Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 174 Facing Qiongqi, the battle begins

Although the red archbishop Lin Hua defeated was the weakest and craziest one in the Western League.

The link to the divine realm is being established!

The link to God's Domain is about to be completed. If you encounter an unexpected situation, please press the emergency termination button!

The beep in the assessment cabin sounded slowly.

Lin Hua could feel that his divine realm was connected to another unknown small plane.

Even outside the dimensional wall.

Lin Hua could feel a powerful energy hidden in this small plane.

From the perspective of energy spread,

Is it a ninth-level holy beast-level creature?

Lin Hua murmured.

It is on the same level as the jealous insect god in the Red Archbishop's domain.

It's just that the last time he was able to defeat Leviathan, at least half of it was luck.

This time it will be a head-to-head battle without any luck.

To be on the safe side,

Lin Hua urgently recalled a Leviathan back to the divine realm.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if you fail to win.

Although this Leviathan is far away in the void, it has the ability to jump into the void.

Jump a few more times and you will be able to return to the divine realm soon.

Is there an emergency stop button?

Lin Hua saw a red button next to the armrest of the assessment cabin.

Because the fifth level assessment is actual combat.

If the candidate's species cannot defeat Qiongqi,

And if you don’t want to continue losing troops.

Then press the emergency stop button quickly.

The assessment cabin will urgently cut off the connection between the divine realm and the plane.

Of course, if there are still species left in the small plane that are too late to evacuate,

That's the solution.

Emergency cut off...

Lin Hua was thoughtful,

If you use Nydus Worms to fix this small plane,

I don’t know if the emergency cutoff in the assessment cabin still has any effect.


I still don’t want to have so many strange questions.

Lin Hua came back to his senses,

Focus all your attention on the upcoming battle.

In the God's Domain, tens of millions of Zerg are ready to attack.

With the completion of the small plane link between the divine domain and the assessment,

A lifeless world appeared before our eyes.

This small plane is not large in area.

It only has an area of ​​100,000 by 100,000 square kilometers.

However, in this plane,

Not a blade of grass grows.

Not even a piece of land.

That's right, there isn't even land in this plane.

The thin film of the dimensional wall is visible to the naked eye.

A huge meat mountain beast floats in the center of the plane.

Although it doesn't move,

But Lin Hua could clearly feel the terrifying pressure emanating from him.

Is this the holy beast-level creature Qiongqi...

Lin Hua frowned,

Order the restless Zerg army to calm down,

This beast is huge,

Almost one-tenth the size of the Jealous Insect God.

If you look closely, Qiongqi looks like a tiger with a pair of wings.

A fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

A bloody mouth almost occupies the entire face.

Qiongqi is one of the four ferocious beasts, and I have to say that this look is indeed a bit scary.

Ding: Attribute detection is in progress.

Qiongqi (ninth level): One of the unique holy beast-level creatures in the Eastern Alliance. It is extremely powerful and likes to eat from the head of the creature.

Ding: Two genes for the evolution of the Zerg army were detected in its body - Qiongqi Totem.

Qiongqi Totem?

Lin Hua murmured.

There is still no explanation for Qiongqi Totem.

This makes Lin Hua look forward to this talent that has no explanation even more.

At the same time, above the campus square.

The real-time battle footage was played on the display screen at the top of the tower.

The moment Qiongqi appeared,

All the students couldn't help but gasp.

The ultimate assessment in the assessment tower of the Capital Divine University.

It’s actually a ninth-level holy beast-level creature.

At first, some people guessed it was an eighth-level holy beast-level creature.

These students are obviously in a small position.

They didn't expect that

The difficulty set by the Eastern Alliance is actually so abnormal.

No wonder no student has been able to successfully challenge it in tens of thousands of years.

What about Lin Hua?

Can he succeed in the challenge?

The freshmen couldn't help but speculate.

For holy beast-level creatures,

There is a huge difference between the eighth level and the ninth level.

Even Lin Hua,

It’s impossible to win!

In addition to a great deal of suspicion,

There is even more jealousy involved.

Normally, mythical beast-level creatures are already the highest privilege for the children of powerful people.

And holy beast-level creatures,

You can’t see it on the market at all!

Even the top rich second generation in the Eastern League like Bai Xiao,

There are several mythical beast-level creatures in the divine domain.

But holy beast-level creatures are unthinkable.

It can be said that there is not one.

The intensity and cherishment of the two are not of the same magnitude at all.

There are even rumors.

There are only a dozen holy beast-level creatures in the entire Eastern Alliance.

The number is almost the same as that of the Western Alliance.

However, many holy beast-level creatures have not yet been discovered.

This resulted in the Eastern Alliance being at a disadvantage in the battle against the Western Alliance.

The entire battle between gods actually depends on high-end combat power.

Not everyone can use the human wave tactic.

It must be the ultimate dream of many gods to obtain a holy beast-level creature!

Right now, there is actually one hidden in the assessment tower of the Capital God University.

Of course, the premise is that you have to defeat it first.

At the same time, on the battlefield in the assessment tower. .

After reading the basic panel of the holy beast-level creature Qiongqi.

Lin Hua ordered all the air forces of the Zerg army and the Jealous Insect God to enter Qiongqi's plane.

I have somewhat forgotten what it's like to fight.

Qiongqi wandered aimlessly in the plane.


The moment he felt the presence of the Zerg army,

Its entire body suddenly burst out with a powerful pressure.

Abominable... creature...

As a ferocious beast, Qiongqi is still very powerful.

Maybe it's because of this,

The Eastern Alliance imprisoned him in such a small plane.

However, most of the bloodline power will not affect Qiongqi's combat effectiveness.

On the contrary, it will stimulate his will to fight.

The bloodline pressure of the holy beast level is like a tsunami, overwhelming like the Zerg.

If it were another student's ordinary species, it would just be Qiongqi's terrifying pressure.

It was enough to defeat their species.

However, sorry,

Playing bloodline power with the Zerg?

I'm really sorry,

dragon bloodline,

The bloodline of the four great beasts,

The bloodline of the ancient evil god,

The bloodline of the holy beast-level creature Leviathan.

Countless bloodline buffs piled up,

They are not afraid of the bloodline of holy beast-level creatures at all.

However, this time the Zerg bloodline power did not affect the opponent.

Instead, it inspired Qiongqi's violent power,

Powerful creatures, fight! Let's fight!

For a moment, Qiongqi's wings flapped and its bloody mouth opened,

A terrifyingly powerful suction force came from its mouth.

Good guy!

Lin Hua was stunned by this attack method.

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