Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 149 A powerful opponent and an artifact appear

After this scream, the examinee was reminded.

Pingyuan City thought of Lin Hua, the man who dominated his city.

Yes, yes! It was him and I was very impressed when he was there!

I didn't expect that he could actually break the college entrance examination record! He is simply too strong!

The most important thing is that Lin Hua does not have any family or power behind him.

Just an ordinary god,

This is why all the gods regard Lin Hua as their idol.

The stories of ordinary people are more inspiring.

At this moment, all the candidates in Pingyuan City were focusing on Lin Hua.

In the stands of Pingyuan City.

The leader of Pingyuan City frowned solemnly, and the expression on his face was as ugly as possible.

For a while, the leaders of Pingyuan City dreamed about why Lin Hua was not in their own city.

Why was he born in the ancient city.

Look at the gap now, who wouldn't be angry if I changed it?

Old Sun, you are really lucky. Why hasn't there been an incredible talent like Lin Hua in our Pingyuan City?

This situation is happening in every city in the Eastern League.

Soon, someone discovered something terrible.

Lin Hua was not aiming to tie the record today.

He wants to break the record!

Now Lin Hua has started the eighth wave of offensive.

In the municipal square of the ancient city.

After Lin Hua easily destroyed the seventh-level dragon, he chose the eighth wave without hesitation.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the college entrance examination, Lin Hua wanted to test the limits of the Zerg.

Start the eighth wave of offensive now!

Among random species!

The species has been confirmed: one hundred eighth-level five-element dragons.

The simulation cabin's beep sounded for the eighth time.

A flash of white light flashed, and a huge fireball fell from the sky.

It hit the ground hard.

At the same time, several giant dragons in the sky spread their wings and flew.

The five-element dragon is an extremely powerful multi-element creature.

Since the five elements complement each other, their attack and defense powers are at their peak.

“It seems that the higher the difficulty, the smaller the number of units.

Lin Hua discovered this pattern.

This would be simpler, originally if there were a large number of opponents.

The firepower of the Zerg army will be dispersed,

Although it won’t cause any trouble in destroying the enemy,

But it will affect the speed of elimination.

Now it is much simpler to say this,

The Zerg can rely on numerical superiority to easily annihilate their enemies.

Without further ado, these eighth-level five-element dragons were instantly killed.

Choose to carry out the ninth wave of attacks!

Lin Hua spoke without hesitation.

Start the ninth wave of offensive now!

Among random species!

Species confirmed: two ninth-level hellfire elemental giants.

This time it's a Western creature.

Lin Hua ordered Cockroach to conduct fire coverage again.

However, this time, the cockroach's attack could no longer kill the ninth-level creature instantly.

Lin Hua sent out an army of mammoth insects to encircle and suppress them. After losing tens of thousands of mammoth insects, he finally eliminated these two ninth-level creatures.

Outside the examination room.

Countless people were shocked from the beginning,

So numb now.

The gap between people is probably too big.

Can a ninth-level creature be killed instantly?

Is this really a ninth-level creature?

What about their dignity?

Only the last wave is left!

Simulated battlefield.

Lin Hua chose the challenge without hesitation.

The ninth wave is already a powerful species of the ninth level.

What is the tenth wave?

The tenth wave of attacks will now begin.

Confirming species!

The species has been confirmed: the demigod-level creature Yuanhuanglong.

Demi-god level? Or an ancient divine beast?

Lin Hua's pupils narrowed.

The strength of a demigod-level creature is close to that of an ordinary creature.

That is Lin Hua's strength when he first entered school.

Demigod level, which is almost the strongest strength that a divine species can achieve.

[Yuanshi Huanglong]: It is one of the four divine dragons in the Chinese dragon totem and the top combat power of the dragon clan.

Looking at the data given by the simulation cabin, Lin Hua frowned slightly.

Forget about demigod-level creatures.

And he is also the top being of a powerful mythical beast-level species.


Outside the battle venue, gasps of air could be heard one after another.

Oh my god, this is my first time seeing a demigod-level creature.

“It’s too scary for a divine species to reach this level of strength!”

A semi-god-level species whose strength is already very close to that of a god.

Is it possible for a species from the divine domain to challenge someone comparable to a god?

Not only the candidates in the ancient city raised questions,

Even Sun Yu and Chen Chenchen in the stands had the same question.

to be honest,

This was the first time for them to see the intensity of the tenth wave of the college entrance examination.

Unexpectedly, there is actually a demigod-level creature guarding the gate!

Although this demigod-level creature is a virtual unit simulated by the simulation cabin,

The strength will be slightly different from that of real demigod-level creatures.

But this difference is almost negligible.

Phew! The Zerg army, devour the enemy!

Lin Hua closed the attribute panel and issued an order to the Zerg.

Tens of millions of Zerg troops rushed out towards Yuanshi Huanglong.

The brood lord sprays huge amounts of explosive bugs in the sky.

Densely packed alien dragons surrounded Yuanshi Huanglong and launched frantic blade insect attacks.

The cockroach spit out lava acid all over the sky and struck Yuanshi Huanglong with firepower.

However, it was all in vain.

The gap between four levels made it impossible for the Zerg to break through Yuanshi Huanglong's defense.

Even if the White Tiger Fighting Spirit is activated and the strength is forcibly increased by one level, it will not work.

The only ones that can cause some damage to demigod-level species are cockroaches and mammoths.

The cockroach's lava acid contains the power of thunder and lightning.

This kind of attack with the power of rules can cause defense-breaking damage to Yuanshi Huanglong.

But very weak.

And Yuanshi Huanglong can take away a large swath of the Zerg army with any attack.

If this continues, the Zerg will not be able to defeat the demigod-level creatures.

That's right! There are still artifacts that are useless!

Lin Hua suddenly thought of the artifact [Descendant Longbow] that he had obtained in the storage warehouse before.

Due to its targeted functions, one sits in the system backpack and eats dust.

Originally [Houyi's Longbow] was aimed at attacking gods, and demigod-level creatures also fell into the category of gods.

Give it a try!

Lin Hua knew that if he did not use this artifact,

The best outcome for the Zerg army is to perish together with the Yuanshi Huanglong.

Lin Hua took out the [Descendant Longbow] from the system backpack

Suddenly, a powerful divine power spurted out from the bowstring of [Hou Yi's Long Bow].

At the same time, Lin Hua used his divine power to project his shadow onto the battlefield.

Ding: Using an artifact in the plane requires 3,000 divine power points.

The system prompts sounded.

It’s really expensive!

But you still have to use it!

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