Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 147 The exam begins! Easily

come on!

Lin Hua said softly to Li Yingying.

Li Yingying nodded. After entering the square, she randomly found a simulation cabin and entered it.

As the simulation cabin slowly started.

The virtual screen in the sky began to show the combat aspect of the simulation cabin.

Because there are relatively many people taking the college entrance examination, it is played immediately.

Lin Hua also took this opportunity to see how intense the college entrance examination was.

As Lin Hua observed, he discovered that every wave of offensive in the college entrance examination would release species of the same level to invade.

In the first wave, the invasive species were the first order.

In the second wave, invasive species have reached the second level.

In the third wave, invasive species have reached the third level.

By analogy, the sixth wave is the sixth-order species.

That's a sixth-order species!

For ordinary students, even in the third year of high school, their species is generally around the third level.

The slightly stronger one is the fourth level.

And those who have fought through the third wave of third-level species invasion can barely meet the qualifications for admission to a third-rate divine university.

For ordinary gods, it is really difficult to pass the college entrance examination, and it is even more difficult to get into a better god university.

Of course, it doesn't matter to Lin Hua.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that Lin Hua felt that the college entrance examination was so easy.

I still remember that in his previous life, Lin Hua suffered a huge decline when facing the college entrance examination.

After finishing a subject, I have to greet a group of people.

Time passed minute by minute,

One candidate after another walked out of the simulation cabin.

Their faces were either smiling or depressed.

There is only one chance to take the college entrance examination, and losing it will not mean starting over.

The vast majority of people failed to withstand the third wave;

Lost the opportunity to be admitted to the Divine University.

A few who can withstand the third wave can enter second-rate divine universities.

As for the second-rate and first-rate good god universities, even fewer can get into them.

Students in ordinary classes are even rarer.

Soon, only a dozen or so people were left in the examination room of a thousand people.

And the attack has reached the sixth time,

Li Yingying and Liu Jiaqi are also among them.

If you can withstand this wave of offensive, it will be equivalent to an admission ticket to the Capital God University.

However, the good times did not last long, and the door of one of the simulation cabins was opened.

Liu Jiaqi walked out of it in despair.

Unfortunately, he could not withstand the sixth wave of attacks.


Lin Hua shook his head regretfully, feeling sorry for him.

In fact, with Lin Hua's current prestige, he would go and say a few words to Mr. Zhao.

Based on the interpretation of the Eastern League leader, some backdoors can still be sneaked in.

However, Lin Hua would not do this because he was in a fair environment.

Lin Hua doesn't want to do these unfair things.

Soon, several more candidates came out of the simulation cabin one after another.

Most of them looked frustrated. It was obvious that they had failed to pass the sixth wave of offensive.

Passing the sixth wave means gaining admission to the Capital Divine University.

This is a one in a thousand chance, maybe even lower!

A total of one person withstood the sixth wave of attacks and was admitted to the ancient capital of the University of Gods.

The municipal staff shouted in an excited tone.

In the stands, Sun Yu showed a happy smile.

Having one more student from the Capital God University is considered an achievement for him!

This student must be the girl from the Li family!

Chen Chenchen said with a frown.

I often see him and Lin Hua together!

Yes, she is the daughter of Li Tianyi, the representative of our city's Chamber of Commerce.

Sun Yu nodded.

Damn, this guy Li Tianyi really knows how to lick!

Many people looked at Li Tianyi with envy in their eyes.

I didn't expect this guy to hug Lin Hua's lap so quickly.

This is too unacceptable.

Congratulations, sister Yingying, I'm still not strong enough!

Liu Jiaqi came to Li Yingying and congratulated her.

You've tried your best!

Li Yingying comforted Liu Jiaqi and said.

Although she was not admitted to the Capital Divine University, it was already very good to be admitted to a first-class Divine University.

At least it's much better than most gods!

The second round of exams will now begin. Please invite a thousand students on the list to enter the exam room!

After the first round of 1,000 people ended, city staff announced the list of contestants for the second round.

Lin Hua was among them.

Is it my turn?

Lin Hua stood up after seeing the list and walked slowly to a simulation cabin in the square.

Lin Hua's appearance once again ignited the atmosphere at the scene.

As a young genius favored by the top leaders of the Eastern League,

Lin Hua is a god-like existence among the entire Eastern League student group.

Shit! It's Lin Hua! Is he going to take the exam?

I bet Lin Hua can beat the sixth wave.

What? I feel like Lin Hua can break through the seventh wave.

There was endless discussion around me,

However, Lin Hua did not pay attention to these voices.

As many candidates entered the simulation cabin one after another.

The second round of exams has just begun.

The link to the divine realm is being established.

The link to the divine realm has been established. Please select the number of species to be transmitted.

Teleport species selected: All!

The first wave of offensive begins now, candidates please be prepared!

The beep of the simulation cabin sounded slowly.

The exam officially begins.

The first wave of offensive begins.

Randomizing species.

The species has been confirmed, 1,000 first-order tauren and 100 first-order orcs.

With the operation of the simulation cabin, on the simulated battlefield,

A thousand tauren and orcs were teleported over.

Um...that's it?

Lin Hua was stunned for a moment, and then he felt that he was a little too pretentious.

But this is really a bit weak!

After all, the Zerg can be considered a species that has hunted the ninth level.

For these first-order species, Lin Hua sent out a springtail to solve them.

Ding: The first wave of offensive is over.

Now start the second wave of offensive.

Among random species.

Species confirmed: 2,000 second-order tauren.

In this way, Lin Hua's exam numbers kept rising.

When others are still struggling to resist the second and third waves.

Lin Hua has ended the fifth wave of offensive and started the sixth wave.

What the hell! What's wrong with this?

Am I blind? Others have just arrived in the third wave!

Seeing Lin Hua's amazing speed,

Everyone in the square couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

Secretary Zhou in the stands whispered something to a staff member behind him.

After a while, the simulation screen in the sky turned into Lin Hua's battlefield scene.

Tens of millions of Zerg troops were densely crawling on the battlefield.

Look, that's Lin Hua's battle scene!

Fuck! So many? Isn't this number tens of millions?

It doesn't matter if they are in large numbers, the combat effectiveness of a single one is still so strong.

Can Lin Hua really feed him?

Everyone was in shock.

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