Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 1 Zerg Technology System

Lin Hua...the race extracted is larvae!

Um? Larvae? This is too weird...

Planet of Gods, in a classroom in No. 4 Middle School of the ancient capital.

The head teacher Li Ru looked at the report card in front of him in surprise.

Not surprisingly, after hearing that Lin Hua actually drew the lowest creature, a reptile.

There was a burst of mocking laughter in the classroom.

Yesterday was the first time for new students to draw priesthood cards after their enrollment.

The school fee is waived, and everyone is also connected to the Divine Realm.

It is used to help new students create their own race in the territory that opens up the divine realm.

The species that can be created by the species creation card are relatively random, and Lin Hua showed his extraordinary ability.

The lowest level priest card was opened directly.

That's right! Reptiles are the most trashy of these species.

Listening to the laughter around him, Lin Hua felt helpless.

He was tortured by card drawing games in his previous life, and he couldn't get out of SSR no matter what.

On the contrary, the process of drawing the priesthood card at this once-in-a-lifetime moment is even more unforgettable.

Reptiles are the weakest beings among species.

There is no high magic that provides faith in God.

Combat capability?

That's even more true. You can't point at this little bug and bite people to death.

Lin Hua! Don't be discouraged. Look at how these bugs like you can reproduce! The more there are, the more faith in God you can have. It's much stronger than a cheetah like me.

Suddenly, a strange sentence appeared in Lin Hua's ear.

The person who spoke was Liu Tian, ​​the class bully and student bully in the class.

Yesterday he opened a top-level priest card, the Cheetah.

It is quite powerful among the initial races.

That's right! Mr. Liu is right. Reptiles are quite tenacious. Compared to our Mr. Liu's cheetahs, they are much easier to feed.

Yes! But Mr. Liu's cheetah is really invincible. It would be great if I could get this among the initial races.

That is, with Cheetah, our Young Master Liu is ranked among the top in the entire school,

There were fawning voices all around.

Everyone was praising and envying Liu Tian for acquiring such a powerful cheetah as a species.

Seeing this scene, Lin Hua was slightly relieved.

No matter where he is, his past life or this so-called world of gods.

The weak have no dignity.

If you want to gain respect, you must be strong.

Reptiles are reptiles. It's better to have them than not to have them.


When school was over, the head teacher Li Ru called Lin Hua.

This is a redundant species card, given to you by the teacher.

Li Ru handed a brand new species card to Lin Hua.


Thank you, Teacher Li!

Lin Hua said seriously.

He originally wanted to refuse, but instead of only having the weakest Zerg card, he might as well accept this card in case it is useful in the future.

Well, the strength of a species still depends on the strength of the user. No matter what your future achievements are, their fundamental reason lies in whether you can make good use of them.

Li Ru nodded to Lin Hua. He was very satisfied with this student who was not trying to be aggressive.

At this point, Li Ru left the classroom.

After leaving the teacher, Lin Hua rushed back home as quickly as possible.

A large villa.

This villa was left to Lin Hua when his grandparents in this world passed away.

In Lin Hua's impression, Lin Hua's parents seemed to be the defenders of the world of gods.

I don’t know why he died.

This left Lin Hua in the care of his grandparents.

Walking into the room, there is an arcade similar to a game warehouse inside.

This is the space teleporter leading to the realm of gods—the divine teleporter.

When the divine teleporter is still at a low level, it strengthens the connection between the divine master and the gods, making it easier for the divine master to enter his own divine domain.

When becoming a higher deity, this deity's teleporter is abolished.

However, his most important function is to protect lower gods from the dimension-reducing attacks of higher-level gods.

Opening the hatch, Lin Hua lay down.

In this way, Lin Hua was transported to the newly opened realm of gods.

The area of ​​Lin Hua's god territory is not that large, probably only a few thousand square kilometers in the past.

It's all a deserted land.

On the ground, crawlers the size of fingers were crawling around on the ground.

But there are quite a lot of them, tens of thousands of them.

But the more you get, the more you get, but it’s not of much use.

Their magic attributes are too low, and they cannot harvest much faith in God.

If these species are used as their main output in the future, then there is only one lyric to describe it.

I miss you so much in March!

Fortunately, Teacher Li Ru still gave him a species creation card.

I don’t know if I can beat the Emperor of Europe this time!

Ding! The Zerg mutation system has been activated and is being bound to the host.

Just when Lin Hua was in a daze, an electronic sound hit Lin Hua's mind.



As a lover of online articles in my previous life, I knew what was going on in an instant.

Ding! The system binding is completed, and a gift package for newbies will be distributed.

Congratulations to the owner: you have obtained a God's Domain expansion card (50,000 square kilometers)

Congratulations to the master for getting a Zerg Queen seal card.

Congratulations to the owner for unlocking the Zerg mutation gene: Springtail mutation gene.

Congratulations to the owner for unlocking the first-level evolutionary mutation gene of the Zerg: the cockroach mutation gene.

Congratulations, master, for obtaining 5,000 evolution points.

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