Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 164 The second divine realm is reached, targeting the entire realm!

However, the Brood Lord in the sky could see it very clearly.

The jealous insect god appears again,

The death of the Night Elf Queen was announced.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for destroying the Night Elf Queen.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for mastering all the original power of Zagara Divine Domain!

The system beep sounded again.

After more than a year, all species in this upper plane were finally wiped out.

And the origin of the destruction of this higher plane,

Just a few first-order Zerg queens.

Lin Hua controlled Zagara's original power and integrated it into his own.

Lin Hua could clearly feel that his original godhead had become more powerful.

And this is not enough, the Zerg army must devour more planes.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the second piece of divine territory.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for reaching a certain size of the Zerg army and unlocking a new priesthood - the God of the Zerg.

Ding: The host can choose to be promoted to a higher god immediately - the God of the Zerg, or continue to wait to accumulate more power.

The system beep sounded again.

In addition to the God of Evolution Elements,

Lin Hua can now choose to evolve into the priesthood of the Zerg God through the power of the Zerg.

After careful consideration, Lin Hua chose to wait.

The original godhead continues to absorb divine power points continuously,

My potential is probably not over yet.

The Zerg army, go and devour the body of the banshee.

Lin Hua put away the system panel and issued an order to the Zerg.

Thousands of springtails rushed forward.

Eat the corpse of the Night Elf Queen clean.

Ding: The Zerg devoured the ninth-level Night Elf Queen.

Ding: The Zerg obtained a new gene from the ninth-level night elf queen - night stealth.

Ding: The Zerg obtained a new gene from the ninth-level night elf queen - Screaming of Pain.

The system beep sounded again.

Lin Hua integrated all these genes into the Zerg without hesitation.

[Night Sneaking]: Derived from the innate ability of the Night Elf Queen, she can sneak her body into the shadows and cannot be detected by non-detection units. This gene function can be used for small Zerg units.

Looking at the description given by the system,

Lin Hua fell into deep thought for a while.

Is it a skill similar to invisibility?

What do you mean small zerg?

Ding: Small Zerg units currently include Springtails, Exploding Bugs, Cockroaches, and Mutalisks...

The system responded very promptly.

Some large zerg units, such as mammoths, brood lords, and infected worms, cannot enjoy the night stealth gene.

This is normal. The mammoth is the same size as a mountain, so there is a problem with that thing being invisible.

But even so, this gene is very easy to use.

Very few species possess the ability to detect.

Then being invisible equals being invincible.

Especially for mobile combat units like springtails and mutalisks, what's the point of being invisible if they can?

The most terrifying thing is the exploding bug.

This thing's invisibility makes it invincible.

In the past, when the explosive bugs charged, heavy losses would occur if the enemy's firepower was intensive.

Now that you have invisibility, wouldn't it be enough to just hide your face?

Then, there is the second gene of the Night Elf Queen.

[Painful Scream]: This gene benefits from the Night Elf Queen's special vocal cord system, which can produce violent vibrations and launch unimaginable sonic attacks. This gene sequence can act on ground Zerg units, and the Zerg's roar has a painful scream. Effect.

Screaming in pain?

Lin Hua thought of the night elf queen's screams during the battle just now.

It can even cause the Exploding Bug to explode directly.

Sonic attacks are theoretically physical damage.

However, conventional physical defense cannot effectively defend him.

Springtail's old-fashioned attitude was strong enough, but it still couldn't withstand the damage caused by the painful scream.

The explosive bug was even more invisible due to the sonic wave, unable to stably inject the explosive into its body, and exploded directly on the spot.

If we could make the Zerg scream like this during battle,

That's equivalent to an AOE true damage skill.

Although it has no instant kill effect, it can still cause great damage to the enemy.

nice one!

Lin Hua couldn't help but said.

I have to say, this one is a very powerful skill.

With this gene, is there any use for the queen to surrender?

Ding: The Zerg devoured the Night Elf Queen's genes, and the Zerglings' rank was raised to seventh level.

Ding: The Zerg devoured the Night Elf Queen's genes, and the Mammoth Worm was raised to the seventh level.

The system's beep reminded Lin Hua of his own Zerg upgrade status.

After hunting three ninth-level creatures in a row,

All Zerg combat units are already at level seven.

Of course, there are two Zerg units: mutant worms and tunnel worms, which have no rank.

Coupled with the short-term rank bonus of the White Tiger Attack gene,

That's the eighth level!

Tens of millions of eighth-level creatures feel invincible just by imagining them.

Today's Zerg are more than enough to deal with ordinary ninth-level creatures.

It would only be difficult to encounter ninth-order holy beast-level creatures or demigod species like Leviathan.

The Zerg have become the lords of this land!

Glory is created by our God!

Zagara led a group of Zerg queens to stand on the top of a huge mountain.

He said respectfully to the sky.

Looking around, you can see a carpet full of Zerg bacteria and active springtails.

This once superior plane eventually became the world of the Zerg.

As the devouring progress reaches 100%,

All the original power in this plane was integrated into Lin Hua's original divine power.

With the blessing of two divine realms and hundreds of millions of Zerg.

Lin Hua could feel the divine power in his body like the stars and the sea.

Don't look at it, Lin Hua is still only a high-level mid-level god.

If there was a real fight, no ordinary high-ranking god would be Lin Hua's opponent.

The Zagara Zerg's journey goes far beyond this!

Lin Hua said, asking Zagara not to be so complacent.

First mutate a jealous insect god. Next, I have a more important task to arrange for you.

Yes, the Zerg will obey your call!

I'm going to mutate and become the jealous insect god!

Zagara said respectfully.

For this Zerg's ultimate combat unit,

No Zerg Queen would say no.

Compared to other Zerg queens,

Zagara is very competitive.

If Zagara is not given an ultimate unit,

It will make Zagara feel in his heart that his status is inferior to Lilia.

Lin Hua has no idea what Zagara thinks.

After hunting three ninth-level species,

Lin Hua ordered Lilia to hatch one million Zerg queens.

One million...Zerg Queens?

Lilia was also a little confused.

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