Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 91 Three Heavy Cavalry Corps

With the vigorous development of Sun and Moon Territory by Caesar, Elu, Ain and others, although only four or five months have passed, the development of Sun and Moon Territory can be said to be rapid.

First of all, in terms of the territory area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory, after Caesar's four or five months of system points investment in the expansion of the territory area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory, the area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory has increased from 10,000 square kilometers when the monster attack was first survived to 28,000 square kilometers now. The territory area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory has directly increased by 18,000 square kilometers

And this is the result of Caesar's control. If Caesar lets go and invests system points to expand the territory area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory, the territory area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory can at least double.

However, in that case, the territory area of ​​Sun and Moon Territory is larger, but other aspects are not good.

After all, the places where Sun and Moon Territory needs to invest system points are not just the expansion of territory area.

Like the major legions of Sun and Moon Territory, they also need to invest a lot of system points.

After all, whether recruiting soldiers from the barracks or equipping the soldiers recruited from the barracks with appropriate equipment, it will consume a lot of Caesar's system points.

Fortunately, after a few months of development, the Sun and Moon Chamber of Commerce established by Ain has been able to earn a lot of gold coins for Caesar by selling items such as monster fur, monster flesh and blood, and alchemy factory potions seized from Caesar's territory, allowing Caesar to use gold coins to replace system points and recruit soldiers from the barracks, greatly reducing the system points consumed by Caesar recruiting soldiers from the barracks.

At the same time, the blacksmiths provided by the Sun and Moon Chamber of Commerce to Caesar also greatly reduced Caesar's investment in equipment~.

So that after four or five months of development, the major legions of the Sun and Moon Territory have become much stronger, and Caesar has even formed a lot of new legions.

It must be said that after the establishment of the Sun and Moon Chamber of Commerce, the military development of the Sun and Moon Territory is quite powerful.

Now, in the Sun and Moon Territory, there are three heavy cavalry legions alone.

The first one among them is naturally the old heavy cavalry corps that existed before the Sun and Moon Territory, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps.

Compared with the previous Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, the current Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, although the number of people has not increased, and even decreased a little, but the individual combat power has been greatly enhanced.

Nowadays, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, excluding the number of extraordinary people, has a total of only 5,000 members, but among these 5,000 people, more than half of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry have the strength of the third level, that is, the intermediate knight.

And the remaining Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry, although their strength has not reached the level of intermediate knights, they also have the strength of the peak of the earth level, that is, the peak of the primary knight.

Even, if these Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry who are only at the peak of the primary knight are given some time, it is not a problem for them to break through to the third level.

It can be said that the current Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps is a quasi-third-level corps.

After talking about the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, let's talk about the second heavy cavalry corps of the Sun and Moon Territory.

Compared with the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, this second heavy cavalry corps was newly built in the past four or five months.

Originally, Caesar had no intention of establishing a second heavy cavalry corps, but it was Caesar's troops who discovered the Horned Bulls, a group of magical beasts suitable for use as mounts during the four or five months of hunting!

The horned bull beast, a second-level magic beast, is not much different from ordinary bulls except that it has one more horn than ordinary bulls and is stronger than ordinary bulls.

Although its temperament is not docile, it is very loyal after being tamed and is very suitable as a mount.

Of course, if it were just this, Caesar would not have re-established a heavy cavalry corps for this purpose.

The real reason that made Caesar determined to establish a heavy cavalry corps was that this group of horned bull beasts surrendered directly after encountering the troops under Caesar's command.

Caesar still had some good feelings for the horned bull beast group, the first magic beast group that surrendered voluntarily.

So, the second heavy cavalry corps of the Sun and Moon Territory, the horned bull heavy cavalry corps, was established.

The number of people in the horned bull heavy cavalry corps is not large, only 3,000, because among the horned bull beasts that surrendered to Caesar, there are only more than 3,000 adult horned bull beasts.


However, although the number of the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps is not large, their strength is not weak. Each member of the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps has the strength of a second-level or primary knight.

Of course, this is not surprising. After all, as long as the Horned Bull Beasts reach adulthood, they are second-level, and Caesar naturally cannot equip them with first-level reserve knights.

Compared with the two heavy cavalry corps, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps, the third heavy cavalry corps of the Sun and Moon Territory seems to be more desolate. It does not even have a unique corps title, just the name of the third heavy cavalry corps.

In terms of mounts, let alone the Giant Lizard Monsters of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, even the Horned Bull Beasts of the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps cannot compare. The mounts of this third heavy cavalry corps are just half-demon beasts, powerful horses.

Powerful horses, as the name suggests, are horses with relatively strong strength. In addition to being relatively strong, there are no other advantages.

In terms of member configuration, the members of this third heavy cavalry corps are basically just ordinary heavy cavalry of the first-level strength, that is, the pre-knight level.

Of course, the decline of the Third Heavy Cavalry Corps is only compared with the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps.

In fact, in the territory of the Kingdom of Boro, the configuration of heavy cavalry in the duke-level and marquis-level territories is just like this. Perhaps some duke-level and marquis-level territories are better, but the gap is not big.

After all, it is still difficult to form a complete heavy cavalry corps.

In fact, most earldoms do not even have such a thing as a heavy cavalry corps.

So, the Third Heavy Cavalry Corps under Caesar is still quite good.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that although the Third Heavy Cavalry Corps under Caesar is not as good as the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps in terms of personnel and mount configuration, the number of members is not comparable to the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps.

The entire Third Heavy Cavalry Corps has a total of 12,000 members, which is four more than the number of members of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Horned Bull Heavy Cavalry Corps combined. .

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