Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 17 The shock of the simulated battle hall

In the simulated battle hall.

All the situations on the battlefield were clearly shown.

When the third-level advanced thunder bear appeared in front of everyone, all the freshmen present took a breath.

This also includes the fifty students in Class One!

This is a third-order lord-level creature.

Compared with the violent wolf leader of the violent wolf group we just saw,

The wolf just now was completely a primary school student!

Even if these rich second generations were able to fight against the violent wolf leader just now,

But facing this thunder bear, they had no choice but to wait for death.

And Lin Hua actually dared to invade?

Is there something wrong with this person's brain?

Cui Bowei couldn't help blurting out.

Although under the protection of the simulation warehouse, the species in the God's Domain will not die.

But there’s no need to give it for free!

Just when everyone was shocked, Lin Hua gave the order.

With the order of Linhua Zerg God came down.

The Zerg army swept everything!

The lower plane, a valley.

Hundreds of thunderbear minions are feasting on a corpse.

There are some humans in simple cages next to them, their eyes full of despair.

These humans are very weak, not even as good as Lin Hua's larvae. These are probably the ancient people from the previous life.

Only use some simple iron weapons.

Facing thunder bears that are taller than buildings, they are helpless and often become the thunder bears' meal.

In a corner, a large number of human bones were piled up randomly.

Just when the thunder bear was about to catch another human and devour it alive, hundreds of huge springtails roared through the jungle.

A springtail opened its teeth full of sharp blades and bit off the thunder bear's head in one bite.

Blood rose into the sky like a fountain.

woo woo woo woo!

When these thunder bears saw the intruder, they all stood up and roared.

The huge body even blocked the sun's rays.

Although these thunder bears are much larger than springtails, their speed is not at the same level.

Springtails can easily use their speed and strength advantages to tear the Thunder Bear to pieces.

However, since the springtails are faster than the thunder bears, the thunder bears are completely kited during the battle.

Not a springtail hair could touch it.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

At this moment, more than a hundred thunder bears were summoned.

He looked in the direction of the springtail with anger in his eyes.

One of the bears, who seemed to be the leader of the Thunder Bear, roared angrily and even took out a staff from behind.

Then he muttered a few words and actually fired a fireball from the staff.

Although the springtails are fast, the thunder bear leader uses magic attacks.

Although some springtails had been avoided, some were still hit by the fireball.

None of the struck springtails survived.

Ding: It was detected that some springtails were damaged.

The system's beep sounded in Lin Hua's ears.

Of course Lin Hua could also see this. He never expected that the thunder bear could attack from a distance.

It seems that I brought it correctly this time.

Cockroach, attack!

Lin Hua ordered the springtails to withdraw from the thunder bears' attack range, allowing three hundred cockroaches to break out of the ground and rush toward the thunder bears.

Looking at this group of terrifying Zergs that look like armored vehicles, the Thunder Bears are a little scared.

The leader of the Thunder Bear followed the same pattern and once again used his staff to shoot out dense fireballs.

This time, what disappointed the Thunder Bear leader was that the fireball hit the cockroach's thick plate armor, leaving only a shallow mark.

And these shallow marks were quickly restored to their original appearance with Cockroach's recovery skills.

Zerg army! Devour them!

Lin Hua ordered again.

Three hundred cockroaches aimed at the thunder bear tribe with their mouths, and followed Lin Hua's order to spit out countless amounts of strong acid mucus.

These strong acidic mucus shot onto the Thunder Bears' bodies, quickly corroding their flesh and blood.

Even if one or two drops of this horrible acid were on your arm, the entire arm would be corroded.

After a wave of offensive, more than half of the two hundred ogre magicians were directly damaged.

The body that had been corroded into bones lay on the ground, lifeless.

The thunder bear's proud steel fur could not block this acid attack.

In the school’s simulated battle hall.

Everyone took a deep breath.

What kind of creature is this?

I'm afraid even the geniuses in Class 1 can't resist this kind of strong acid attack.

Of course it is. This is an attack that even a third-level species cannot withstand.

Everyone is talking about this, but no one knows what Lin Hua's species is.

But as long as they are not fools, these people can see how powerful this species is.

It can even be said that the rich second generation in Class 1 are no longer good enough to compare with Lin Hua.

Director Cui Xining, it seems you have offended someone you can't afford to offend!

Principal Li Bowen looked at Cui Xining beside him with some deep meaning.

If I were you, you'd better apologize to Lin Hua quickly!

Genius This is an absolute genius.

There is no need for Principal Li Bowen to say any words of encouragement.

Nine out of ten people can tell that as long as no accident occurs, with such a powerful species, Lin Hua will definitely start as a mid-level god in the future.

Of course, there is another thing that cannot be seen. There must be something wrong with the brain.

Principal Li Bowen knew this very well. He hoped that Cui Xining would quickly apologize to Lin Hua.

It is not a very wise choice to turn against a genius who will be at least a mid-level god in the future.

Rather than doing this, it's better to win over.

At the same time, the battle in the God's Domain was coming to an end.

Under the cockroach's almost abnormal defense and powerful acid attack, the Thunder Bear Corps has been completely defeated.

The number of deaths rose rapidly.

In the valley, the last camp of the Thunder Bear Tribe.

That's enough! You intruders!

With only the last few thunder bears left, a huge thunder bear with two heads came out.

If you dare to kill my people, I will kill all of you invaders from now on.

This thunder bear has evolved the ability to communicate with gods, and it can be considered a creature on par with Lilia.

And its level is naturally third level.

There is a huge difference in combat effectiveness with just one level difference, not to mention that this thunder bear has also unlocked the ability to communicate through language.

It is considered to have superior combat effectiveness among the third level.

Lin Hua could also feel the pressure from this thunder bear, but all this was not enough in front of Lin Hua's insect swarm.

What the insect swarm likes most is to work together to accomplish something.

Ding: Newly available mutated gene sequences detected - rapid regeneration!

This gene sequence can be used in all units of the Zerg. You can get it by killing the Thunder Bear Lord.

The system beep sounded again.

Unexpectedly, this two-headed thunder bear actually has genes that can mutate the Zerg.

Hearing what the system said, Lin Hua felt happy. It would be nice to have the mutated gene, which would at least prove that he did not come in vain.

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