Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 81: Territory In Crisis

However, the knight who originally restrained the leader of the black magic bull did not want to fight against the mutated muscle magic bull this time.

After all, the knight was not the opponent of the black magic bull leader. When he fought against the black magic bull leader before, he also took advantage of his flexibility to restrain the black magic bull leader.

Now, after the black magic bull leader mutated into a more powerful muscle magic bull, he is even less of an opponent. If he is not careful, he will be severely injured by the muscle magic bull.

Therefore, when he saw the fifth-stage late muscle magic bull rushing towards him, the knight dodged the attack of the fifth-stage late muscle magic bull.

However, the consequence? The fifth-stage late muscle magic bull hit the wall of the territory.


Then, there was a loud noise, and the wall that was originally used to resist the attack of the monsters and protect the safety of the people in the territory was knocked down by the fifth-stage late muscle magic bull.

"Oster, Grove, you two help Skaroni and go deal with that muscular bull together." Seeing the city wall destroyed by the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull, the great knight-level strongman who was originally standing on the city wall to watch the battle spoke to the other two great knights.

"Yes! Lady Lola." Hearing the words of the great knight-level strongman standing on the city wall, also known as Lady Lola, Oster and Grove replied

Then they killed the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull~.

Of course, given the strength of the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull, what Oster and Grove had to do was not to kill the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull beyond their ability, but to work with Skaroni, who was originally responsible for restraining the leader of the black bull, to restrain this - muscular bull.

Unfortunately, whether it was Lady Lola who gave the order, or Oster and Grove, they all underestimated the strength of the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull after the transformation.

Oster, Grove and the three great knights Skaroni worked together, but they could not contain the mutated fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull.

In a short while, the city wall of the territory had been destroyed by the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull.

In addition, when restraining the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull, Grove was severely injured by the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull because he did not dodge in time.

Fortunately, the lady Lola who gave the order before was a fifth-stage priest of the great knight level. After Grove was severely injured by the fifth-stage muscular bull, she immediately used healing magic to treat Grove's injuries.

Although the healing magic of the lady Lola could not cure all of Grove's injuries, it also cured Grove's injuries, so that he would not lose his combat ability and could still deal with the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull.

It can be said that Oster, Grove and Skaroni were completely at a disadvantage in the battle with the fifth-stage late-stage muscular bull.

Similarly, on the other side, the remaining two fifth-level knights in the territory were also having a very difficult battle with the muscular demon bulls that had mutated and reached the fifth-level early stage.

If these two fifth-level early stage muscular demon bulls had not mutated, any one of these two fifth-level knights could have suppressed them.

But after these two early fifth-stage muscle bulls completed their mutation, although the two fifth-stage knights of the territory had entered the fifth stage for quite some time, they were still not as powerful as the two early fifth-stage muscle bulls.

Although they were not as powerfully crushed by the late fifth-stage muscle bulls as Oster, Grove and Scaloni, they were still not opponents of the two early city-stage muscle bulls.

Of course, this was not the most troublesome thing. The most troublesome thing was the low-level battlefield.

Originally, the low-level combat power of the territory was not as good as that of the black magic bulls. The reason why they could fight on equal terms with the black magic bulls was because of the city walls.

But now, after a part of the city wall was destroyed by the late fifth-stage muscle bulls, the low-level combat power of the territory directly lost the favorable terrain and was directly suppressed by the black magic bulls in the battle with them.

Some black magic bulls took advantage of the gaps in the destroyed city walls to rush into the city and wreak havoc.

Seeing that the territory city was about to be unable to withstand the attack of the black magic bull tribe, Caesar knew that he had to take action. Fortunately, the lord of this territory was barely an acquaintance, so he naturally had to help.


Of course, the premise is to ignore the system points that the black magic bull tribe can bring to Caesar.

After confirming to help, Caesar immediately opened his mouth and ordered Emilia and Er: "Emilia, Er, you take the guard knights and guards to help

Hearing Caesar's order, Emilia and Er immediately led their guard knights and guards to rush to the battlefield where the battle was taking place.

Just as Emilia and Er were about to lead their guard knights and guards to support, on the territory wall that was resisting the attack of the black magic bull tribe, the territory that Caesar knew before The land lord's senior magician lady came to the vicinity of the fifth-level priest. [013606116 Feilu 161031411]

"Lina, what are you doing here? Don't you know it's dangerous here?" Looking at the senior magician lady who came to her side, Lady Lola scolded the senior magician lady.

Hearing Lady Lola's scolding, the senior magician lady, that is, Lina, laughed and said: "Hehe! Aunt Lola, I have a magic necklace given by my grandfather. As long as it is not an extraordinary attack, it can't do anything to me."

Then, Lina took a look at the battlefield in trouble, and continued: "Besides, if I don't come, how can I solve these black magic bulls attacking my territory.

"Do you want to use the intermediate magic scroll containing extraordinary magic?" Hearing Lina's words, Nila guessed.

Then, before Lina could respond, Laura scolded again: "Lina, you are just kidding. Do you know how expensive this intermediate magic scroll containing extraordinary magic is?"

"But, isn't the magic scroll created for use? And it can be used to protect my territory, isn't it worth it?" Lina asked back after hearing Laura's scolding.

And Laura was speechless after hearing Lina's question, because, as Lina said, the purpose of creating the magic scroll was to be used.

Moreover, using this intermediate magic scroll to protect Lina's territory is also worth it. .

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