Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 61 Inviting Lady Romanlana

Hearing what Caesar said, Elu was also somewhat tempted, but thinking that Caesar's territory had just been expanded, Elu, who was worried that she, Aisha, Aiyin and others would drag down Caesar, still said with some hesitation: "But, your territory has just been created. Would it be too much trouble for you if we go to your territory?"

"Sister Elu, how can you trouble me by coming to my territory?"

Hearing what Elu said, Caesar quickly denied it.

"On the contrary, I have to trouble you, Sister Elu, to help me manage my territory!"

"I, help you manage your territory?" Hearing what Caesar said, Elu pointed at herself and said with some doubt.

"Yes, I need Sister Ailu to help me manage the territory." Hearing Ailu's doubts, Caesar nodded, and then continued: "Sister Ailu, you know that I am not good at management. And there is no one under my command who can manage the territory. Therefore, although I expanded the Sun and Moon Territory in the wilderness of the northern border, the management of the Sun and Moon Territory is a mess. The purpose of returning to Dok City this time is not only to bring Sister Ailu back to the territory, but also to let Sister Ailu manage the territory for me." "In addition, I also want Sister Aiyin to help me set up a chamber of commerce belonging to the Sun~Moon Territory. I have stored a lot of good things in the warehouse of the Sun~Moon Territory, but because I and my people are not good at business, these good things stored in the warehouse are still stored in the warehouse of the Sun~Moon Territory. Hearing that Caesar only asked Ailu and Aiyin for help and did not mention herself at all, Aisha immediately said: "Caesar, I can also help. "

After Elsa spoke, Irene also quickly pulled Eve and said: "Brother Caesar, Sister Eve and I can also help."

"Sister Elsa, the most important thing for you now is to rely on the breathing method and resources I provide to break through and become a great knight." Hearing what Elsa and Irene said, Caesar spoke to Elsa.

Then, he touched Eve and Irene's heads again, and said to Eve and Irene: "As for you two, after you arrive in the Sun and Moon Territory, I will arrange a few teachers for you, and you can just follow them to learn."

On the other side, after hearing what Caesar said, Elu thought for a while, and immediately said to Caesar: "Since Caesar needs our help, then I will go to the consul and quit the job of deputy consul. "

Here is a brief explanation. In the Boro Kingdom, the mayor of each city is generally captured by the king's confidants or the confidants brought in from the city's territory.

However, it is precisely because of this that most of the mayors of the Boro Kingdom do not have outstanding management capabilities.

Thus, the position of the governor, who assists the mayor in managing the city, was born.

And because the purpose of the position of the governor is to assist the mayor of the city, the rights and interests of the governor all come from the mayor.

Therefore, the position of the governor in the city can be said to be important or unimportant.

Therefore, it is still very easy for the deputy mayor, Ai Lu, to resign.

After seeing Ai Lu, the elder sister, express her wishes, Ai Yin immediately said: "Then, I will also dissolve the Chamber of Commerce. "

On the other hand, Caesar, who had just appeased his two younger sisters, Eve and Irene, said quickly after hearing what Alu and Ain said: "I have no objection to Sister Alu resigning from the job of deputy governor. After arriving in the Sun and Moon Territory, I will give Sister Alu some rights and interests, which will be much greater than when she was the deputy governor of Dok City.

But sister Ain, if you dissolve the Chamber of Commerce, I have something to say. "

"Hey? What's wrong with me dissolving the Chamber of Commerce?" Hearing Caesar's words, Ain said in confusion.

"Sister Ain, the Chamber of Commerce in Dok City was created by you with great effort, so why don't you dissolve it?

Besides, I didn't say that I don't allow you to take the Chamber of Commerce to Riyue."

After hearing Caesar's words, Ain came back to her senses and almost cried because of what she said before, so she quickly said: "I didn't want to dissolve the Chamber of Commerce. I just said that I would dissolve the Chamber of Commerce, but I was led into the ditch by my elder sister."

"Ain, you are stupid, don't blame me. "After hearing what Ain said, Alu quickly spoke up.

……………Please give me flowers 00

Afterwards, Alu and Ain continued to talk to Caesar about the territory and the Chamber of Commerce. [013606116 Feilu151591001]

After the conversation, Alu got up and went to the governor of Dok City and resigned from the job of deputy governor.

Compared to Alu's easy resignation as deputy governor, Ain's desire to bring the Chamber of Commerce to the Sun and Moon Territory was much more troublesome.

Let's not talk about whether the people in the Chamber of Commerce are willing to follow Ain to In the Sun and Moon Territory, it would take Ain a lot of time just to deal with the goods stored in the Chamber of Commerce and to lead the Chamber of Commerce to deal with the matters to be dealt with in the Sun and Moon Territory.

Therefore, if Caesar wanted to take Elu, Aisha and others back to the Sun and Moon Territory, he would have to wait in Dok City for a few days.


The day after Caesar returned to Dok City, Lady Romanlana came to the Griffin family as promised.

However, after Caesar revealed his identity as the Earl Lord, Elu, Aisha and Ain no longer had the time to let Eve and Irene follow Lady Romanlana to Yuan The idea of ​​the Elemental Magic Academy.

After all, the resources provided by the Elemental Magic Academy to Eve and Irene are not comparable to the resources provided by Caesar to Eve and Irene.

As for the problems of meditation, magic and alchemy, after knowing that there are three extraordinary magicians and extraordinary alchemists in Caesar's territory, Elu, Aisha and Aiyin are even less worried.

Therefore, after hearing that Madam Romanlana wanted to take Eve and Irene to the Elemental Magic Academy, Elu, Aisha and Aiyin rejected Madam Zero Lana's proposal without hesitation. .

Elu even sent an invitation to Lady Romanlana on behalf of Caesar, inviting her to join Caesar's territory.

After all, Lady Romanlana, who is both a senior magician and a senior alchemist, is a talent for Caesar's current territory.

After hearing Elu's invitation, Lady Romanlana naturally refused.

After all, compared with the invitation from the Elemental Magic Academy, the invitation from the newly expanded territory of Sun and Moon Territory obviously could not impress her.

However, soon, Lady Romanlana agreed to Elu's invitation and agreed to join the Old Moon Territory. .

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