Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 123 One against ten, do you think I’m afraid?

A thick blanket of bacteria was seen covering the ground for hundreds of kilometers in radius.

Springtails and cockroaches are fighting against the species army of the Western Alliance.

On the vast plains, mammoths like mountains were trampling the enemy crazily.

The terrifying single-molecule giant blade seems to be able to cut through everything.

Damn! How can this native race be so powerful? Isn't this a superior plane?

Damn it, I won't leave today. I won't go back if I can't get the godhead!

In the distance, the captain of the Western Alliance's plane expedition team shouted angrily.

Before invading this superior plane,

They never thought that there would be such a fighting species in this place.

What is going on with these bugs?

A species that is clearly a fifth-level creature can actually chase a sixth-level species and beat them up.

Not to mention that there is a fifth-level mammoth insect in the team, which is simply chasing the seventh-level mythical beast-level creature rua.

There is no clue that they are only fifth-level creatures.

However, the Western Alliance's expedition team is well-trained after all. They are specially born to conquer planes.

Although the Zerg army caused heavy losses to their species,

But their species army was still advancing steadily, and soon arrived at the insect lair.

If Lin Hua were a little later, I'm afraid the insect nest here would be completely destroyed by the opponent.

The Zerg army, destroy and devour the enemies in front of you.

Lin Hua's Zerg army arrived quickly.

The two Zerg armies merged, and the scene instantly reversed.

Huh? What's going on? Why are there suddenly so many Zerg armies?

No... there are gods participating in the battle!

As the captain, Drizzt reacted quickly.

Captain, look at the aura and it's that god from the Eastern Alliance just now!

A god from the Western Alliance Empire recognized Lin Hua's aura.

How is it possible? Didn't John solve him?

Drizzt was horrified.

If Lin Hua is still alive, there is only one outcome.

John was killed by Lin Hua.

However, John is the high-level mid-level god of the Western Alliance!

But Lin Hua's aura is only an intermediate god.

There's a step difference,

A mid-level mid-level god single-handedly kills a high-level mid-level god from a plane expedition team.

This sounds so shocking.

Very good! I didn't expect that you would dare to go against our Western Empire here!

Drizzt snorted coldly and spoke in the direction of Lin Hua.

I didn't expect that you didn't run away when faced with the Zerg army.

Lin Hua responded calmly.

Kill the tough-talking guy!

Drizzt laughed angrily and ordered a dozen members of the plane expedition team to release all their combat species.

The number is actually tens of millions.

And there are many powerful creatures at high levels such as fifth and sixth levels.

System, detect if there are genes that can be eaten by the Zerg army.

Ding: The system is checking...

Ding: A gene that allows the Zerg to evolve has been detected - the power of angels.

Ding: A gene that allows the Zerg to evolve has been detected - Divine Shield.

Ding: This gene comes from a mythical beast-level species - Archangel.

The angel clan is the iconic species of the Western Alliance.

The strength of the bloodline is naturally at the level of mythical beasts, which can be said to be on par with the four major mythical beasts of the East.

However, the angel family is actually very special. Generally speaking, the lowest level of the beast-level species is fifth level.

But angels are different.

The rank of an angel mainly depends on the number of wings at the back.

Seraphim are the fifth level.

The eight-winged angel is the sixth level.

The ten-winged angel is the seventh level,

The ninth-level angels are called Seraphs.

Very powerful and rare.

Lin Hua looked at this cute little angel in the enemy camp,

There are only eight wings, which means it is the sixth level.

The strong enemy Lin Hua met in the ten-school joint entrance examination,

His species is a six-winged archangel.

It's a pity that the joint examination of the ten schools is a mock examination, and Lin Hua has no chance to devour their genes.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, Lin Hua naturally cannot miss it.

Are archangels awesome?

In front of the Zerg, it can only be turned into food.

You should really run away. John is just an insignificant team member. He didn't expect to give you confidence!

But this time you have to take responsibility for your own stupidity!

Drizzt roared angrily, and the army of tens of millions of species behind the ten-winged archangel rushed toward the Zerg.

You should be the one stupid!

Lin Hua sneered.

Infected worms, let them see the power of the worms!

At this time, the order was given, and the infected insects that had been waiting for the order in the ground emerged from the ground.

The fluid reservoir on the back was torn off.

Tens of thousands of small, dust-like eggs of infected insects are scattered in the wind.

Infecting the other party's species army without the other party's knowledge.

Soon, large-scale riots broke out in the opponent's camp.

The plague brought by the terrifying parasite spreads among the opponent's army.

what happened?

When did we get tricked?

It's broken. My camp is all in disarray.

Not only the opponent's species army was in chaos, but also their plane expedition team members were in chaos.

A confused chaos of noise,

Lin Hua showed no mercy this time.

All species with a lower rank than the infected insects will die in parasitic pain.

In an army of tens of millions of species, only tens of thousands of higher-ranking ones were left struggling to support themselves.

The most terrible thing is,

The parasite eggs of infecting insects are biological infections.

Completely different from poison, curse, magic, etc.

The Ten-Winged Angel's purification skills have no effect here.

You can purify curses and magic, but you can also purify actual bugs.

Damn it! Archangel, kill these nasty bugs!

Drizzt roared angrily and began to make a final struggle.

On the battlefield, tens of thousands of Zerg troops have surrounded the remaining species of the Western Alliance's expeditionary corps.

and began a steady advance of nibbling through the mammoth's steel defenses.

Every second that passes, species continue to die.

The ten-winged angel waved the blazing holy sword in his hand, and the huge sword wave struck the mammoth's mountain-like body.

like water off a duck's back!

Not even a system prompt popped up.

In the face of absolute numbers and strength, the gods of the Western Alliance had no chance to resist.

Damn! We are no match for this guy.

Facing the continuous death of species, Drizzt finally recognized this reality.

So many elites from the Western Alliance were defeated by one person from the Eastern Alliance.

As hard as it was to accept, Drizzt could no longer bear the loss.

If a seventh-level archangel dies, his strength will be greatly reduced and he may even fall to god level.

Sacrifice the divine weapon! Seraph's power!!

Drizzt roared.

I saw a fierce divine light piercing the void, and the intense light made the entire plane seem like daylight.

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