God’s Game I Am the Great Will of the Planet

Chapter 302: : The Collapse of the Empire (38) Citizen Lure Coup, Coup!

Before stepping on this land, I was ready to sacrifice. After all, what we are going to do is a military coup that has disappeared from this land for more than 600 years.

Although we are angry with Lure VIII, although we are very resentful of the Palais des Congrès, and although we think our actions are just, so many reasons still cannot hide the panic in our hearts, because what we want to overthrow is the already existing six The behemoth of more than 100 years, the General Assembly Palace.

What does the Palais des Congrès represent to a Bourbon? It is the highest symbol of glory and an irreversible object. Perhaps the chief may be wrong, and some parliamentarians are evil, but the Assembly Palace should be supreme and inviolable. No one has ever successfully overthrown the Assembly Palace.

[Bourbon is an example of a successful military coup, but at that time the Assembly Palace had not been built. 】

I don't know what other people think, at least I was in a desperate mentality before I set off, because my family is about to go bankrupt, and it's going to go bankrupt because of King Lure VIII's **** behavior. Having witnessed the tragic situations of bankrupt families, I absolutely cannot let my family fall into that situation. I can only fight back and have no choice.

At that time, I didn't realize that when I rebelled against the Grand Palace for the first time, an unspeakable ambition grew in my heart, which quickly changed my appearance and made me unable to see who was in front of me.

After the coup d'état began, I found my worries superfluous, and my worries now seem as ridiculous as the level of resistance we encountered in the military coup.

There was no decent resistance at all. It is said that the most intense resistance took place in the Palais des Congrès, but the respected General Andrei brought his **** to pacify it in person. Extremely obedient handed over their weapons, and even joined our team directly.

Military coup - no, it can't be called a military coup, according to the documents issued later by the Palais des Congrès, our action should be called a just overthrow action, launched with the support of the entire Bourbon people.

The just overthrow went so smoothly, and the interim governor, Lord Andre, also promised to abolish the tyranny of King Lure VIII soon, which made all of us Bourbon civilians rejoice.

Then, as a representative of the soldiers, I was set up as a model. Lord Andrei gave me a huge bonus and promoted me to become a team captain, promising me to continue to serve the country during this special period of time.

Today's job is so hard to find, since I have become an officer - although it is only a junior officer, it is not impossible not to be a sailor, so I happily accepted the appointment of Lord Andrei.

Lord Andre, no, it is Lord Andre III. Sure enough, he is different from King Luer VIII. After he was officially confirmed as the governor, he repealed the fifth tax increase of Luer VIII, and promised other tax increases. The tax order will also be gradually repealed soon; in addition, he also promised to change the behavior of the death of Lure VIII and fight a beautiful turnaround for Bourbon.

Moreover, Lord Andre III also made an action that we can't even think about. He actually executed the incompetent King Luer VIII in front of all the residents of Boris. You must know that Luer VIII is incompetent, then Also noble! Therefore, in our cheers, the prestige of Lord Andre III was lifted to the top.

During that period of time, Bourbon suddenly looked bright, and every citizen had a lingering smile on their faces when they met, as if to believe that under the leadership of Lord Andre III, Bourbon would be able to recover. the glory.

The fifth tax increase has been revoked, Lure VIII has been executed, and the plan to reorganize the army more vigorously than the faint king is rapidly being implemented. It will definitely bring the victory we need soon. It has been long forgotten by the Bourbons. victory!

During that time, people and things in Bourbon seemed to be illuminated by colorful fire, every day was full of bliss and carnival, and the celebrations went on all night.

But this short-lived, false radiance soon reached his climax, and we all of Boris indulged in this long-lasting rage, before the beautiful bubble was revealed, before the bursting of the bubble unleashed a raging storm. Drunk state.

Dreams can wake up, but I didn't expect to wake up so quickly, or even that it was just an unreal dream made by a drowning person.

After only a year, the situation in Bourbon began to deteriorate sharply. Even I, an officer on duty in Boris, was in arrears every day, not to mention the vast lower class.

Andre III's promise to cancel the tax hike? Gone; the promised victory for Bourbon? There is still one stalemate after another, forced conscription again and again.

The residents of Boris asked Andre III to respond, but Andre III and his small gang did not respond except for the so-called secret meeting held in the house all day long.

"Peace! No war!" "It's okay to negotiate, let your loved ones come back!" Such slogans have endured in Meath Square and have grown louder over time.

After a month, Andre III finally issued an order, but not to meet their request, but to order our group of guards to clear the field, the so-called "return to Boris a stable and harmonious environment".

Seeing this kind of order, I was immediately angry and refused to carry out the order of Andre III. As a result, Boris who announced the order, the right-hand man of Andre III couldn't help but throw me into prison.

