Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 125 Strengthening the last godhead again!

Yes what's the matter?

Lin Hua didn't know what was going on. Why was Chen Chenchen so anxious?

(⊙o⊙)...So you just destroyed them?

Chen Chenchen was stunned for a moment, not knowing what tone to use to say it.

If I don't destroy them, they will destroy me!

That's true! What you did is right.

Chen Chenchen shook his head and said helplessly.

In fact, the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance have a hostile relationship to begin with.

Anyone who understands nature will understand that it is normal to encounter them fighting each other outside the void.

The biggest enemies that plane expedition teams encounter outside the void are often not extraterrestrial demons or giant planes.

It is a plane expedition team from a hostile force.

Every year, many Eastern Alliance plane expedition teams die at the hands of Western Alliance expedition teams.

The gods whose realms were destroyed ranged from their divine levels to zero.

In severe cases, the soul will be directly damaged and the person will sacrifice his life.

The main reason is that you destroyed an entire Western Alliance plane expedition team at once. They will definitely take advantage of this and put pressure on the empire!

Chen Chenchen said helplessly.

A weak country has no diplomacy!

The Eastern Alliance's national strength is far inferior to that of the Western Alliance empire.

People can use the topic as they want and use it to their advantage, leaving you with no temper at all.

Hey! Don't worry! The Eastern Alliance will find a solution.

Chen Chenchen patted Lin Hua on the shoulder.

Lin Hua could hear the helplessness in his tone.

The Eastern Alliance is really miserable.

But it will definitely not be like this in the future.

Let me know if you need anything. I'm also a member of the Eastern Alliance.

After this incident, Lin Hua became more convinced of the importance of getting stronger.

In order for the Eastern Alliance to no longer be at the mercy of others, it must become stronger this time.

To be honest, for those blond gods of the Western Alliance,

Lin Hua really doesn't like him very much.

If Lin Hua was asked to make a choice again, he would never let them go just now.

At least put some infected insects in their divine domain,

Let them mess around!

Left the military area and returned home.

Lin Hua devoted his thoughts to the realm of God.

Lin Hua took out the three gene sequences from the system backpack.

They are the [Acid Throat] from the mythical beast-level creature Vampire Duke.

As well as [Angel Power] and [Holy Shield] from the ten-winged angels.

Lin Hua passed the gene sequence to Lilia, Queen of the Zerg, and asked him to pass the mutation methods of these gene sequences to all Zerg units.

Soon, these three gene sequences were completely mastered by the Zerg.

Thanks to the Zerg's special neural sharing network, the Zagara Zerg now on Plane One can also enjoy the changes in genetic sequences.

[Acid Throat]: Comes from the body of the Vampire Duke, which can greatly increase the acid reserve and corrosion intensity of the Zerg army, and acts on the body of the explosive bugs.

The first is the first gene, which comes from the vampire duke.

His powerful acid sac can increase the acid corrosion of cockroaches and explosive bugs by several levels.

For a long time, most of the power of Cockroach's lava acid actually came from the flame explosion and the blue dragon's thunder and lightning power.

The main source of damage from explosive bugs is chemical explosive substances in the body.

Nowadays, the strength of acid has been greatly improved.

The acid damage sustained by cockroaches and explosive bugs has been greatly enhanced.

[Angel Power]: The blood power from the angel family can be released to limit the opponent's attack power. This gene can act on all Zerg units.

The sacred power is actually the blood power of the angel clan.

It is similar to the power of Xuanwu and White Tiger.

Its effect is to reduce the enemy's combat strength after being released.

As for the specific effect, Lin Hua doesn't know.

Anyway, when facing the Zerg, the power of the angels didn't seem to have any effect!

In fact, objectively speaking,

Lin Hua didn't know that it was entirely because his Zerg army was too strong.

Not to mention the bloodline power of the angel family, any single bloodline power should not have any impact on Lin Hua now.

If you count them in detail, there are seven types of bloodline powers that the Zerg race has merged with.

The power of so many bloodlines added together would create an invincible existence.

[Holy Shield]: The purification skill of the angel family, which can purify all negative effects in the body and is completely immune to curses and dark magic attacks. It acts on all units of the Zerg family.

Additional effect: All Zerg units will receive the blood of the Angel family.

[Note]: The effect of immunity to magic is not the same as magic immunity.

The blood of the angel clan is very powerful and has the effect of purifying everything. The Zerg fused the holy blood of the angel clan and also gained such power.

Lin Hua also checked the data carefully.

This purification refers to all negative effects,

For example: negative effects such as freezing, paralysis, slowness, etc.

At the same time, it will also be immune to some special curses and dark magic.

It's not magic immunity, it's more like immunity control.

“It’s still very good!”

Lin Hua is very satisfied with the talent of Angel's Holy Shield.

Control-free is actually very powerful.

In subsequent battles with higher gods, each higher god must be quite skilled in using their divine authority functions.

Able to control the weather and even other rules of heaven and earth,

Being able to exempt the Zerg army from control will definitely be of great benefit in future battles.

Besides, for species that can be called mythical beast-level creatures, their genes are not too bad.

Next, Lin Hua integrated the newly acquired metallic godhead into his body.

At the same time, the power of faith in these two days was condensed into divine power points.

After doing all this, Lin Hua opened the properties panel.

Host: Lin Hua

Occupation: God of the Zerg

Theocratic functions: power of earth, place of fire, power of wood, power of metal

God level: Intermediate middle god {reaching high-level middle god requires 10,000 divine power points and a water attribute godhead)

God's Domain: Zerg Domain, Plane One (11%)

Size of the divine domain: 10 million square kilometers (forest, grassland, desert)

Resources: Ten Zerg lairs, one incubation pool...

Number of troops: 5 million Springtails, 1 million Cockroaches, 30,000 Mutalisks, 31,000 Mammoths, 1,000 Infections, 5 Zerg Queens, 20,000 Explosive Bugs, insect eggs Ten million pieces.

Faith in God: 1.2 million

Divine power points: 4000

Divine Realm Time: One to one hundred with the main world can be adjusted at will.

Backpack: 1.33 billion evolution points.

Looking at his attributes, Lin Hua breathed a sigh of relief.

There is only the last water attribute godhead left to become a high-level mid-level god.

There is no shortage of divine power points.

After the number of Zerg increased dramatically, the amount of God's Faith provided every day was an extremely terrifying figure.

Lin Hua noticed in the God's Domain column,

There is also a progress bar behind the divine domain, showing 11%

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