Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 166 Lin Hua’s name resounds throughout the capital

As long as you graduate, you will have the task of taking charge of a party.

You can also blame Mr. Zhao for being the principal.

You have to keep a low profile when you get to the capital city, there are big bosses there.

Li Yingying said with a smile.

What she said was not false at all.

Compared with the capital city, even if the ancient capital city has the support of the Eastern Alliance, it is far from being comparable to the capital city.

The Li Family Chamber of Commerce is already impressive in the ancient city, and it can be regarded as the first chamber of commerce.

But if it were placed in the capital city, it would be nothing.

For example, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce does not sell mythical beast-level creatures.

But in the capital city, there are many divine beast-level creatures and artifacts sold in divine realm shops.

It's just that the price is ridiculously expensive.

Facing Li Yingying's kindness, Lin Hua smiled helplessly.

Sometimes it's not that I don't want to be low-key, but that my strength really doesn't allow me to be too low-key.

Now in the entire Eastern League, there is no one who doesn't know Lin Hua.

Lin Hua just hopes that no one will look for trouble when the time comes, and he will be satisfied.

With the rapid flight of the float vehicle.

The urban outline of the capital city is gradually becoming clearer.

What a familiar feeling.

Lin Hua couldn't help but speak.

The last plane hunting battle was also held in the capital city.

But at that time, it was led by the leaders of the ancient city.

The range of activities is relatively narrow.

Now when we come to the ancient capital again and fly freely over the capital city, we can feel the hugeness of the capital city.

This kind of prosperity and city size,

It is indeed not comparable to ancient cities.

Capital Divinity University is very close to the municipal center of Capital City.

Out of the core.

After all, it is the best divine university in the Eastern Alliance, so it is normal to receive such treatment.

The speed of the floating car is very fast.

Soon we came to the sky above the school area of ​​Shenshen University.

A huge light shield descended instantly.

Confirming identity...

New student Lin Hua, new student Li Yingying.

Identity confirmed, allowed to pass.

What an amazing protective measure.

Lin Hua said in surprise.

This layer of light mask protection is similar to the divine light barrier in the city of gods.

I didn't expect such a device to exist in a divine university.

It is indeed the best divine university in the entire Eastern Alliance.

After confirming again, the float vehicle parked in the parking lot of the school.

Lin Hua and Li Yingying walked down together.

Around, there are also floating cars stopping and descending one after another.

Today is the first day of the Capital Divine University.

A total of two to three thousand new students came from cities across the country.

It was also their first time to come to Capital Divinity University.

At this moment, these new students arriving one after another are getting to know each other.

Hello, I am Yang Mingyang from Magic City. My species is a giant dragon with frost attributes.

A student who has just arrived in Magic City greets another student.

Hello, hello, I am a local student in Capital City...

Another student responded equally politely.

Ninety-nine percent of the students who are admitted to the Capital Divine University have strong backgrounds or forces.

He is a genius among geniuses who are only one in a million.

Everyone has similar backgrounds and abilities.

Therefore, it is rare for them to be arrogant and look down on each other.

Li Yingying's appearance quickly attracted the attention of everyone around her.

Perfect figure, delicate face, and long hair.

Wow, what a beautiful beauty.

I don't know which city it is from.

There was a burst of exclamation from all around.

Compared with Li Yingying, the other girls are a bit ordinary.

Although gods have infinite life, they can also change their appearance and age.

But you cannot change your appearance at will.

Beautiful women are welcome everywhere, especially those who can be admitted to the Capital Divine University.

His own strength and family background are also first-rate.

But when the surrounding students saw Li Yingying following Lin Hua closely,

Their faces became a little unnatural.

Lin Hua's name is known to almost everyone.

But not everyone knows Lin Hua's appearance.

I felt envious looks coming from around me.

Lin Hua ignored them.

The entrance ceremony for new students will be held in the school square, let's go there quickly!

Li Yingying's voice also came from behind.

Nowadays, most people have basically arrived.

The school's entrance ceremony for new students is about to begin.

Lin Hua nodded,

I haven't seen Mr. Zhao for a long time.

However, at this moment,

A handsome male classmate came to Lin Hua.

Unexpectedly, he set his sights directly on Li Yingying.

Hello, classmate, my name is Bai Xiao, and I am the god of Capital City.

I wonder what your name is?

The handsome male classmate named Bai Xiao looked like an elite with higher education.

Hello classmate, my name is Li Yingying.

Out of courtesy, Li Yingying responded politely.

We are new here. We will study together for the next few years. Why don't we all make friends?

Bai Xiao continued.

It seems that she has a strong desire to communicate with Li Yingying.

However, Li Yingying refused.

But on the surface she was still very polite.

This classmate, we have to rush to the school square, could you please give way?

Lin Hua stopped in front of Li Yingying and said politely.

Huh? Who are you?

Bai Xiao looked Lin Hua up and down.

He is handsome, has an unknown background, and has the strength of a high-level mid-level god.

In an ancient city, it would naturally be a top-notch existence.

But in the capital city, it is very ordinary.

Lin Hua...

Lin Hua said calmly.

Lin Hua??

Bai Xiao was shocked,

He never expected that the person in front of him was the legendary Lin Hua.

The first place in the plane hunting battle.

The first person to pass the college entrance examination.

The hero who killed the Red Archbishop of the Western Alliance.

Not only Bai Xiao was shocked,

After the freshmen around them learned that the unattractive young man in front of them was Lin Hua, they

They all cast shocked looks.

In the Eastern Alliance, there is no god who does not know the name Lin Hua.

Then it's okay... I'm the one causing the disturbance.

Bai Xiao's face turned pale and he quickly stepped aside.

Although he has thoughts about Li Yingying,

But he's not an idiot.

The name Lin Hua,

It is enough to scare all the gods of the younger generation of the Eastern Alliance.

Seeing the other party retreat knowingly,

Lin Hua did not continue to pursue the matter.

After all, it’s not a thorn in the side, so it’s better to be as “low-key” as possible here.

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