Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 103 Get the high-level unit of the Zerg tribe—the infected insect

Li Yingying didn't even knock on the door at this time.

He ran to Lin Hua's room in a hurry and looked at Lin Hua worriedly.


Lin Hua frowned slightly, which was exactly what he had guessed before.

The other gods participating in the competition were indeed preparing to form a team to deal with Lin Hua.

Don't worry, any enemy who dares to stand in front of the Zerg will only die.

Lin Hua said confidently.

If it were a Zerg that had not integrated the genes of mythical beasts two days ago.

Lin Hua may still have some worries.

But today, the Zerg combines the genes of two mythical beast-level creatures, coupled with an overall improvement in rank.

No matter how the opponent unites, they cannot be a match for the Zerg army.

As far as I know, among the contestants this time, there are a total of 17 people who have mythical beast-level species.

These 17 people are Zhang San and Li Si...their mythical beast-level species are...

But the good news is that their mythical beast-level species are also the lowest level.

Li Yingying kept talking.

She told Lin Hua all the information she had just collected.

Thank you for the reminder.

Lin Hua expressed his gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

That much information must have taken a lot of effort.

But I think I should be able to handle it.

That's good, then I'll feel relieved.

Li Yingying smiled, she was still very confident about her little boyfriend.

I will continue to tame the elf queen you gave me yesterday, so do your best!

Li Yingying nodded and left Lin Hua's room.


Lin Hua looked slightly strange when he heard this word.

Domestication actually means allowing neutral species to cultivate their belief in gods.

Only in this way can the faith of God be harvested from these species.

It just sounds weird.

An hour passed quickly.

Lilia's evolution and the genetic fusion of the Zerg should be almost completed.

Ding: The power level of the Zerg Queen has been raised to level 6.

Ding: The Zerg army has perfectly integrated the White Tiger's coercion and White Tiger's attack genes.

Ding: Congratulations to the host's Zerg army. The overall level has been upgraded to level five and you will be rewarded with an advanced gift pack.

He said the moment his mind entered the Zerg realm, the system's beep sounded at the same time.

First of all, after Lilia advanced to become a level 6 creature, her aura surged again.

Checked Lilia's property panel.

Level 5 Zerg Queen Lilia can now lay 100,000 eggs a day.

This speed still makes Lin Hua very satisfied.

Then Lin Hua checked the Zerg's latest fusion of white tiger genes.

The first is the gene of [White Tiger Coercion]

[White Tiger Pressure]: The white tiger's bloodline power allows the Zerg to release the same bloodline suppression power as the white tiger to act on all ground units of the Zerg.

As the names suggest, [White Tiger Pressure] and [Xuanwu Pressure] inherit the power of the blood of the divine beasts.

The most important thing is that the power of blood can be superimposed.

In addition to the [White Tiger Pressure], the Zerg now have a total of 4 types of bloodline power in their bodies.

They are the ancient god's pressure, Xuanwu's pressure, dragon's pressure and white tiger's pressure.

During battle, you can bring out all the power of your bloodline, giving the enemy a terrifying aura of oppression.

The oppression of the ancient gods lies in the maddening feeling of fear.

The coercion of Xuanwu lies in its thickness, which can reduce the enemy's agility.

The White Tiger's coercion lies in its powerful killing power that can greatly reduce and disintegrate the enemy's will to fight.

I have to say that every pressure is very powerful.

“I really don’t know what the effect of the coercion in the remaining two divine beasts will be?”

Lin Hua murmured to himself.

This made him look forward to tomorrow's battle even more.

In addition to inheriting the power of White Tiger's bloodline, the Zerg also incorporated the genes of [White Tiger Attack].

[White Tiger Attack]: Coming from a mythical beast-level creature, the power of the blood of the white tiger can make the Zerg army unleash an astonishing combat power. In a short period of time, the Zerg army can explode into several times the normal combat power (upgrade the level), but it can only maintain For a period of time, this genetic sequence can be used on all units of the Zerg army.


Lin Hua originally thought that the white tiger's pressure had become more perverted.

Unexpectedly, the White Tiger's impact was extremely abnormal.

In a short period of time, it can forcibly burst out several times its normal combat power.

And it's the kind that can be upgraded.

Compared with the previously obtained genes, [White Tiger Pressure] and [White Tiger Attack].

These two genes are more friendly to Zerg.

The main thing is that they don't have any side effects.

And most importantly, all Zerg units can enjoy it, including the flying Mutalisk.

All in all, it is invincible.

too strong!

Lin Hua couldn't help but smacked his lips.

Then he looked at the advanced gift package in his backpack.

Every time a Zerg combat unit reaches a new level, a large gift package will be given to it.

This is a benefit of the system.

When the mammoth merges with the white tiger gene and advances to become a fifth-level unit.

The gift package will be automatically distributed.

Open the gift bag.

Ding: The gift package is opening...

Ding: Congratulations to the master for obtaining a Mother Insect Seal Card (Level 6).

Ding: Congratulations, master, for unlocking the high-level unit of the Zerg clan - the infected worm.

Ding: Congratulations to the master for obtaining 100 million evolution points.

I saw the advanced gift package given by the system, in addition to the Zerg Queen and evolution points.

Unexpectedly, it also comes with a high-level Zerg unit called the Infection Bug.

This made Lin Hua a little overjoyed. The redone basic combat unit was already abnormal enough.

How can high-level units be so good?

Holding back the joy in his heart, Lin Hua summoned the Zerg Queen as a gift.

Golden cards exploded in the sky above Lin Hua's divine territory.

A sixth-level Zerg Queen was liberated.

Since it is a gift from the system, the loyalty is naturally 100%.

Two level six Zerg queens, plus three level five Zerg queens.

In this way, the number of eggs laid by the Zerg a day has reached more than 200,000.

The quantity is naturally quite terrifying.

However, as the number of eggs laid increased, a problem was also exposed.

That means there is no place to put it.

There have always been only two buildings in Lin Hua's divine domain: the Zerg nest and the incubation pool.

If you have to say it hard, Chongdao Network can barely be regarded as the third one.

However, there is an upper limit to the number of eggs stored in a Zerg nest.

A Zerg nest can store approximately 10 million eggs.

According to the current egg-laying speed of the Zerg, it won't be long before the storage warehouse of the Zerg nest will be full.

It seems that if you can return to the ancient city of Linhua, you still have to buy some more materials and build a few more Zerg nests.

Insect eggs are equivalent to a continuous reserve army.

No one can have too much of this stuff.

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