Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 153: Fight against the red archbishop, never retreat

Ding: The Zerg devoured the eighth-level hell guard and gained 10 million evolution points.

Ding: The Zerg devoured the eighth-level fallen angel and gained 10 million evolution points.

Ten minutes later,

The system prompt sounds.

And the eighth-level species that Taylor is proud of,

He died neatly at the hands of the Zerg.

When seeing the army of his own species retreating steadily.

Taylor was dumbfounded.

How can this be?

he screamed.

The loss of a large number of species and the destruction of divine domain resources greatly damaged his strength.

The power of the superior god comes from the original godhead.

And the original divine power is connected and integrated with the original power of the divine realm.

If the divine domain is destroyed, then the higher gods will fall directly.

The best result is to lose the god level and suffer a great loss in strength.

Taylor was shocked to find that his upper-level god level had begun to become a little unstable.

Suzuki, what are you doing! Come and help me!

Taylor roared angrily and looked towards Suzuki's divine realm.

However, there was no response.

Wherever you look,

Suzuki's divine realm has been turned into fragments and annihilated in the void.

This...how is this possible?

Taylor was stunned;

Suzuki actually dropped out earlier than Taylor.

Okay, it's your turn!

Lin Hua's emotionless and cold voice appeared in Taylor's ears.

After all his divine species and resources were destroyed.

The strength of the Divine Realm could no longer support the space wall, and it suddenly shattered,

Lin Hua's Zerg army had already retreated to its own divine domain before it was shattered.

For low-level gods, all species and resources in the divine domain have been destroyed and there are still some ways to save them.

For high-level gods, the destruction of the divine domain means the end of the world.

As Taylor's divine realm collapsed, his cursing voice gradually disappeared into the void.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining 2.7 billion evolution points.

The system prompt sounds,

Although no new genes have been obtained, it is not bad to have so many evolutionary points.

Sir Chen, how are you doing there?

After taking care of the two high-ranking gods Taylor and Suzuki,

Lin Hua asked Chen Chenchen.

On the other side, the gods of the Eastern Alliance are entangled and fighting with the gods of the Western Alliance.

But being able to see the Eastern League in front of them is a disadvantage.

I'm fine here!

Huh? You've already taken care of the two high-ranking gods of the Western Alliance?

Chen Chenchen's tone changed from doubt to shock.

He knew that Lin Hua was very strong, stronger than him.

But he never thought that Lin Hua could win so cleanly.

But he never thought that Lin Hua could win so cleanly.

At the same time, the gods on both sides who were fighting also discovered this problem.

What, Chief Taylor and Chief Suzuki were eliminated?

How is this possible? The Eastern Alliance doesn't even have a high-level god!

Damn it, we are no match for them, retreat!

The death of two high-ranking gods put the Western Alliance into chaos.

They all started running away, trying to save their lives.

And things are getting even more heated in the Eastern League!

Lin Hua's terrifying record inspired all the gods present.

They chased and intercepted the escaping Western gods.

Many more were killed in the chaos.

However, right now.

A huge amount of energy quickly struck from the distance in the void.

At the same time, an angry voice echoed on the battlefield.

You bastards, let me see if any of you dare to run away.

This sentence directly calmed all the Western gods present who were preparing to escape.

Even Chen Chenchen's expression changed drastically.

No, it's the red archbishop of the Western Alliance!

Chen Chen Chen said quickly.

Lin Hua, retreat quickly, retreat to the defense line quickly!

Here, there will be no one who can be the opponent of this red archbishop.

The Western Alliance can at least remain safe within its void defenses.

If the red archbishop dared to pursue him, all the high-level gods of the Eastern Alliance would intercept him.

The red archbishop?

Lin Hua was slightly surprised.

The Cardinal is a top figure in the Western Alliance.

At the very least, he has the strength of a mid-level high-ranking god.

The strongest ones are still high-level gods.

If it were a high-level god, then Lin Hua would run away without hesitation.

But if it's a middle-level high-level god, it's hard to say who can be stronger.

Lin Hua, we meet again!

A loud voice came from the divine realm.

This red archbishop turned out to be the Western Alliance delegation at the exchange meeting.

In other words, he has the strength of a mid-level mid-level god.

The appearance of the red archbishop gave the Western gods present a reassurance.

Haha, our Lord Red Archbishop is here, you are dead!

Archbishop, Lin Hua is right there!

They no longer ran away, and the situation reversed instantly.

Lin Hua should withdraw first!

Chen Chenchen said.

Most of the breakthrough missions in other military regions have been completed.

While breaking through the blockade in the ancient city.

Good news also came from other military districts of the Eastern Alliance.

About half of the cities have broken through their respective void blockades.

The main goal has been achieved, so why not go back and take a rest first.

Want to run?

The Cardinal saw the Eastern Alliance's intention to retreat.

Directly controlling the divine realm and preparing to block Lin Hua's divine realm.

There were Eastern Alliance soldiers around who wanted to stop him.

Don't come near!

Chen Chen Chen roared angrily.

After all, the strength of the red archbishop is beyond what these soldiers can contend with.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour,

The divine realms of these soldiers who went to intercept them collapsed one after another.

After becoming a high-level god, you can control the divine realm to move in the void.

The higher the divine level, the faster the movement speed. ,

Sir Chen, it seems that someone doesn't want us to escape!

Lin Hua said with a smile.

And running away has never been the Zerg style.

I'll help you become the queen. Even if the red archbishop is an intermediate-level god, it will still take some time to eliminate me.

Chen Chen Chen said resolutely.

He was prepared to sacrifice himself in exchange for Lin Hua's time to retreat.

This made Lin Hua feel warm in his heart.

Thank you, Chief Chen, for your kindness!

Lin Hua merged Lilia's divine realm with Zagara's divine realm.

But I think it shouldn't be enough.

Efforts in speaking.

The red archbishop's divine domain has arrived.

Aren't you going to run away?

This surprises me!

The red archbishop said to Lin Hua in an arrogant tone.

If you had tried your best to escape from the beginning, maybe you would have had a chance to survive.


the cardinal asked softly.

Why do you have two divine realms?

Interesting, looking at it this way, you should die!

Having said that, the red archbishop controlled his divine domain and forcibly installed it on Lin Hua's divine domain.

Start docking and fusion.

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