Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 139 The original godhead was successfully condensed!

So after a year of waiting.

The expedition team of the Eastern Alliance finally found the water attribute godhead that Lin Hua needed in a superior plane in the void.

Mr. Zhao immediately asked Chen Chenchen to bring the water attribute godhead to Lin Hua.

The college entrance examination will be held in one month, so work hard.

Chen Chenchen handed the box containing the water attribute godhead to Lin Hua and said.

In one month there will be the Eastern League’s national college entrance examination.

The college entrance examination will determine what path the students will ultimately take.

It makes everyone become ordinary people,

It's still a step closer to entering the Divine University.

If you can get into a good divine university, you will get better guidance and resources.

Capital Divinity University can be said to be the best university in the Eastern League.

There are tens of millions of candidates every year, but only a few thousand can enter the Capital Divine University.

Although their brains are a little bit not very smart, their strength is definitely not bad.

That? Do I really have no quota for recommendation?

Lin Hua took the box containing the godhead and said.

With your strength, are you afraid that you won't be able to get into a mere Capital Divine University?

Chen Chenchen stared at Lin Hua with strange eyes.

The main thing is that you have to set an example for candidates nationwide!

The college entrance examination is the most important day of the year in the Eastern League.

It will be broadcast live.

The best students among them will also receive national awards.

And make it public so that other students can serve as role models.

It is equivalent to the top scorer in liberal arts and science in the college entrance examination in the previous life.


Lin Hua was a little speechless.

I never thought that I was a poor student in my previous life.

One day I can set an example for others,

This...how should I put it, a little excited and excited.


Chen Chenchen shook his head and looked at Lin Hua helplessly.

This time, the Western Alliance also saw clearly the threat of Lin Hua in the future.

They knew very well that once Lin Hua grew up, the consequences would be disastrous.

Page During this year, the Western Alliance suppressed the Eastern Alliance more and more heavily.

If it weren't for this, why would I have been desperately looking for a water attribute godhead for a year?

The top management of the entire Eastern League is fighting for you, and you must show great strength.

Show off the momentum of the Eastern Alliance!

Chen Chenchen made it clear.

In the downturn of the country, a strong man must stand up.

And this person is Lin Hua.

Okay, I will take part seriously.

Lin Hua nodded and understood what Chen Chenchen meant.

Then I won't disturb your practice!

Chen Chenchen nodded and left the floating island.

Lin Hua opened the box and took out the basic godhead that exuded sky-blue light.

This is like the basic godhead of the water attribute.

It's time to be promoted to a high-level mid-level god.

Back in the room, Lin Hua first opened his properties panel.

[Host]: Lin Hua.

[Priest]: God of Zerg

[Theocratic functions]: Power of earth, power of fire, power of wood, power of metal

[God level]: Intermediate middle god (reaching high-level middle god requires condensing 10,000 points of divine power and basic water attribute godhead)

[God’s Domain]: Lilia’s Zerg Domain, Zagara’s Zerg Domain (50% of the first plane)

[Divine Species]: Zerg

[Site resources]: 1,000 Zerg nests, 10 incubation pools, 300 cockroach greenhouses, 300 alien dragon towers...

[Number of Troops] 50 million cockroaches, 50,000 mutant dragons, 1 million mammoth bugs, 500,000 explosive bugs, seven Zerg queens, and 2 billion bug eggs.

[Faith of God]: 160,000.

[Divine Power Points]: 122000

[Divine Time]: Adjust 1:100 with the main world at will.

[System Backpack]: Evolution Point Zero, Water Attribute Godhead, Artifact [Descendant Longbow]

In one year's time,

Lin Hua expanded the number of the Zerg army to tens of millions.

The remaining egg reserves amount to more than two billion.

In order to store these insect eggs, Lin Hua deliberately expanded the number of insect nests to one thousand.

A Zerg can store ten million eggs.

In addition to the Zerg lair, Lin Hua also expanded many other Zerg buildings.

A thick carpet of fungus covers the ground in the divine territory.

There is more of a Zerg life here.

Moreover, Lin Hua also promoted all seven Zerg Queens to the seventh level.

And expanded the area of ​​the divine domain to 50 million square kilometers,

The terrifying number of Zerg units provided Lin Hua with a steady stream of faith in God.

The beliefs of these gods have been condensed into divine power.

In one year, it reached one million.

It's time to incorporate the water attribute into the basic godhead.

After looking at the system panel, Lin Hua took a long breath.

He took the godhead out of his backpack and integrated it into his body without hesitation.

A mysterious power of rules burst out of the body instantly.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth.

The most basic attribute of species in heaven and earth is also the basic attribute of species that make up the world.

After fusing the five basic attribute godheads, the power of the gods will be completely released.

Lin Hua could feel it, deep in his soul.

The five rays of gold, green, blue, red, and yellow reflected each other, and then slowly merged together.

These five colors of light represent the five basic elements.

At this moment, they are slowly fused under the catalysis of huge divine power.

Deep in the soul, a new godhead slowly formed.

Is this the power of the original godhead?

Seeing this new godhead appear, Lin Hua couldn't help but feel condensed.

If you want to become a high-level god, you must first collect the five basic elements of the godhead.

Then through the integration of the five basic elements of the godhead, it becomes its own original godhead.

The original godhead is the source of power of the gods.

The attributes and power of the original godhead are closely related to the species of the god and the power it controls.

For example, a god likes to use the dragon family as the main species.

Then his original godhead is most likely the Dragon God.

Or a god is good at controlling the power of thunder and lightning.

Then his original godhead is most likely the God of Thunder.

The original godhead of each god is different.

The original godhead can provide unparalleled powerful divine power as a god.

But it also has its huge weaknesses,

First of all, the original power of the original godhead is connected with the divine domain of the god.

In other words, once the divine realm of a god is damaged, his original power will also be damaged.

This is why the higher the level of the god, the greater the impact will be when the divine domain is damaged.

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