hundred years.

This time was enough for Lin Hua to think of a way to deal with the True God of the West.

Let's go out first and then talk.

Having made up his mind, Lin Hua flew away from the place.

After the psychic level was promoted to forty,

Lin Hua can already fly freely in this true god's plane.

Along the way, Lin Hua met some followers of the Eastern True God.

But they are all creatures between level 20 and 30.

Lin Hua used his divine power to kill him instantly.

Soon, Lin Hua left here and returned to the inner space of the Ascension Tower.

After Lin Hua absorbed all the essence of the Eastern True God,

The golden energy sphere in the center of the space no longer releases plane fragments.

Lin Hua, are you okay?

Oh my God, I can't believe you made it out alive.

Lin Hua did not deliberately hide his aura.

Therefore, when he just came out of the plane of true God.

He was immediately surrounded by a group of teammates around him.

Huh? How strange! Why are there no plane fragments floating out?

At this moment, a mid-level high-ranking god expressed his doubts.

After Lin Hua came out, the golden energy sphere in the center seemed to stop releasing plane fragments.

How is this going?


Hearing the doubts from his teammates around me,

Lin Hua still couldn't help but coughed twice.

You can't tell them that all the benefits have been taken by yourself.

Forget it, it's almost time, let's get out quickly.

Another mid-level high god suggested.

A long time has passed, and the day has passed so quickly.

We must leave the inner space of the Tower of Ascension as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the spiritual energy supply from the outside world such as Mr. Zhao and others ends, the entrance to the Tower of Ascension will be closed.

At that time, there is no way to get out.

Well, yes! Let's get out quickly.

Lin Hua quickly agreed.

Otherwise, it won’t be clear for a while.

Zerg, come back!

Lin Hua waved his hand and teleported all the Zerg here back to the God's Domain.

Then, Lin Hua followed a group of teammates from the Eastern League to the place where the spatial rift opened.

When they get to the opening,

Everyone was stunned on the spot.

What's happening here?

The entrance and exit passage has disappeared.

This guy is still playing with a hammer.

The difficulty of opening the seal inside this damn place is many times more difficult than outside.

If you want to go out, you can only wait for the next upgrade tower to open.

The most terrible thing is that the internal space of the Tower of Ascension is very special.

While waiting, God knows where they will be transported.

It is very possible to get lost directly in the vast world.

Has the external supply of divine power been cut off?

Seeing the anxious people,

Lin Hua couldn't help but frown.

Under normal circumstances, Mr. Zhao and the Pope of the Western Alliance would at least work together to keep the Tower of Ascension open.

There has never been an accident over the years.

Why this time?

Lin Hua suddenly thought that he seemed to have killed all the Western gods who participated in the trial.


That makes sense.

There is no way the despicable Western gods can continue to deal with keeping the Tower of Ascension open.

They wished Lin Hua would die.

It looks like this...

Lin Hua understood everything instantly,

I got a little feel for the intensity of this space.

With his current divine power, he should be able to forcefully break the seal.

Then give it a try.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua inspired the inner power of the original godhead in his body.

The terrifying divine power swept out instantly and surged within the space.

He and his teammates: ????

Meanwhile, the exterior of the Tower of Ascension.

After the Western Pope changed his mind and stopped sending divine power to the Tower of Ascension,

The two sides were in a stalemate.

Although Mr. Zhao and other high-ranking officials of the Eastern Alliance deeply hated this kind of behavior of the Western gods.

But the country still doesn't have enough strength, and it doesn't dare to completely break with the Western Alliance.

Therefore, Mr. Zhao planned to wait for the Western Alliance to leave and open the Tower of Ascension again, and release Lin Hua and the others as soon as possible.

However, these idiots from the Western Alliance just won’t leave.

Just consume it.

The Western Pope saw Mr. Zhao's intention to open the seal of the Tower of Ascension again and release Lin Hua and others.

Therefore, just stay here.

It's clear that he wants to sneak attack you while you are using your divine power to open the Tower of Ascension.

There is no moral ethics at all.

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