Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 7: Territory Expansion, Warcraft Attack

To be on the safe side, Caesar did not inject too many system points at once. To expand the territory, he only injected 100 points needed to expand one square kilometer.

After expanding the territory by one square kilometer, Caesar took Shaflina out of the Lord's Mansion, ready to see the consequences of the expansion of the territory.

However, I don't know whether it was because the territory expanded by Caesar was too small, the hatred of the indigenous people was too low, or because Caesar had already cleaned up the surrounding area of ​​his territory, the square kilometer of territory expanded by Caesar did not cause the so-called indigenous attacks.

Caesar was a little disappointed about this. He wanted to use this to brush some system points?

So Caesar walked into the Lord's Mansion again, came to the Lord's Heart, injected more system points, and expanded more territory.

Because the points obtained from exploring the Extreme Cold Mountains today were not too many, only a little over 500, so the points Caesar injected into the Lord's Heart were not many, and it was only 500 at most.

Therefore, the area of ​​the expanded territory is also not much, only five square kilometers.

Of course, even if Caesar only expanded the territory by five square kilometers, the reward of the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff in the Novice Gift Pack is still triggered.

The requirements for Caesar to expand the territory by the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff are not high. As long as Caesar expands the territory by one square kilometer, the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff will give rewards.

Of course, this reward is only a primary reward, and the primary reward is not very good. It just allows Caesar to choose between a low-level soldier and a household.

Because the most important thing at this stage is to expand more territory, Caesar did not choose the household, but a low-level soldier.

Fortunately, Caesar can choose the type of low-level soldiers given by the Hundred Days of Expansion Buff.

There are quite a few types of low-level soldiers given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, including the light cavalry and heavy armored shield soldiers that Caesar has now, as well as the heavy cavalry, heavy armored swordsman, spearman, archer, crossbowman and other soldiers that Caesar has not yet obtained.

In this regard, Caesar directly chose the crossbowman as a low-level soldier reward. After all, Caesar did not forget that when dealing with the extreme cold baboons today, many extreme cold baboons escaped because of the lack of long-range attacks.

The crossbowman has a good long-range attack capability.

As for why Caesar did not choose the archers who also have long-range attack capabilities, it is because the archers' attack speed is not as fast as the crossbowmen. In addition, in the lush forest, the restrictions on archers are greater than those on crossbowmen, so Caesar chose the crossbowmen.

Of course, if it were not for the low-level soldiers given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, which themselves have the strength of reserve knights, Caesar would not choose the so-called long-range soldiers.

While Caesar was selecting the rewards given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, outside the territory, some monsters that were inexplicably affected and became extremely angry were rushing towards Caesar's territory.

Obviously, these were the so-called natives who were affected when Caesar expanded his territory.

Since Caesar had arranged for the knights, or light cavalry, to patrol, these magical beasts, which were affected inexplicably and became extremely angry, were discovered by the patrolling light cavalry before they approached Caesar's territory.

Then, the warning whistle sounded, and Caesar arrived at the scene with five crossbowmen rewarded by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff and a group of other light cavalry who were on standby in the territory.

Perhaps because the area of ​​Caesar's territory that was expanded at one time was not very large, the number of magical beasts that came to attack Caesar's territory was not large, only about a hundred.

However, although the number of the hundred or so magical beasts that came was not large, it was still a big problem for the patrolling team of light cavalry to deal with it.

Because, although most of the hundred or so magical beasts that came were half-magic beasts that did not even have the strength of the first level, there were still a small number of magical beasts with the strength of the first level. Even among them, Caesar saw a dire wolf with the strength of the second level.

Of course, after Caesar brought his troops to support, the attacking monsters no longer posed any threat.

With Caesar's order, the hundreds of attacking monsters were directly transformed into Caesar's system points.

And their corpses, except for a few inedible ones, most of them became food for everyone in Caesar's territory, saving Caesar some points.

You know, because Caesar's space ring is not very big, most of the food Caesar bought from Korendiel has been consumed in the process of searching for territory in the past ten days.

Next, if Caesar doesn't want to waste time buying food in Korendiel, he can only choose to buy it from the system mall with system points.

Although, in the system mall, one system point is enough to buy a lot of food, it is also good to save a little.

What's more, this time it is meat.

Seeing this harvest, Caesar can't help but want more monsters to attack his territory.

Fortunately, the less than one hundred system points directly let Caesar recognize the reality.

After ordering his light-armored cavalry to patrol the territory in turn, Caesar returned to the territory with the corpses of the monsters he had harvested, as well as the light-armored cavalry and crossbowmen who were taking turns to rest.

After resting for a night in the territory, early the next morning, Caesar and Shaflina took some light-armored cavalry and five crossbowmen who were rewarded from the Hundred Days of Expansion buff yesterday, cleaned up the territory, and headed straight for the Extreme Cold Mountains.

After all, the system points brought by the large number of monsters in the Extreme Cold Mountains are too important for Caesar now.

By the way, let me just mention that considering that the most important thing at this stage is to expand the territory area and get rewards from the Hundred Days of Expansion buff, there is no system points to buy the primary animal training field from the system mall.

Therefore, Caesar could only bear the pain and kill the eight captured dire wolves, turning them into system points and the reserve food of the territory.

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