Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 141 Chief Chen’s Consecration Lin Hua’s Second Divine Realm

Compared to the seventh-level species of gods, they are still too low-level.

How could a divine planet that could bind even gods be unable to bind a low-level species?

Forget it, we can only talk about planting the mushroom carpet later.

Yang Chen put aside the thoughts in his mind and fixed his gaze on the panel of Plane 1.

As long as the devouring progress reaches 100, plane one can be completely reduced to Lin Hua's second divine domain.

Commonly known as opening a second mine!

By then, Lin Hua may become the first god in the history of gods to have two divine realms.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua integrated the original power of plane one into his own godhead.

Able to clearly locate the location of Plane 1 in the void.

Even, Lin Hua can control the No. 1 plane to move through the original power of the No. 1 plane.

However, Lin Hua has not yet become a high-ranking god, so it is still somewhat difficult to control the divine realm or plane to move.

Plane No. 1 is a superior plane, in which there are many eighth- and ninth-level species.

Lin Hua is very greedy for their genetic sequences.

Previously, there was no conquest because the Zerg army was not strong enough.

However, after a year of development of the Zerg army, it is hard to say how to deal with the ninth-level species.

But Lin Hua still has some confidence in dealing with the eighth-level species.

It's time to clean up the high-level species on plane one.

Lin Hua put away the system panel and stood up from the sofa.

These eighth- and ninth-level species will have to be cleaned up sooner or later.

Otherwise, even if Lin Hua completely masters the original power of the first plane, these eighth- and ninth-level species will still be a threat.

As for taming these eighth- and ninth-level species, let alone even think about it.

Now that they have reached this point, no one is extremely powerful.

How can someone who is used to being the boss act like a little brother next to you?

Maybe they even want to be your boss.

Moreover, Lin Hua doesn't seem to want species other than Zerg.

Let's go to the military area!

Lin Hua flew out from the floating island and headed to the military area.

It is necessary to use the void locator to help locate the specific location of the No. 1 plane.

Even if Lin Hua can control plane one to move in the void, he still has to know the location.

Ten minutes later, Lin Hua came to the military area.

After revealing his identity, he came to the secret base in the military region.

Lin Hua is now a celebrity throughout the Eastern Alliance, so soldiers and staff in the military region all recognize Lin Hua.

After seeing Lin Hua, they all saluted to express their respect.

Huh? Lin Hua, why are you here?

Chen Chenchen monitors the situation of the Eastern Alliance's defense line in the underground base.

Seeing Lin Hua's arrival, he seemed a little surprised.

Logically speaking, Lin Hua should prepare for the college entrance examination.

How would it appear here?

I need to use that void locator.

When Lin Hua saw Chen Chenchen, he said straight to the point.

You want to explore the outer void.

Chen Chenchen frowned, thinking that he heard wrongly.

this is not OK!

You don't know the current situation. There are all Western Alliance expedition teams outside the territory. They are guarding you day and night, waiting for you to come out.

Chen Chenchen was entrusted by Mr. Zhao to protect Lin Hua's safety at all times.

Chen Chenchen would not agree to this kind of dangerous behavior.

Well... I don't intend to let my divine realm leave the void defense line.

Lin Hua naturally would not embarrass Chen Chenchen.

I just want to use the void locator to determine the position of plane number one.

After Lin Hua's explanation, Chen Chenchen finally agreed to Lin Hua's request.

There is no way, Lin Hua is a treasure now.

The fate of the entire Eastern League lies in Lin Hua's hands.

Okay... remember not to leave your divine realm away from the Eastern Alliance's defense lines. Once your divine realm is destroyed by the Western Alliance, you will be finished.

Chen Chenchen repeatedly asked in a solemn tone,

Then, Lin Hua came to the cabin of the void locator and lay down in it.

The void positioning cabin prompts: The divine domain link is being established.

The link to the divine realm has been completed. Your void coordinates are: x: 123145, y: 674141, z: 747843.

The void positioning cabin slowly started, informing Lin Hua of the current void coordinate point in the divine domain.

Confirm the specific coordinates of this location.

Lin Hua passed the vague coordinates determined by the unknown to the void positioning cabin.

The void positioning cabin prompts: The coordinate point is being confirmed.

The void coordinates are: x: 123245, y: 673141, z: 747933.

This coordinate point is the location of plane number one in the void.

Simply isn't that far.

Lin Hua used the original power of Plane 1 to move in the void on Plane 1, slowly approaching the edge of the Eastern Alliance's void defense line.

At the same time, it also manipulates the territory of God's Domain to move closer to Plane One.

It's just that Lin Hua is not yet a high-level god, and he only controls half of the original power of the No. 1 plane.

Therefore, it is very slow to manipulate plane one to move in the void.

In the underground base of the military area.

Chen Chenchen is monitoring the situation of the Eastern Alliance's void defense line in front of each screen.

The Eastern Alliance's void defense line covers a large area, and each military region has its own area of ​​responsibility.

There are three main tasks for the void defense line in the military region.

First: Prevent the invasion of extraterrestrial demons.

Second: Prevent the invasion of the gods of the Western Alliance.

Third: Prevent some high-level planes from drifting into the Eastern Alliance's defense line.

The third one is the most serious problem facing the military region.

The creatures in the upper planes are unprecedentedly powerful, and the eighth and ninth levels are just as commonplace.

If the upper planes are allowed to break into the void defense line of the Eastern Alliance, it will absorb the surrounding divine realms and forcibly connect.

For the gods within the defense lines of the Eastern Alliance, this is absolutely disastrous.

And the trouble doesn't end there.

This eighth- and ninth-level species in the upper plane is very powerful.

Even the higher gods dare not say that they can win steadily.

The usual approach is to push them away from the empire's defense lines. It would be too difficult to completely eliminate them.

Even if the extraterrestrial demon comes a few more times, I don't want to meet the King of Shang Wei again.

Chen Chenchen looked at the screen in front of him and sighed deeply.

Military District Level 1 Alert: It has been detected that the upper plane is approaching the void defense line of the Eastern Alliance. Judging from the movement trajectory, it is about to invade the void territory of the Eastern Alliance.

Please all Eastern Alliance personnel be on level one alert.

Chen Chen Chen just finished speaking.

Suddenly, a violent siren sounded in the underground base of the military area.


Chen Chenchen looked at the red exclamation mark in confusion.

Is it true that I have opened my mouth? It's not possible, is it?

Our Chief Chen fell into deep self-doubt.

Sir Chen, don't worry, this is my second divine realm.

Lin Hua's voice suddenly appeared in Chen Chenchen's ears.

What did you say? Second Divine Realm?

Chen Chen Chen is even more confused.

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