Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 95: Centaur Archer

The Pigmen who attacked the northern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory were not very strong. To be honest, they were just like the reserve knights of the human race.

In fact, due to the lack of equipment and slow movement, the combat power of the Pigmen was not as good as the first-level reserve knights of the human race.

However, in addition to the shortcomings, the Pigmen also have their own advantages, that is, thick skin and flesh.

Unfortunately, the advantage of the Pigmen's thick skin and flesh just happened to restrain the crossbow guard corps under Caesar.

There was no way, who told Caesar's crossbow guard corps to be only first-level? The only way to attack was a single crossbow arrow attack.

Although the power of the crossbow arrow was not weak, when facing the thick-skinned Pigmen, except for hitting the Pigmen's vital points and causing fatal damage to the Pigmen, other attacks that hit the Pigmen could not cause fatal damage to the Pigmen.

At most, it would cause some minor damage to the Pigmen.

Just like the group of pigmen who have now attacked the north wall of Sun Moon Territory, although they have many crossbows stuck in their bodies, they still come to the north wall of Sun Moon Territory firmly.

Fortunately, this orc army that came to attack Sun Moon Territory has no effective siege method.

And the pigmen’s attack method against the north wall of Sun Moon Territory is only ramming.

Of course, this does not mean that the ramming siege method of the pigmen is ineffective.

If the wall attacked by the pigmen who attacked the north wall of Sun Moon Territory was not the wall of Sun Moon Territory, but the wall of the lord’s territory in the wilderness of the northern border, then the pigmen’s attack method would have a great chance of breaking through the wall.

Unfortunately, the wall attacked by the pigmen this time was the wall of Sun Moon Territory.

Although the four outermost walls of Sun Moon Territory, east, west, south and north, are all built of ordinary earth and stone, the wide area is not something that can be shaken by the ramming of the pigmen.

At least, the pigmen who are attacking the north wall of the Sun and Moon Territory are not good enough.

Compared with these pigmen who cannot cause damage to the north wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, the crossbow guard corps standing on the north wall is much better.

Although the crossbow arrows they shoot cannot kill the pigmen without hitting the pigmen's vital points.

But as the pigmen continue to approach the north wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, the probability of the crossbow guards hitting the pigmen's vital points also increases.

Therefore, don't think that the crossbow guard corps under Caesar is at a disadvantage in the battle with this orc advance force composed of pigmen and eaglemen.

But as time goes by, the final winner will be the crossbow guard corps under Caesar.

Of course, at this time, neither the orcs who come to attack the Sun and Moon Territory nor Caesar will give it.

After seeing that the advance troops composed of pigmen and eagle archers could not take down the northern wall of Sun Moon Territory, the commander of the orc troops that came to attack Sun Moon Territory directly sent out another orc troop.

Unlike the advance troops composed of pigmen and eagle archers, this orc troop mainly consisted of werewolves, yo-men, and catmen, and its main feature was flexibility.

In addition to this orc team composed of werewolves, dogs, and catmen, the orc commander also sent out archers from the Centaurs.

Unlike the Eaglemen, who only have air superiority and weak physique, the Centaurs' archers, although not as good as the Eaglemen, have air superiority, but their strong physique, the arrows they shoot are not as weak as those of Eaglemen's archers.

The arrows shot by the Centaurs are enough to threaten the human troops wearing armor.

Therefore, after seeing the Orcs outside the Sun and Moon Territory once again dispatched a mixed force of werewolves, dogs, and catmen, as well as Centaurs, Caesar directly sent out the Phantom Archer Corps and the First Heavy Armored Shield Corps to fight.

As the strongest archer corps under Caesar's command, the Phantom Archer Corps shot and killed a lot of Pigmen under the northern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory.

Of course, since the main opponent of the Phantom Archer Corps was the Centaur Archers of the Orcs, the Phantom Archer Corps only fired a few waves at the Pigmen under the northern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, and then focused on the Centaur Archers who were heading towards the northern city of the Sun and Moon Territory.

After all, compared to the Pigmen who only use brute force and cannot pose much threat, the Centaur Archers who master powerful long-range attack methods are more worthy of attention.

……………Please give me flowers 00

In addition, another Orc army composed of werewolves, dogmen, and catmen also needs attention, because they have the ability to climb the northern wall.

Of course, he just needs to pay a little attention.

After all, the Crossbow Guard Corps on the northern wall is not a vegetarian.

Although they can't do anything to the thick-skinned Pigmen, it is still relatively simple to deal with werewolves, dogmen, and catmen.

Otherwise, the Orc commander would not have sent out Centaur Archers to suppress the Crossbow Guard Corps.

Although the orc troops composed of werewolves, dogmen, and catmen were more powerful than the centaurs, they were sent out by the orc leader.


But the first ones to arrive at the combat position were the centaurs.

As soon as they arrived at the combat position, the centaurs were ready to suppress the crossbow guards on the north wall of the Sun and Moon Territory as planned by the orc leader, thus providing the wolfmen, dogmen, and catmen troops in the rear with an opportunity to attack the north wall.

Unfortunately, before the centaurs could draw their bows and shoot arrows to suppress the crossbow guards on the north wall, the phantom archers, who had already focused their attention on the centaurs, taught the centaurs a lesson.

Whoosh~ Whoosh~ Whoosh~

Soon after the centaurs arrived at the combat position and were ready to draw their bows and shoot arrows, arrows shot by the phantom archers rushed towards the centaurs.

As the most elite archer corps under Caesar, the arrows fired by the Phantom Archer Corps were quite powerful, directly killing more than a thousand Centaur archers who had just arrived at the combat position.

Don't think that these more than a thousand Centaur archers are nothing just because their number is far from comparable to the more than one million Orc troops.

In fact, the casualties of these more than a thousand Centaur archers were already quite heavy casualties for this Orc army that came to attack the Sun and Moon Territory.

There was no way, who said that there were not many Centaur archers in this Orc army that came to attack the Sun and Moon Territory? There were only three thousand people. .

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