Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 83 Cleaning Up The Battlefield, Trading

From Lina's words, he heard about Lina's origins. Caesar was still a little shocked that Lina came from the Gould family.

As a member of the declining noble Griffin family, and having lived in the Boro Kingdom for more than ten years, how could Caesar not have heard of the Gould family, one of the three duke families of the Boro Kingdom!

However, thinking about the six great knights around Lina, Caesar was not surprised that Lina came from the Gould family.

After all, apart from the royal family and the three dukes of the Boro Kingdom, which force in the entire Boro Kingdom can come up with six great knights to help the younger generation expand their territory!

After being slightly shocked by Lina's origins, Caesar replied: "Caesar Griffin, the lord of the Sun and Moon Territory."

"Are you the Earl Lord of the Sun and Moon Territory who opened up a territory in the depths of the northern wilderness?" Hearing Caesar's answer, before Lina could speak, Laura Gould, who came to Caesar and others with Lina, looked at Caesar in surprise.

Hearing Laura Gould's words, Caesar did not answer, but looked at Laura Gould and asked Lina: "Lina, who is she?"

"She is my aunt, Laura, Laura Gould." Hearing Caesar's question, Lina replied.

"So she is Lina's aunt." Hearing Lina's words, Caesar said, and then answered Laura's question.

"If there is no other person who has opened up a territory called Sun and Moon Territory in the depths of the Northern Wilderness, then the Earl Lord who opened up the Sun and Moon Territory in the depths of the Northern Wilderness should be me."

"Count Caesar, how did you think of opening up a territory in the depths of the Northern Wilderness?

You know, in the depths of the Northern Wilderness, there are not only a large number of monsters, but also bordering the Extreme Cold Mountains and the Everwinter Plains where the Orcs now live.

Even the three dukes of the Boro Kingdom, including our Gould family, and the royal family of the Boro Kingdom are unwilling to establish a territory in the depths of the Northern Wilderness." Hearing Caesar's admission, Laura directly exposed her true nature and asked Caesar with a curious look.

Hearing Laura's question, before Caesar responded, Lina, who was beside Laura, immediately said to Laura with a dark face: "Aunt, your question is a bit too much."1

"Sorry, I'm too talkative." Hearing Lina's words, Laura realized the seriousness of the problem and apologized to Caesar immediately.

"Uh, it's okay!" After hearing Laura's apology, Caesar, who had no idea what was going on, paused and said.

Looking at Caesar who didn't care, and watching the guards and guards who were cleaning the battlefield and collecting the bodies of the black bull and muscle bull on the battlefield, Lina said to Caesar: "Count Caesar, thank you for your help this time. I see that it will take some time for your warriors to clean the battlefield. Why don't you go to my territory to rest first."

"No, it won't take too long to clean the battlefield. I'd better wait here." After hearing Lina's words, Caesar, who was concerned about his trip to Korendir, immediately refused.

Hearing Caesar's refusal, Lina no longer invited him, but chatted with Caesar while waiting with Laura.

As Caesar, Lina and Laura chatted, time passed by minute by minute. The guards and escort members who were responsible for cleaning the battlefield also collected the black magic bulls and muscle magic bulls they killed and piled them up according to different strength stages. As for Lina's territory, the black bulls killed in the original battle with the black bull tribe, Caesar's guards and guards "did not move at all.

Although, even if Caesar's guards and guards collected the black bulls killed in Lina's territory, the people in Lina's territory would not dare to say anything.

But who says Caesar is not a person who is blinded by profit!

Of course, in fact, the black bulls killed in Lina's territory can bring too little profit, just some ordinary second-level black bulls and a few third- and fourth-level black bulls, which are not worth Caesar breaking the bottom line.

If it is a legendary beast corpse, do you think Caesar will want it?

Looking at the black bull corpses and muscle bull corpses that were collected and piled up by Caesar's guards and guards, Lina was a little moved and asked Caesar asked: "Count Caesar, I wonder how you plan to deal with these corpses of black magic bulls and muscle magic bulls? If possible, can you sell some to me?" Hearing Lina's words, Caesar's heart was moved. Although the corpses of the second-level magic beast black magic bulls are considered precious and good things in the northern wilderness, no, in the entire Boro Kingdom. But for Caesar, who hunts in the extremely cold mountains almost every day, expands his territory to hunt beasts from time to time, and makes a fortune in this super-large beast tide, these corpses of black magic bulls are not very precious. If they can be sold, it's nothing. Immediately, he opened his mouth to Lina and said: "I will keep the corpses of the muscle magic bulls and a group of third- and fourth-level black magic bulls for use. As for those ordinary second-level black magic bulls, if you want them, I will sell them all to you as long as the price is right. "

"I'll buy a second-level black magic bull for a thousand gold coins!" After hearing what Caesar said, Lina didn't think about bargaining with Caesar, and directly quoted the price she could offer.

After hearing what Lina said, Caesar thought for a while and agreed directly.

After all, the price Lina quoted was not low, at least it was much better than if Caesar sold it himself.

Because not everyone can be as rich as Lina, who was born in the Gould family.

Of course, it's not a loss for Lina to buy a second-level black magic bull with a thousand gold coins.

Although, the black magic The meat on the cow is not worth a thousand gold coins, but don't forget that the good things on the black magic cow are not only the beef on it. Its horns, tendons, and cowhide can all be used to make good equipment.

Therefore, this transaction about the second-level black magic cow is a happy one for Caesar and Lina, and no one loses.

After trading the second-level black magic cow with Lina, Caesar asked Sever to use the summoning space to collect the bodies of the muscle magic cows and the third and fourth-level black magic cows, and then left Lina's territory with the guard knights and the escort team. .

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