Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 156 Victory! Victory of the Eastern Alliance

It's like detonating an atomic bomb.

All the Zerg armies near Leviathan were affected.

Direct death, not even a body left behind.

Even the Nirvana Soul cannot be resurrected.

Because Chen Chenchen's species ran away early, it was not particularly affected.

As the huge fire gradually dissipated,

Leviathan's huge body actually fell to the ground.

The heaven and earth shook, and the world was in chaos.

Leviathan was actually destroyed by a huge energy flame created by itself.

Its head was directly blown off, leaving only a twisted and shriveled body.

My Leviathan!

The mad voice of the red archbishop appeared in his divine realm.

Lin Hua could feel that his divine level began to fall rapidly.

Intermediate high-level god... Elementary high-level god,

Leviathan's death directly caused him to fall down a godly level.

Fortunately, the original god was saved.

Barely surviving.

Zerg, devour Leviathan's corpse!

Lin Hua ignored the already crazy red archbishop and ordered the Zerg army to quickly devour Leviathan's body.

Ding: The Zerg obtained powerful genes from Leviathan, which can be used for the evolution of the Zerg!

Leviathan, one of the fourteen holy beasts... was destroyed?

Chen Chenchen's eyes widened and he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

But the reality is right in front of us.

In the end, I still won by luck.

Use the mutant bug's mutation skills to distract the red archbishop.

Then, Lin Hua used the descendant longbow to quickly scatter his divine body projection.

Interrupting the cutscene in which he uses the artifact.

Leviathan saw ten animals exactly like himself,

A replica with exactly the same breath appeared in front of me,

This gave Lin Hua the opportunity to detonate the huge energy fireball in his mouth.

Let me ask,

When you see a species that is the same as your own, and it is also a sacred beast,

There is only one holy beast in the whole world,

Will you panic?

The question is still ten.

Leviathan's death devastated the Cardinal.

His god level dropped directly to the junior high level god.

You bastard, just wait for me!

The red archbishop roared angrily,

He quickly withdrew his other species and disconnected from the divine realm.

The red archbishop's approach was very wise, if he didn't cut off the link to the divine realm immediately.

When the Zerg army invaded his divine domain and began to devour and destroy it.

It's not as simple as him falling to the divine level.

The original godhead has collapsed, and the red archbishop will fall directly.

The speed is staggering.

Is this the speed at which the upper gods can control the escape from the divine realm?

Love it, love it.

Oh my god, what's going on?

The Red Archbishop...escaped?

How can this be?

Even their cardinal had fled.

The remaining Western Alliance soldiers had no intention of fighting anymore, and they controlled the divine domain to escape from here.

The soldiers of the Eastern Alliance were willing to let them go so easily.

They all controlled the divine realm to pursue and intercept the escaping Western gods.

Once again, many Western gods were killed.

Oh my God! I can't believe it! We actually won!

Lin Hua! Lin Hua defeated the Cardinal of the Western Alliance!

Every Eastern Alliance soldier had an incredible smile on his face.

They couldn't believe that in the face of the gap in strength,

Lin Hua was able to lead the Eastern Alliance to defeat the Western Alliance's attack.

This is just so inspiring.

Lin Hua, you are so...

Chen Chenchen didn’t even know what to say.

When the red archbishop first arrived, Chen Chenchen was actually ready to sacrifice himself.

Now it seems that I really think too much.

Although Lin Hua defeated the Red Archbishop, there was a considerable amount of luck involved.

But luck is also a kind of strength, isn't it?

However, it may not be so easy for Lin Hua to use the same method to taint the gods of the Western Alliance in the future.

When the red archbishop returns, he will definitely report to the empire that Lin Hua's species has the ability to simulate living things.

Often the more powerful a god is, the more he needs information,

By the way, how come you have ten ninth-level creatures!

Chen Chenchen was quite puzzled by this.

Lin Hua chuckled and ordered the mutated insect to transform into its original form.

What a magical species!

Chen Chenchen couldn't help but admire.

This thing is the most suitable to use to instigate people.

Now that the crisis in the Eastern Alliance has been resolved, it's time for us to go back.

The Western Alliance blockade has been breached.

From now on, the expedition teams of the Eastern Alliance will be able to enter and exit safely.

This breakout operation successfully killed tens of thousands of mid-level gods and a dozen high-level gods in the Western Alliance.

There was even a red archbishop who was crippled by Lin Hua.

In the short term, the Western Alliance will be powerless even if it wants to take revenge.

Of course, the Eastern Alliance also suffered heavy losses for this breakthrough operation.

Tens of thousands of gods were injured in this battle,

Even fall.

Many military governors may become ordinary people in the future because of this battle.

But it's all worth it!

Tooth for tooth, eye for eye.

The group of gods in the Four-Party Alliance must be allowed to see the bloody nature of our Eastern gods.

Continuously compromising will not win the other party's sympathy, it will only make the enemy more and more arrogant.

Now, the Western Alliance should know it hurts!

Chen Chenchen said happily.

Thanks to you! Lin Hua!

Ahem...little things...

Lin Hua couldn't help but coughed dryly.

In fact, the main reason is for the development of the Zerg.

The group of gods from the Western Alliance blocked the void defense line of the Eastern Alliance all day long.

There is no other way but to let them give way.

By the way, it can also do the Eastern League a favor.

Now let's see how Mr. Zhao is doing.

Chen Chenchen sighed.

With Mr. Zhao here, the Western Alliance will not completely fall out with us!

As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

At most, the Western Alliance can do some small tricks to disgust the Eastern Alliance.

If a full-scale divine war really breaks out, they don't have the guts.

After the battle, Lin Hua controlled Lilia's divine domain and Zagara's divine domain to return to the void defense line.

Chen Chenchen also came back.

Lin Hua, thanks to you, the Eastern Alliance will never forget your contribution.

He said sincerely and gratefully.

In this way, the Eastern Alliance's expedition team can go out safely!

After being frustrated for a year, Chen Chenchen finally felt better.

He couldn't wait to organize a expedition to the outer void.

Ahem, it's just a small matter... If there's nothing else, I'll go back first.

Lin Hua couldn't help coughing twice.

Then he left the military area and returned to the floating island in the ancient city.

It can be said that when the matter is over, you just brush off your clothes and hide your merit and fame.

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