Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 172 The wonderful use of tunnel worms! Shocked the whole audience

Within each layer of the city wall, various magic towers and electromagnetic towers are dotted around.

The deeper you go into the city, the stronger the defense becomes.

In the campus square,

After seeing the difficulty of the third level assessment.

All the freshmen were shocked.

Is this the standard for graduation assessment?

Oh my god, this is so hard!

“No wonder the graduation rate is only 30 per million every year.”

I think thirty percent is too much.

For a time, there was endless discussion.

It is simply a fantasy for these new students to pass such terrifying difficulty.

However, this level of difficulty may be difficult for ordinary freshmen.

But for Lin Hua’s Zerg army,

I can only say so-so.

Lilia, lead the Zerg army to attack from four directions.

On the plane battlefield,

Lin Hua thought that Zerg Queen Lilia had given the order to attack.

The Zerg Queen Lilia will act as a commander on the battlefield and respond accordingly.

Lead the racial army to attack this giant city.

All of a sudden, thousands of insects were running wild.

The scene is even more spectacular.

Dense black springtails came to the edge of the outer city wall,

Start climbing on it by building a bug ladder.

Although these city walls are hundreds of meters high, they cannot contain the tidal wave of Zerg armies.

Soon, the springtails had gained enough height to scale the towering city walls.

Start attacking the first line of defense.

The high-level species defenders behind the city wall began to attack the Zerg crazily.

In the sky, hundreds of thousands of alien dragons roared past, spraying out a large number of blade insects that exploded in the air.

The species hit by the blade insect was instantly cut into several sections by the sharp blade.

He died suddenly!

In the distance of the battlefield, the brood lord sprayed out a large number of explosive insects one by one.

Exploding bugs bombarded the magic tower and Click Here, blowing them to pieces.

In an instant, the solid city was blown into pieces.

From behind, the mammoths with relatively poor maneuverability followed closely.

The huge single-molecule blade cuts on the city wall,

Cut it straight like cutting tofu.

The hundred-meter-high city wall collapsed.

Countless springtails stepped onto the city wall and filed out.

There are almost no obstacles,

The Zerg directly broke through the third city wall barrier, and the situation can be said to be excellent.

Damn it, this is too powerful!

It seems that passing the third wave is almost certain.

Outside, we saw the powerful strength and ferocious offensive of the Zerg army.

All the freshmen were shocked.

Even in the stands,

All the school leaders also looked at each other in shock.

Have you just entered school and met the graduation assessment standards?

A school leader said with a shocked face.

Mr. Zhao...this...

During the thousands of years that I have been the leader of the Capital Divine University,

But this has never happened before!

Mr. Zhao did not respond, just smiled and looked at the battle scene on the screen.

Don't worry, the difficulty of the third level assessment increases gradually.

The main purpose is to assess the students' continuous combat capabilities.

Another school leader spoke up.

that's the truth.

As the Zerg army continued to advance, the city's defenders slowly gathered together.

The battle lines are gradually shrinking, and the resistance they encounter is getting bigger and bigger.

In addition, the deeper you advance, the more powerful the defense tower becomes.

Zerg units have begun to die.


On the inside of the fourth-level city wall, a towering electromagnetic tower shot out a terrifying radio wave.

Sweeping across the entire battlefield,

Thousands of mutosaurs and springtails died suddenly on the spot.

Even the mammoth was temporarily disabled by this powerful electromagnetic attack.

What a powerful attack!

Lin Hua, who was closely watching the changes on the battlefield from behind, frowned.

The power of this electromagnetic tower is probably equivalent to the full attack of an eighth-order or ninth-order species.

Even if the brood lord tries to blow it up with explosive bugs from a distance, it won't work.

There is a very powerful barrier protection on the upper reaches of the city wall, and the explosion bugs will only attack above the barrier.

Such a powerful force cannot arise out of thin air.

Lin Hua's brows knitted into a knot.

There must be some energy supply system at the core of the city.

Maintain the normal operation of these defense towers.

As long as the core supply system of these energy can be abolished, the Zerg can easily break through the city.

The key is, how to destroy the energy core?

There is another huge barrier in the sky, and the brood lord's explosive bugs cannot shoot through it.

Not to mention the parasite eggs of infected insects,

There is no way to get past the barrier.

However, Lin Hua quickly thought of a way.

With a thought, a huge tunnel worm broke through the surface and appeared on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, tens of thousands of springtails and cockroaches entered the Nydus Worm's body through its huge mouth.

After the Nydus Worm absorbs enough Zerg units, its body suddenly increases in value rapidly.

It is crawling crazily under the ground, eating and moving forward.

Lin Hua will send an elite force to steal homes this time.

Destroy the energy core in this city.

Why are the Nydus Worms here?

In fact, strictly speaking,

Nydus Worms are also alive,

It is also considered a biological unit, but its attributes are attributed to the building.

Therefore, the Nydus Worms crawled wildly underground,

But soon, they encountered a thick layer of steel plates.

It is indeed a graduation examination, even the underground is under strict protection.

However, for Nydus Worms, this is of no use.

Under the huge digging fangs, these hard alloy steel plates were chewed up by sharp blades like shreds of paper.

Then it was quickly corroded by the carpet secreted by the tunnel worms.

Among the deepest defenses of the fortress.

The Nydus Worm burst out of the ground and used the huge underhook around its mouth to support its huge body.

A steady stream of Zerg armies emerged from the tunnel worms' bodies.

Boom boom boom!

Exploding insects bombarded the city's core energy supply hub.

Electromagnetic towers and sky barriers quickly became ineffective due to loss of power.

Relying on the powerful power of the Nydus Worms, the Zerg broke through the enemy's defensive barriers from within.

Maybe this is the so-called Zerg stealing home.

However, the campus square outside was boiling with excitement.

Damn it, when did his Zerg enter the fortress?

You ask me? I don't know either!

No one knows how Lin Hua's Zerg got past such a tight defense.

But Lin Hua did it.

This is simply shocking.

Not only the freshmen, but also the school leaders were shocked.

The dimensional battlefield for the assessment was personally designed by the senior leaders of the Eastern Alliance.

These school leaders are very aware of the defense levels of the three-tier assessment.

For thousands of years, no student has ever been able to dismantle this defense from within.

Lin Hua can definitely be said to be the first person in history

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