Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 121 Vampire Appears, The Divine Beast-Level Species of the Western Alliance

Hey! There's only one person on the other side!

one person?

Does a mere person dare to leave the void defense line of the god's planet? Don't blame us in this case!

Kill him!

Through the exchange of thoughts with the other party, Lin Hua also roughly knew the other party's identity.

The identity of the opponent seems to be the plane expedition team of the Western Alliance Empire.

Like the Eastern Alliance Empire, they would also send out expedition teams to explore the void every once in a while.

Naturally, it is also to obtain various resources and divine personality.

Plane No. 1 can also be regarded as a superior plane, and it is also the goal of this expedition team.

But this time they were unlucky and met Lin Hua.

At first, the opponent thought Lin Hua was a plane expedition team from the Eastern Alliance.

But soon, these gods of the Western Alliance Empire discovered that Lin Hua was just a person.

There was never peace between the two countries, and divine wars often broke out.

It is basically difficult to encounter this kind of outside void.

Once they meet, they will be extremely jealous of their enemies.

Nature will never stop.

John, go kill the person you think is the Eastern Alliance.

The captain of the opponent's plane expedition team directly issued a death order.

The spirit named John controlled his divine territory and quickly approached Lin Hua's divine territory.

I said, can we talk first?

Lin Hua said helplessly.

It seems that the people in the Western Alliance do not intend to solve the problem peacefully.

It's a pity, Lin Hua originally planned to let them go.

Okay, let's leave that guy to John. Let's continue to search for resources in this plane.

Captain Drizzt, my detector discovered a godhead in this plane!

Suddenly, a cheer erupted from the Western Alliance's plane expedition team.

Oh? Godhead! Do you know what attributes it has?

Captain Drizzt's eyes lit up and he asked hurriedly.

The detector can only detect the energy of the godhead, but cannot determine its attributes.

The expedition team of the Western Alliance has not obtained the godhead for a long time. All members of the expedition team are ordered to invade this plane with all their strength and find the godhead.

Drizzt gave the order.

Lin Hua saw that in the void,

More than a dozen huge divine realms quickly approached Plane 1,

And began to occupy the divine territory on the first plane.

Unsurprisingly, the godhead discovered by the Western Alliance Empire Expedition Team was exactly the one held by the Zerg.

Good guy,

It's always Lin Hua who steals other people's things.

Unexpectedly, someone else took the lead today.

Can this be tolerated?

However, just when Lin Hua planned to directly link the divine domain to the No. 1 plane.

John, who was sent to kill Lin Hua, controlled his divine domain to block Lin Hua.

Void positioning cabin warning: Hostile god invasion detected.

The alarm of the void positioning cabin sounded quickly.

...I didn't expect that someone would come to die...

Lin Hua looked at this John of the Western Alliance who did not know whether to live or die.

He directly controlled his own divine territory and crashed into it.

Originally, Lin Hua planned to solve the problem peacefully.

Now it's better, there is no other way but to kill them all!

Queen, there will be a large number of enemies heading towards your territory soon. Resist for a while and I will be there soon.

At the same time, Lin Hua conveyed orders to the Zerg Queen, the highest-ranking Zerg Queen in Plane One.

As you command, God of the Zerg, the Zerg will fight for you!

The Zerg Queen in Plane One responded respectfully.

With the response from the Zerg Queen, Lin Hua felt more relieved.

Let’s kill the guy in front of us first and then talk about it.

Speaking of which, Lin Hua, whose surname is John, has learned about it in textbooks.

This surname is considered a very common tribe in the Western Alliance.

However, because they once deceived a small force belonging to the Eastern Alliance away,

This has caused John's status in the Western Alliance to rise sharply, and now the title has reached the Duke.

In fact, the divine realms and species of the Western Alliance are different from those of the Eastern Alliance.

The Western Alliance generally consists of species such as vampires, angels, and demons.

Lin Hua has never had a good impression of the gods of the Western Alliance.

Whether it is the past life or this life.

Little guy, you are unlucky to meet us.

Don't go into this endless void alone in your next life.

The link to the divine domain slowly formed, and a huge hole was torn open in the sky of the Zerg domain.

A sneering voice came from the other party's divine realm.

Is it?

Lin Hua was unmoved and his tone was calm.

Keep this sentence to yourself!


A mere middle-level god dares to be so presumptuous?

John snorted coldly, his tone full of contempt.

He judged from his aura that Lin Hua's true level was an intermediate god.

And he himself is a high-level middle god.

He had no reason for defeat.

System, check the opponent's divine domain and the genes worthy of being devoured by the Zerg.

Lin Hua conveyed his thoughts to the system.

Ding: It's being detected.

【God】: John

[Class]: High-level mid-level god

[Divine Domain Area]: 15 million (grasslands, lakes, deserts)

[Number of species]: Vampire Duke (seventh level of mythical beast-level creature), 13,000 sea monsters (sixth level), and about 3.8 million sirens.

Ding: The gene that allows the Zerg to evolve - the acid throat - can be absorbed from the mythical beast-level creature Vampire Duke.

Sure enough, in low-level organisms, it is already difficult to find genetic evolution suitable for the Zerg.

That is to say, it can only be found in the bodies of high-level mythical beasts.

Now that you've arrived at my door.

Then I'll swallow it for you!

After looking at the data provided by the system, Lin Hua was completely relieved this time.

This kind of strength is no match for the Zerg army.

gene sequence?

John didn't know what Lin Hua said, and thought it was his thoughts when he was scared.

No matter what you're talking about, that's the end of it for today!

After John finished speaking, the two divine realms were also linked together.

In the dark fog, a handsome man with a white face appeared in the field of vision.

His eyes were as red as lanterns as he looked at the Zerg army, and his body was covered with various medals.

The nails on her hands are ridiculously long.

Vampires are very inconsistent creatures.

Lin Hua had seen this creature before in the school's species illustration.

There are also rumors that this is a species that the Western Alliance uses humans to support, which is extremely evil and terrifying;

Still remember the missing girl case in the Western Alliance?

There are rumors that he was eaten by a vampire.

But now, vampires will become food for the Zerg army.

How are you, are you scared?'

John looked at Lin Hua proudly at this time.

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