Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 101 Beating up the white tiger, a mythical beast-level creature is nothing more than that

Is it possible to make it more difficult for the little guy Lin Hua?

The surrounding senior officials of the Eastern Alliance looked at Mr. Zhao in confusion.

Don't look anymore, Lin Hua still wins this battle.

Mr. Zhao opened his mouth to explain.

All around, there were envious expressions of senior officials of the Eastern Alliance.

At the same time, the plane is on the hunting ground.

Lin Hua was very satisfied with the new defensive power of the Zerg army.

To be honest, Xuanwu is indeed a beast-level creature, and the mutant gene defense of Xuanwu's special defense is truly terrifying.

The white tiger, which is also a mythical beast-level creature, will definitely be stronger.

This made Lin Hua look forward to the genes in the white tiger's body even more.

Cockroach, attack the white tiger.

Lin Hua quickly issued the order to attack.

Tens of thousands of cockroaches pointed their weapons at the sky.

The next moment, countless acid liquids mixed with lava rose into the sky, covering all directions with firepower.

One hundred thousand cockroaches sprayed lava-laced acid at the same time, so dense that even sunlight in the sky could not penetrate.

The white tiger had already felt the danger at this time, and he moved around quickly to avoid the cockroach's attack.


A violent vibration can be felt within a radius of hundreds of miles when a round of firepower covers it.

There were explosions and rocks flying everywhere.

The entire land was actually lowered tens of meters deep by this powerful force, forming a huge basin.

The white tiger stood in the center of the basin, and its white fur had a burnt smell.

Such great sensitivity?

Lin Hua frowned slightly. Under such intensive firepower coverage from the Cockroaches, the White Tiger was able to dodge most of the bombardments with its own agility.

It is indeed a beast-level creature.

But for Lin Hua, this is not a bad thing.

The white tiger will dodge, which means that the attack of the fourth-level cockroach is enough to break the white tiger's defense.

Otherwise, it would be the stupidest choice for Bai Hu to waste his energy here.

As long as the defenses can be broken, the Zerg army has a 90% chance of winning.

As long as the white tiger is restrained so that it cannot avoid the bombardment of cockroaches, it will be defeated.

Mammoth! It's your turn!

Lin Hua ordered the mammoth to appear again with a majestic voice.

I saw hundreds of mountain-like things behind the Zerg army suddenly moving.

Of course, that's not a mountain, it's Lin Hua's mammoth army.

Because the size is too huge, it is like a mountain.

Lin Hua had always put it behind as a trump card before.

Now it's finally time for it to appear.

1,000 mammoths galloping across the earth.

Violent shaking like an earthquake can be felt for several 10 miles.

The Mammoth is a high-level promotion unit of the Springtail.

They gave up sensitivity in exchange for unparalleled powerful attack and defense power.

Don't look at the mammoth, it's only a fourth-level creature. If you really talk about it, some ordinary sixth-level creatures with combat power can hardly be his opponent.

This is only a single combat ability that does not count as a group fight.

The mammoths have blocked all the white tigers' escape routes.

Lin Hua issued the combat order. He did not expect the mammoth to attack the extremely sensitive white tiger.

They only need to use their huge bodies to block all the White Tiger's movements and allow the cockroaches to deal with damage.

Thousands of mammoths stood in a row and formed a giant steel wall with their bodies.

The sharp single-molecule giant blade kept waving, blocking all the white tiger's escape routes.

It's now!

Roach once again launched a wave of fire coverage.

All escape routes were blocked by steel walls composed of mammoths, and there was no place to escape.

Unless you meet the mammoth's single-molecule giant blade head-on.

I have no choice but to bear it.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Huge explosions sounded one after another, and the white tiger was trapped in the circle of mammoth insects and was knocked unconscious.

What does it mean to close the door and beat the dog?

This is called closing the door and beating the dog.

As for wanting to break through the line formed by mammoths.

Don't be kidding, the Mammoth can't even kill Springtails, so how can it kill the defense? It can be called the strongest Mammoth of the Zerg.

After one round of bombing, all the white fur on Bai Hu's body was almost blown away.

There was even traces of blood seeping out of the white tiger's body.


Faced with a life and death crisis, Bai Hu roared angrily.

If it continued to stay in place, it would only slowly be consumed until it died, so the white tiger decided to forcefully break through the mammoth insect's blockade head-on and confront the mammoth insect's single-molecule giant blade head-on.

The white tiger's body instantly turned into a lightning red claw and slapped the mammoth's head hard.


The violent metallic buzzing sound echoed in the air again.

This is the bonus of Xuanwu's special defense.

Ding: The mammoth was attacked by the white tiger and was slightly injured.

The system beep sounded again.

The white tiger's deadly counterattack only caused a slight injury to the mammoth.

This defense is simply invincible.

The real strength of the White Tiger lies in its extremely high sensitivity and powerful physical strength.

The disadvantage is naturally that the sensitivity is worrying.

The white tiger would undoubtedly be seeking death if it faced the mammoth head-on.

The monomolecular giant in front of him can cut molecular units.

Even a white tiger would be seriously injured if it touched these single-molecule giant blades.

After losing their sensitivity advantage, dozens of mammoths found the opportunity and sliced ​​open the white tiger's body with giant single-molecule blades.

I didn't expect that I would die among you lowly creatures.

Before the white tiger was completely cut into pieces, he let out one last unwilling roar.

In fact, the movement speed of mammoths is much lower than that of white tigers.

Before the mammoth encirclement was formed, the white tiger was fully capable of evacuating the place and escaping, but he did not choose to do so.

Running away in the face of a weak race is something its dignity as a divine beast cannot tolerate.

So it eventually died of its own arrogance.

Looking at the white tiger's body on the ground, Lin Hua shook his head lightly.

At the same time, the system beep sounded again.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining the new gene [White Tiger Attack].

Ding: Congratulations to the master for obtaining the new gene [White Tiger Power].

The white tiger was hunted by the Zerg, and two high-quality genes were also obtained by the Zerg.

Lin Hua temporarily put it in the system backpack.

If we calculate the time, today's plane hunting battle is almost over.

When the time comes, the simulation cabin will teleport back the species that are still outside in the hunting battlefield.

When the war starts tomorrow, the last place teleported back yesterday will be the new birth point.

There were only a few minutes left, and there was no need for the Zerg army to continue advancing.

The next thing to do is to wait.

Lin Hua felt very at ease, but others didn't think so.

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