Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 93: Changes In The Legion, New Responsibilities Of The Guard

However, if we really want to talk about the legion with the largest number of members, it has to be the Lieyang Infantry Legion.

Before the major legions were expanded, the Lieyang Infantry Legion was the legion with the largest number of members in the Sun and Moon Territory.

Now that the scale of the major legions has been expanded, the Lieyang Infantry Legion, which has also been expanded, has even more members.

Like the Heavy Cavalry Legion, Light Cavalry Legion, Archer Legion, and Crossbow Guard Legion, the original Lieyang Infantry Legion is now also divided into multiple legions.

Among them, the most elite is naturally the Lieyang First Infantry Legion.

Although the number of members of the Lieyang First Infantry Legion is not large, only 5,000 people, but the members of the Lieyang First Infantry Legion are all heavy armored infantry wearing heavy armor, and

Their strength, the weakest is in the middle stage of the second level, which is about the middle stage of the primary knight.

There are even high-level knights of the third level, but there are very few of them.

After the First Lieyang Infantry Corps, there is the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps. Like the First Lieyang Infantry Corps, the members of the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps are also heavily armored infantrymen wearing heavy armor.

However, the members of the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps are not as strong as the First Lieyang Infantry Corps. They are almost all second-level soldiers that Caesar has just recruited from the barracks, and their strength is only the most basic second-level early stage.

However, compared with the First Lieyang Infantry Corps, the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps also has its own advantages, that is, the number of members of the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps is as many as 8,000.

Although this number of members is nothing compared to the number of members of the following Lieyang Infantry Corps.

Because the number of members of the following Lieyang Infantry Corps is not less than 10,000.

For example, the Third Lieyang Infantry Corps has a total of 12,000 members.

Of course, although the number of members of the Third Lieyang Infantry Corps is more than that of the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps, in fact, the strength of the Third Lieyang Infantry Corps is not as good as that of the Second Lieyang Infantry Corps.

Because, starting from the 3rd Lieyang Infantry Corps, the members of the following Lieyang Infantry Corps are only light-armored infantry.

In addition, the strength of the members of the following corps is not as good as that of the 2nd Lieyang Infantry Corps.

For example, the 3rd Lieyang Infantry Corps has 12,000 members, but in fact, these 12,000 people are only light-armored infantry with strength between the late first stage and the early second stage.

And the 4th Lieyang Infantry Corps, the 5th Lieyang Infantry Corps, and the 6th Lieyang Infantry Corps after the 3rd Lieyang Infantry Corps, although the number of members of these three corps is as high as 15,000, the strength of the members is also not very strong.

The 4th Lieyang Infantry Corps and the 5th Lieyang Infantry Corps are better, at least the strength of the members of these two corps is above the middle first stage.

The worst is the 6th Lieyang Infantry Corps. Because it was just formed by Caesar, most of the members of the 6th Lieyang Infantry Corps are only at the early first stage, and only a very small part of them have the strength of the middle first stage.

Compared with several Fiery Sun Infantry Corps, the situation of the Phantom Moon Magician Corps is much better.

As a noble magician corps, Caesar's investment in the Phantom Moon Magician Corps is still very large.

Due to the fact that the territory of the Sun and Moon Territory has expanded a lot, the size of the Phantom Moon Magician Corps has inevitably been expanded.

However, compared with other corps that have been expanded on a large scale, the size of the Phantom Moon Magician Corps has not expanded very much.

Except for a few extraordinary people who lead the Phantom Moon Magician Corps, the number of members of the entire Phantom Moon Magician Corps is only 12,000.

Among them, the number of members of the Fire Magician Corps led by the Flame Witch Elena has expanded from the original 1,500 to the current master.

Of course, don't look at the number of members of the Fire Magician Corps led by Elena. The expansion is not much, only 1,500 people, which is nothing.

In fact, although the number of members of the Fire Mage Corps led by Elena has not increased much, they have greatly improved their strength after receiving a lot of resources from Caesar, and have even surpassed the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps.

Because, now the strength of each member of the Fire Mage Corps led by Elena is above the intermediate magician.

If we only talk about the Fire Mage Corps led by Elena, the Fire Mage Corps led by Elena can be said to be a third-level legion.

Similarly, in contrast to the Fire Mage Corps led by Elena, the Ice Mage Corps led by the Ice Witch Ashe is also a 3,000-man troop with each member above the intermediate magician.

In addition to the Fire Mage Corps led by Elena and the Ice Mage Corps led by Ashe, which totaled 6,000 people, the remaining 6,000 people in the Phantom Moon Mage Corps came from the Earth Mage Corps, the Wind Mage Corps, and the Water Mage Corps in the Phantom Moon Mage Corps.

Among them, there are 3,000 earth magicians, 2,000 wind magicians, and 1,000 water magicians. 403

Of course, whether it is the 3,000 earth magicians, the 2,000 wind magicians, or the 1,000 water magicians, they are actually second-level combat forces with the strength of primary magicians.

In addition to the above legions whose strength and scale have been improved, the guards led by Ada and Aer have also been greatly improved in strength and scale.

Nowadays, the number of members of the guards led by Ada and Aer has expanded to 1,800. [013606116 Feilu161061341]

Among them, there are 200 fourth-level combat forces at the level of senior knights, 600 third-level combat forces at the level of intermediate knights, and the remaining 1,000 are all second-level combat forces at the level of primary knights.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the guards led by Ada and Aer are no longer responsible for protecting Caesar.

After all, compared with the Guard Knights, whose weakest members are all high-level knights, even the current guards are far inferior.

Therefore, now, the guards led by Ada and Aer have been sent by Caesar to guard the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce, which travels back and forth between Sun Moon Territory and Korendir, still needs strong guards when walking in the vast northern wilderness. .

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