This is the second time I've been thrown into prison, the last time was a few years ago before the coup, when "the agitator" Luhr came to me, and this time it was Boris who came to meet me.

Boris is a slightly fat middle-aged man with a kind face. He sighed and said to me, this order was not what he wanted, and he couldn't stop it. It was not his intention to put me in prison. Having said that, he shook his head and said, Andre III will only stay at home and drink boring wine now.

In Boris's emotional speech, I pretended to be irritated by Andre III's inaction. After Boris denounced Andre III and Lure VIII, there is no essential difference. At this time, someone should imitate Andre III. Row!

I'm in my forties, and I'm not that kind of country idiot. How can I not understand the trick in front of me, but since Boris came to give me an olive branch, I'd better catch it, maybe I can climb higher. ? That once pure-hearted Luhr, as early as in the speech of the "Agitator", as early as in the first coup d'état, as long as he was thrown into prison, died.

If it were me four years ago now, I'm afraid I wouldn't recognize who this impassioned person is in prison. I have changed, and so has Bourbon.

In the past, I didn't dare to say such things at all, but after following the coup of Andre III, I became more courageous. The second time and beyond will be much easier.

A few days later, I was pardoned and I knew it was a Boris operation. Today, I am no longer a **** loyal to Andre III, and have switched to Boris.

Why is Boris trying to win me over? At this time, I was no longer the main soldier who was transferred to the northern channel, but became the capital garrison officer responsible for guarding Boris, and controlled a part of the city defense army of Boris.

According to normal circumstances, people like me are unwilling to hold this kind of position, even some minor nobles may not, these positions are monopolized in the hands of several families.

But after Andre III usurped the throne, Andre III trusted us troops who followed his coup more than those officers who served in regular channels. So in just one year, Andre III used various means to dispatch the original capital garrison officers to the front line and put us in this position.

Since the number of nobles who followed the coup of Andre III was not large, and most of them entered the General Assembly Palace and held important positions, in the end, these low-level officers and other positions actually fell to us civilians! In a chaotic world, everyone can be a dragon. This idea is slowly spreading in Bourbon where I don't know it.

Boris waited for another year. During this year, he connected all over the place, carefully attracting and dividing people who were originally from Andre III's camp, but in 1443, Boris's actions were discovered by Andre III. , Andre III was determined to arrest Boris. After hearing the news from another officer who had defected to Boris, Boris decided to preempt and launch a coup against Andre III in advance.

Boris's coup d'etat was so full that when the flames of the capital were burning, I was ignorant and realized that something was wrong, and at this time Boris' messenger ran half-dead into my house and told me that the coup d'état (justice overthrows) ) time changes and starts earlier.

So I ordered my cronies, wrapped most of the unreasonable city defense soldiers, claiming to be quelling the rebellion, and then took them out. First, I looted a chamber of commerce that I had already figured out - the Geermark Chamber of Commerce , Let the brothers make a small windfall.

At this time, I told them that we are not going to quell the rebellion, but to carry out the second righteous overthrow. This time, the target of the righteous overthrow is Andre III! And now that they have robbed the Geermark Chamber of Commerce, there are only two paths left in front of them, one is to justly overthrow Andre III, and the other is to wait to be executed for robbery.

So relying on this method, I successfully coerced my part of the city defense soldiers into the rebellion.

Then, I immediately moved towards the most fierce battle. According to the explanation of the messenger sent by Boris, Andre III had already brought his personal guards to fight against Boris's headquarters, so we only need to put Andre III in the first place. Get ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ here, then the rest of the city won't be a problem.

When I was leading the troops, I played a trick and deliberately moved in a circle, so when I reached the core of the fierce battle between the two sides of the coup, my position was behind Andre III.

At this time, because of the hasty coup d'etat, Boris was not well prepared. At this time, Andre III had been forced into a corner. At this time, I brought a new force to the rear of Andre III. .

I have been fighting for more than ten years, how could I miss this opportunity? So under my order, the city defense army attacked Andre III's army, and Boris also lost the opportunity to support and attack Andre III's army back and forth with me.

At first, because Andre III's army was more elite, it actually held up a few attacks at first, but at this time, more coup troops "converged" here (several of these guys came early , but are watching), Andre III's army finally couldn't hold it anymore, and gradually began to collapse.

"Damn! Do you think these policies are inseparable from Boris! Last year's order to suppress petitioners and the order to treat the army harshly! It was clearly planned by Boris! It's Boris who treats you harshly, and it's Boris who pretends to be a good person. , are you just…”

Andre III couldn't finish his words, because before he revealed everything, he was hacked to death by a coup soldier, and Andre III's blood splattered on my face.

"I know what you're saying is right, but it's time, what is the truth, does it still matter?" I wiped away the blood on my face, the blood from Andre III, "Up to now, there is even a civilian. ...and dare to kill nobles, and he is still a governor..."

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