Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 86: Plane Subconscious

After destroying the monsters they encountered, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps continued to move forward in the direction of the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Along the way, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps would occasionally encounter monsters that were affected by the expansion of the Sun and Moon Territory and were heading towards the Sun and Moon Territory.

For these monsters, if the number is not large, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps will spend some time to destroy them all.

If the number of monsters is large, the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps will choose to drill through them and continue to move forward.

Although the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps are not unable to destroy these monsters, it will take a long time.

After all, the legion warriors of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps are there.

Starting from the Sun and Moon Territory, they slaughtered countless monsters heading towards the Sun and Moon Territory. When they arrived at the second half of the area between the Sun and Moon Territory and the Extremely Cold Mountains, that is, near the Extremely Cold Mountains, they saw that there were no monsters in this area, so the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps prepared to return the same way.

However, just as the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps were preparing to return to the Sun and Moon Territory, a roar like thousands of troops suddenly sounded from behind the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps, that is, in the direction of the Extremely Cold Mountains.

Looking back, the warriors of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps immediately saw a terrifying scene.

They saw that behind them, a group of extremely large monsters from the Extremely Cold Mountains were constantly rushing towards them.

"Hmm? Is the scope of influence of the expansion of our Sun and Moon Territory this time so large?" Looking at the group of extremely cold mountain beasts that kept rushing towards the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps led by him, the leader of the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps, the extraordinary peak Dulus, couldn't help but wonder.

As an old man of the Sun and Moon Territory who has resisted countless attacks by monsters caused by the expansion of the Sun and Moon Territory, Dulus still has some understanding of the scope of the monsters that can be affected every time the Sun and Moon Territory expands.

It is precisely because of this understanding that Dulus felt puzzled when he saw the group of extremely cold mountain beasts rushing towards them.

Although the area of ​​the Sun and Moon Territory has expanded to 10,000 square kilometers this time, the scope of the monsters that can be affected is not comparable to the previous expansion of the Sun and Moon Territory by 100 square kilometers or 1,000 square kilometers, but it should not affect the extremely cold mountains.

After all, the extremely cold mountains are not very close to the Sun and Moon Territory.

In fact, Dulus didn't know that under normal circumstances, the expansion of Sun Moon Territory this time, even if it expanded to 10,000 square kilometers, would not affect the Extreme Cold Mountains.

But who said that the situation this time was special?

The expansion of the territory of Sun Moon Territory this time just happened to be after the end of the super-large beast tide caused by the Extreme Cold Mountains, and many monsters around Sun Moon Territory were eliminated.

In order to affect enough monsters, the affected area this time was much larger than the normal range.

However, this was not the main reason.

The main reason is that there are too few fifth-level monsters around the Sun and Moon Territory, and these fifth-level monsters are not affected [no attack by the use of the territory.

Therefore, in order to destroy the Sun and Moon Territory, the subconsciousness of the plane of the Orlan plane can only instinctively expand the scope of influence and instinctively influence those fifth-level monsters.

Unfortunately, the monster affected by the subconsciousness of the plane of the Orlan plane is just the violent ice tiger in the extremely cold mountains.

The violent ice tiger is a fifth-level monster race living in the extremely cold zone. As the name suggests, it is an extremely violent and irritable monster. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the violent ice tiger lives alone.

Influenced by the subconsciousness of the plane of the Orlan plane, the violent ice tiger immediately set out from the inner area of ​​the extremely cold mountains and headed towards the Sun and Moon Territory.

As a fifth-level tiger monster, the deterrent power of the violent ice tiger is still very strong. Once it is dispatched, it directly affects the monsters around it.

Of course, if it was just one violent ice tiger, then it wouldn't be a big deal. The magic beasts living around the violent ice tiger only needed to avoid this violent ice tiger.

…………Please give me flowers……0

But the problem is that this time, the violent ice tigers affected by the subconscious of the Orlan plane are not just one, but many.

Therefore, the magic beasts in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, which are close to the living area of ​​these violent ice tigers and the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, can only move towards the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, and the magic beasts in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains are affected by the magic beasts in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains and move towards the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains. The magic beasts in the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains can only leave the Extreme Cold Mountains.

And as these affected violent ice tigers leave the Extreme Cold Mountains, those magic beasts affected by the violent ice tigers can only leave the Extreme Cold Mountains.

In this way, because the violent ice tigers were affected, this matter, which was originally an attack on the Sun and Moon Territory by the violent ice tigers, directly turned into a large-scale monster tide in the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Therefore, Dulus and the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps under his command saw the horrifying scene in front of them.

Since he saw the numerous monsters in front of him, Dulus naturally could not ignore them.

After all, the order Caesar gave them was to kill as many monsters as possible that went to attack the Sun and Moon Territory to reduce the casualties when the territory was defended by monsters.

Without the slightest hesitation, Dulus led his Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps led by Wilkins to charge at the group of extremely cold mountain monsters.

The charge led by more than a dozen extraordinary knights, including Dulus and Wilkins, was naturally not something that this group of extremely cold mountain monsters, which were only at the highest level 5, could resist.

Although the number of these extremely cold mountain monsters was extremely large, Dulus, Wilkins and more than a dozen extraordinary knights still led the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps to break through them.

Unfortunately, although Dulus, Wilkins and a dozen other extraordinary knights led the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps to break through the beast tide of the extremely cold mountain beasts, they failed to kill the core of the beast tide, the violent ice tiger, so the extremely cold mountain beasts continued to advance towards the Sun and Moon Territory.

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